Here is a list of many various crystals and their uses from my personal BoS. Some crystals come in many colors, and each color may also bring additional traits on top of the generic ones. Chakras have been placed next to the crystals name in bold if applicable. Lastly, treats means that it will aid in the treatment, not completely cure the condition. Remember, this is only a generic list, as each crystal can work differently with everyone, you are encouraged to find you own correspondences for crystals as you see fit.
Agate (All chakras)
- Enhances strength, courage, grounding, ability to discern truth, mind, body & acceptance
- Powerful healer
- (Blue Lace) Aids throat, thyroid, nervous system, capillaries, skeleton, arthritis, & fractures. Throat
- (Moss) Aids stress, blockages, recovery time, circulation, childbirth, & depression. Enhances abundance, new opportunities, trust, self esteem, connection with nature, gardening & intuition
- Treats heart disorders & reduces severity of diseases
- Energies other stones
- Enhances joy, creativity, insight, & aligning mental/etheric bodies
- Aids nervous system, heart, & physical body
- Aids endocrine system, heart, & spleen
- Enhances peace, harmony, & intellect
- Healing & cleansing
- Aids endocrine/immune systems, pineal and pituitary glands, & blood
- Enhances brain activity, psychic abilities, mental clarity, meditation, & channeling
- Promotes inspiration, intuition, divine love, protection, calmness, & realizing higher potential
- Treats mental disorders
- Aids meditation, cleansing the body/soul, removing blockages, & personal energy
- Balances Male/Female aspects
- Helps with bodily changes (Ex. kidney transplant)
Aquamarine (All chakras)
- Aids kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid, negative fluid retention, & purification
- Enhances creativity, calmness, mental clarity, balancing, bravery, & mediation
- Enhances creativity, emotional/mental balance, & protection
- Aids muscle tissue, calmness, & irritations
- Balances Male/Female aspects
- Treats skin allergies, migraines, & eyes
- (Green) Aids anxiety, fear, blood, emotional balance, & cleansing the body
- (Blue) Powerful mental healer. Throat
- Enhances intellect, psychic ability, creativity, balance, pass life insight, & suppressing hunger
- Aids relationships & grounding
Azurite (Navel & Heart)
- Enhances creativity, self confidence, communication, meditation, & cleansing the body
- Treats circulatory disorders
Bloodstone (Root & Heart)
- Aids the bloodstream, heart, spleen, iron deficiency, stress, & bones
- Enhances physical & mental vitality
- Powerful healer
- Aids kidneys, pancreas, spleen, stress, energy, fear, astral travel, & balancing emotions
- Balances Male/Female aspects
- (Black) Aids in returning the soul to the body
- (Blue) Aids blood pressure, relaxation, communication, pain, anxiety, emotions & cleansing energy
- (Clear) Acts as an antiseptic, brings major changes, & aligns/clears the chakras
- (Gold) Aids meditation & work in the higher mental planes. Navel & Crown
- (Green) Great mental healer, can reset the mind, aids the immune system, & heals fevers/burns
- (Orange) Aids reproductive system, gall bladder, IBS, fear, depression, & cleansing the body
- (Pink) Aids forgiveness, fear, nightmares, self esteem, past pain, & contacting the angelic realm
- (Red) Aids joints, removing blockages, & increasing energy
- (Yellow) Aids meditation, stimulating the mind, & spiritual guidance. Solar Plexus & Crown
- (Iceland Spar) Enhances ability to see the truth, eye sight, calmness & cleansing of subtle bodies
- (Rhomboid) Aids with calming the mind & healing the past
Carnelian (Navel, Solar Plexus, & Heart)
- Enhances concentration, socialness, joy, aligning physical/etheric bodies, & self attunement
- Aids kidneys, lungs, blood, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, & tissue regeneration
- Vitalizes physical, emotional, & mental bodies
- Powerful healer
Cat's Eye
- Enhances intuition, protection, happiness, good luck, aura cleansing, night vision, & abilities
- Treats eye disorders & headaches
Celestite (Throat)
- Aids angelic work, spirituality, enlightenment, & eliminating pain/toxins
- Enhances clairvoyance, communication, dream recall, aura healing, love, honesty, good fortune, & astral travel
- Balances the body, mind, emotions, & spirit
- Increases generosity, receptivity, positivity, & vein health
- (Blue) Aids creativity, clear thinking, immune system, liver, thrush, memory, optimism, listening skills, language abilities, & weather magic
Charoite (Crown)
- Enhances bravery, inner vision, acceptance, sleep, & spiritual insight
- Converts negative energy into positive & energizes the body
- Aids eyes, heart, liver, pancreas, & reducing compulsions/obsessions
- Powerful healer
- Prevents psychic & mundane attacks
- Eliminates toxins & pain
Chysocolla (Heart & Throat)
- Prevents ulcers, digestive problems, female disorders, & arthritic conditions
- Enhances metabolism, creativity, communication, joy, emotional balance, & feminine qualities
- Alleviates fears, guilt, & tension
Chrysophase (Heart)
- Aids fertility, calmness, neurotic patterns, depression, sexual urges, heart, & arteries
- Healing physical, emotional, & mental bodies
- Enhances insight into personal problems & brings out inner talent
- Acquiring & maintaining wealth
Citrine (Navel & Crown)
- Aids kidneys, colon, liver, gall bladder, digestive organs, heart, & tissue regeneration
- Detoxifies physical, mental, & emotional bodies
- Enhances healing energy, self esteem, cheerfulness, hope, & alignment with higher self
- Diminishes self destructive tendencies & scarcity/poverty
- Aids blood flow, metabolism, exhaustion, self esteem, & sexual imbalances
- Energizes the mind/body & conducts energy
- Aids the body (building muscle, blood cells, bones, nails, skin, etc.)
