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Forums -> Norse Paganism -> Re: Sign from Odin??
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Original Post:
by: MageMidas on Sep 14, 2024

Greetings all, I am a bit confused about something that happened the other day. I am not super experienced, though in the past have done cleansings, banishments, and protections for various people a few years ago. I never made it very far on my spiritual journey due to losing encouragement because I never quite figured out how to properly sense, see, or understand energy fully. Since I couldn't figure out how to tap into my senses I more or less stopped dabbling with forces I couldn't grasp or understand. Back whenever I was practicing magick I usually relied on my own power, despite not knowing how strong I was. Though at times I did call upon various Deities and Angelic forces to aid me if I felt the working may need outside assistance. At times I called upon Odin, though couldn't ever tell if he was with me during them. Well, the other day I had suddenly had Odin on my mind, thoughts of him in general and an urge to research him. In doing so I found various articles related to him, one of which told of his association with the number 9, not thinking much of it I went about my day. Returning from work as I was sitting in my car I realized the date was 9/9, thought it was an oddity but didn't feel any intuitive thoughts regarding it. I stepped out of my car when suddenly a crow cawed 9 times. I didn't have any good, bad, or any particular thoughts or feelings triggered from it. So I'm wondering if it was meant to be a sign/message from him, if so, I have no idea what it could mean. (I know ravens are mainly what's associated with him, but a few times I've heard crows are as well to a lesser extent) I am wondering if anyone more knowledgeable could enlighten me with their thoughts on the matter, thank you.