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Forums -> General Info -> Re: Even MORE Philosophy...
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Original Post:
by: Tails_T on Oct 03, 2008

This was recently posted in the "Introduce Yourself" board, but it was in a thread's post. I would now like to generally share it; I find it... more truthful, somehow...

I quote the famous Shakespeare, "To be, or not to be? That is the question."

Magick is real, or magick is not real?

When we use spells, we are mentally communicating with the Earth and elements around us. When we have faith, or to believe in, our spells mentally, those spells obviously get stronger. We have the power to control anything really; maybe out Earth's orbit? Maybe how much water on Earth? Who knows.

Life is full of possibilities, and some things can't be explained. For this, there is magick. For other things, there are many other explanations.

Well, most people can see magick since they have opened their Third Eye, but to my belief, I have found a Fourth Eye. This eye not only sees all paranormality and all auras and such, but it's the eye to see feelings and communicative gestures amongst plants and animals. This Fourth Eye is the ability to almost control the world. But this also concludes to the Fifth Eye, though it doesn't seem quite possible, I am still to believe it is. The fifth eye is for more of a controllable ideal, to control the universe if I must; you can cast all pollution out off our Earth and even force the moon to turn faster for an eclipse. But for this reason, and I believe this is the last, there is a Sixth Eye; now the power to COMPLETELY control all that is. Control the Sun's placement, move stars around, and even control other beings from anywhere, with just simply wanting to.

Everything has a possibility, and even for all we know there could be more things on here on Earth. Much more than mermaids and vampires and witches... so much more than we could ever possibly know...