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Original Post:
by: Nikkibear on Sep 28, 2008

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the meaning of my dream that i had the other night, I will describe my dream but I do not all of it:

My friend, Jesse,lives in California and I live in New York. For some reason i found a site online that told me about teleporting, but you had to teleport in a closet. So I went in my closet and shut the doors. I do not remeber exactly what I said but I said "Take me to Jesse _____'s room" and a couple of more sentences after that i had forgotten. But I ended up opening the door and I was in his room. I gave him a hug and I do not remember the rest. But I know we would see eachother a lot due to that life changing moment
....Later in that dream....
My two friends that know Jesse wanted to see him so we all ran into my room to turn on the computer but he was not on AIM, so I said we could not see him because he was not on AIM. Which I find weird because why would he need to be on AIM to teleport.

If anyone could tell me what my dream meant, that would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for how long it was ^^ but i was trying to write down as much as I could remember. Also, if this helps, we both mean a lot to eachother, we both admitted to liking eachother more then friends but we decided just to stay friends due to the distance. Again, thanks a bunch
