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Forums -> Misc Topics -> Re: Creating Deities Help
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Original Post:
by: User489964 on Aug 09, 2019

Hello everyone. I have been reading up on a few things lately and after a lot of thinking, I have decided to make my own deities and maybe my own belief system to go with it ifneeded. Please only serious answers .

I have found some links that talk about Deity creation and have also found one on Realm creation.

My questions are:

  • If Iwas to create Deities would I need to create a realm/space for them to live/reside in?
  • Would the creation process be similar to servitor creation?
  • If not Deities, would anyone have any information on God-Forms and how to create them?
  • If Imake God-Forms will they live with my Tulpas or somewhere else?

Thank you for your help.