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Forums -> General Info -> Re: Purifying Sacred Space
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Original Post:
by: SpiritualGal on Sep 05, 2013

many traditions it is said that it is best for you to pufify or cleanse your sacred space before attemping any ritual or spell work, but it depends on your tradition and what works best for you.
[B]Smudging[/B] many people would consider using white sage or certain types of herbs when it comes to banishing negative energy.... For me I use white sage and sweetgrass, it actually helps a lot. As you may know that many people on this site use white sage. It is one of the most effective ways to banish any negative energy away in your house or where ever you are.
[B]The Broom[/B] this is another common way to get rid of any negative energy. All you're doing is sweeping your floor with a broom but visualizeing any negative energy vanishing.

If have anymore infornation to add, Feel free.