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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: Entirely inexperienced
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Original Post:
by: DrDashDash on Oct 23, 2015

Hi, I'm Dash. The ideas of magic, witchcraft, and psychic ability have always intrigued me, though some combination of my Christian upbringing, the general stigma surrounding magic and the supernatural, and my own skepticism of most things in general have kept me from pursuing a greater knowledge of these topics. Recent events have cause me to throw caution to the winds, however, and I'm hoping that I can find the answers I seek through new channels. I'm not sure what drew me here, if anything, but it seemed like the most logical place to start -- after a failed attempt at making a deal with a devil that I'm not sure I really believe in. To be honest, I'm a bit lost -- both in my knowledge of the things I hope to learn here, and in life (in general). I'm a very dedicated person with an addictive personality, so if there might be someone here that would relish the idea as serving as a mentor, I will do my everything within my power to excel. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would be more than appreciative.

Thanks again,