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Coven -> Spell Casters -> Re: New Member
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Original Post:
by: Dolphinfly on Nov 13, 2019

Hi, I am a new member seeking guidance and assistance. I am fairly new to the world of magic. My interest in all forms of magic began about 2 years ago. In my research, I have found this site to be very welcoming and full of advice for beginners. I joined yesterday.

I have been browsing spells and I cannot seem to find the type of spell that I want. I would like to know if there is a spell on this site that could/will influence medical test results in my favor? Or maybe give me peace in knowing the results will be in my favor? Being new to magic, I am looking for a spell that is easy to interpret and cast for my peace of mind.

I look forward to getting to know the members of this group!
Thank you!