this time you are welcome to duscuss the question - "is this world/universe real? can it be that it is all just a bif illusion?
since ancient times people didn't stop aking: "what is it this world that i am living in? is it real at all?"
well is it? let's check!
our world needs only 4 thing in order to exist - time;space;matter;energy! but yet even thou it exists it stil does not mean that it is real! just as there are thoughts and imaginations in you which exist but they are not real there are many thing such as them!
look around - the world around you has a certein order..breaking which is very hard or impossible..but yet just because it has an order it stil does not mean that it has to be real!
let's move on - look around yourself again - while you yourself are conscious mmost of the things around you are not! you are a life indevidual-conscious-organism..unlikely unconscious objects we have a will and desires and opinions! even thou such things as plants all so have an unphysical-astral-body (soul) they themself are not concsious and don't have a will (only their spirits inside them do)! but you are not the only living life form on the planet..there are others as you! you may bring a certain indevidual's physical body into a state of uncosciousness by destroying or corrupting certain organs in that person's pjysical body but in most cases that person's astral body will survive! can nature it self be called an indevidual-conscious-body a person may ask himself..the answer would be yes and no - is it itself conscious? no - just as our physical bodies are just a peice of meat with a whole bunch of bones which are getting controled by us (our astral bodies) so is nature just something which is getting controled by the ELOKIM even thou some people may call it defferent names (mother goddes;mother earth;mother nature;the universe;etc) for me it is ELOKIM (if you don't know what is ELOKIM check this website:! is it indevidual? when i said an-indevidual-concious-body" i mean a living life form which has only one mind and controls it's body only by it's personal is nature like that? we shall remember that the word ELOKIM is to explain this? read this quote from the kabbalistic book of Yetsira: "Total process through which timeless Aleph [the letter E in english spelling] becomes Yod [the letter I in English spelling] which is of time. This process sets in motion the organic functions of living beings. Existence is projected into the passive multitudes of resistence. These allow themselves or do not allow themselves to be fertized after the manner of the living and the dead waters." and from seing this side of nature of this word it allows us to understand the reason why is it plural! people may argue that nature cannot be a body since it does not have a physical body..WRONG! if you look on this from a spirtual point of view anything which exist in this world is of of THE nature! you can even call every little thing such as rocks or wild animals can be looked upon as cells just as the skin cells and the bone cells and the nerve cells (etc.) in our body!
maybe this article didn't really answer for us the original question but i thinck that it atleast gaved us something new to thinck about!