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Original Post:
by: Jofpika on Nov 10, 2022

I am 14 and have been practicing magic for 2 years, but I will help where I can.

Here is my story:

Ever since I was young I saw magic in movies and was fascinated by it.
So I decide to seek it out.
Until one day,I saw symbols in my sisters notebook, and I asked her if she was a witch(I thought she would say no)
then she said "Yes" and I asked her if it was really true.She said yes again and I asked her if I can become a warlock and she said only if I really believe.
She told me that she was a herbal witch and told me the truth about it(eg it's not sparks coming out of your fingers)
So one day when she was at school, because she came out an hour later, I snuck into her room to find where she kept her witchy knowledge I searchedd and finally found her grimoire, it didn't have many spells in it, but it was helpful. So then on I started studying. My sister is 21 now and she has stopped practicing magic but I won't ever.

Thank you for your time