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Original Post:
by: steve1111 on Dec 25, 2012


In the beginning there was nothingness this is the Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur and nothingness was composed of all the energies and forces of the Divine Universe at a time before our existence for this is the primal point that we came from and to which we shall return. Thus the Divine Spirit began to manifest through stages energies each denser than the last. Each stage came from that which was before it. And low there came ten energies unique and individual unto themselves with the physical universe, the tenth among them. And these ten energies formed a tree that had twenty-two branches. And this tree is the tree of life of which the bible spoke for it is the blueprint of the universe and only the divine knows of it completely. We shall now invoke the tree for it is said that which is above is as that which is below. For I am Kether the crown represented by the name of god Eheieh the name that was given to Moses at the burning bush and means "I am that I am". My angel is Metron the greatest of angelic beings. I rule the universe and represent on this plane completion of the Great work . With this sword I pass on to my place on the tree." Hands sword to Chokmah and goes to his place.


I am Chokmah wisdom I am represented by the name of god Yah which means Divine Ideal Wisdom, my angel is Ratziel the prince of knowledge and hidden and concealed things. I rule the solar system and represent on this plane devotion. With this sword I pass on to my place on the tree.

Hands sword to Binah and goes to his place.


I am Binah understanding I am represented by the name of god Jehovah Elohim which means Lord God, my angel is Tzaphkiel the prince of spiritual strife against evil. I rule Saturn and on this plane I represent silence but can represent avarice. With this sword I pass on to my place on the tree.

Hands sword to Chesed.


I am Chesed mercy and justice, I am represented by the name of god El which means God the Mighty One, my angel is Tzadkiel the prince of mercy and beneficence. I rule Jupiter and represent elemental salt. On this plane I represent obedience to a higher will but can represent pride and hypocrisy. With this sword I pass on to my place on the tree.

Hands sword to Geburah.


I am Geburah severity and strength, I am represented by the name of god Elohim Gebor which means God Almighty, my angel is Kamael the prince of strength and courage. I rule Mars and represent elemental sulfer, on this plane I represent energy and courage but can represent cruelty. With this sword I pass on to my place on the tree.

Hands sword to Tiphareth.


I am Tiphareth beauty, I am represented by the name of god Jehovah Aloah Va Daath which means God of Knowledge and Wisdom, my angel is Raphael archangel of brightness, beauty, healing and life. I rule the Sun and represent elemental mercury, on this plane I represent devotion to the great work but I can also represent false pride. With this sword I pass on to my place on the tree."

Hands sword to Netzach.


I am Netzach victory, I am represented by the name of god Jehovah Tzabaoth which means God of hosts, my angel is Haniel archangel of love and harmony. I rule Venus and represent initiation into the element of fire, on this plane I represent unselfishness but I can also represent lust and impurity. With this sword I pass on to my place on the tree.

Hands sword to Hod.


I am Hod glory, I am represented by the name of god Elohim Tzabaoth which means God of hosts ruling the universe in wisdom and harmony, my angel is Michael the Archangel Prince of splendor and wisdom and the great protector. I rule Mercury and represent initiation into the element of water, on this plane I represent truth but I can also represent dishonesty. With this sword I pass on to my place on the tree.

Hands sword to Yesod


I am Yesod foundation, I am represented by the name of god Shaddai El Chai which means Almighty Living God , my angel is Gabriel archangel of truth. I rule the Moon and represent initiation into the element of air, on this plane I represent independence but can also represent idleness. With this sword I pass on to my place on the tree.

Hands sword to Malkuth


I am Malkuth kingdom, I am represented by the name of god Adonai Ha Aretz which means Lord of the Earth and Visible Universe, my angel is the archangel Sandalphon the approacher and prince of prayer. I rule the Earth and represent initiation into the element of earth, on this plane I represent discrimination but can also represent avarice. With this sword I pass on to my place on the tree.

Takes sword and lays it on altar.


As above


So below


As it is in the heavens


So it is on earth


Where in Malkuth is in Kether


So Kether is in Malkuth


We will now purify, consecrate and empower this space and those within with elemental salt, sulfur, and mercury and the elements fire, water, air and earth."


I purify, consecrate and empower with salt this space and those within.

Returns to his place.


I purify, consecrate and empower with sulfur this space and those within.

Returns to his place.


I purify, consecrate and empower with mercury this space and those within.

Returns to his place.


I purify, consecrate and empower with fire this space and those within.

Returns to his place.


I purify, consecrate and empower with water this space and those within.

Returns to his place.


I purify, consecrate and empower with air this space and those within.

Returns to his place.


I purify, consecrate and empower with earth this space and those within.

Returns to his place.

All do Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram to finish.