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Original Post:
by: Uriel7 on Oct 13, 2008

i am a jew
we jews each year build and live for 7 days and 7 nights in tents outside
we call those tents sucot and those seven days - hag sucot
since i haven't cbuilompletly finished my giur procise i will only do this on the next year while on this year i am simply going to spand as much time as i can in nature for 7 days (i stil haven't fot it clear if i shall also sleep outside)
hug sucot will start today when it will darkenss
on it's first day we are forbidden to use electricity turn on fire play instrument build anything or even write just like at the sabbath day (it is allowed on the other six days)
i invite to celebrate this day
and try to spand alittle more time then usual atleast tommorow