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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: BOO! c'est moi!!!
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Original Post:
by: Izanami on Oct 17, 2008

Hi everyone, my name's Rebecca,and i'm 17. I'm a beginner, and i haven't attempted many spells yet, although i'm currently trying to master astral projection.
I joined this site after i decided i needed to be able to discuss my spells with other people, firstly for the fun of it (people in my school find it fun when i talk about magick, but they don't really want to try stuff), and secondly because i've tried a few basic spells (didn't really follow the guidelines :S) but they went awfully wrong and some quite frightening stuff happened...

anyway, chat with you soon! (the one spell i've been looking all over for, although i suppose i haven't found it because i didn't use the right wording, is a rejuvenation spell: i don't want to grow up, you see. Does anyone know a spell that can make a 17 year old into a 4 year old again? (only physically, though))