- Treats adrenal glands & uro-genital problems
- Promotes calm & clear thoughts/actions
- Aids in the treatment of diseases & relationships
- Promotes unconditional love, friendship, unity, patience, & inspiration
- Maintaining physical, emotional, & mental balance
- Enhances psychic abilities, mental agility, memory, & cooperation
- Treats sinuses, lungs, heart, spine, muscles, & eyes
- Enhances ability to detach/move on, unconditional love, & self-awareness
- Treats skin disorders & muscular structure
- Aids in finding lost possessions
Fluorite (All chakras)
- Enhances mind, concentration, education, communication & grasping complicated concepts
- Aids bones, teeth, spleen, blood vessels, grounding, & meditation
- Powerful healer
Fuchsite (Green Muscovite)
- Aids self esteem, gaining knowledge, & diplomacy
- Overcoming co-dependency & emotional black mail
- Treats RSI, spine realignment, & flexibility issues
- Amplifies other crystals
Garnet (Root & Heart)
- Strengthens, purifies, vitalizes & regenerates the body
- Enhances imagination, love, aligning subtle bodies, & pituitary gland
Gold (Navel, Heart, & Crown)
- Purifies & energies the physical body
- Improves circulation, nervous system, tissue regeneration, & balancing brain hemispheres
- Amplifies thought forms & personal illumination
- Enhances ambition, courage, positivity, confidence, & vitality
- Aids stomach/arthritic issues, bones, joints, & circulation
- (Blue) Aids group work. Throat
- Enhances bone density, skin elasticity, fertility, luck, growth, & development
- Aids bloodstream, spleen, stress resistance, energy levels, & circulation
- Enhances sociality, optimism, will, courage, grounding, & lesser bodies
- Dispels criticalness, selfishness, rudeness, boisterousness, pain, stress, & rage
- Enhances confrontation skills, subtlety, tact, & calcium levels
- Treats teeth, bone structure, & soft tissue disorders
- (Blue) Aids with dream recall & insight
Iolite Sapphire
- 3rd Eye work (meditation & astral projection)
- Balances Male/Female aspects
- Enhances relationships, protection, & self acceptance
- Aids liver, lessening fatty deposits, & removing toxins
- Treats malaria & fevers
- Enhances heart, kidneys, immune system, blood, fertility, longevity, & positivity
- Promotes unconditional love, clarity, modesty, courage, justice, wisdom, & peace
- Treats eye disorders & female problems
- Powerful emotional balancer
- Strengthens liver, gall bladder, & bowel
- Powerful healer
- Represents earth element
- (Red) Aids grounding, dream recall, circulatory systems, blood, & liver
- (Mookaite) Aids blood, wounds, immune system, & making decisions
- Eases pressure, depression, & fear
- Enhances ability to survive, protection from diseases/violence, & economic stability
Kunzite (Heart)
- Aids addictive behavior, manic depression
- Strengthens cardiovascular system & self esteem
- Balances physical, emotional & mental bodies
- Wont retain negative energy & one of the best attunement stones
- Aligns all charkas & lower bodies automatically
- Encourages tranquility, calmness, focus, clarity, & intuition
Lapis Lazuli (Third Eye & Throat)
- Strengthens skeleton, thyroid, psychic abilities, & spirit guide communication
- Promotes strength, vitality, virility, calmness & mental clarity
- Sustaining the path you have chosen to take
- Enhances mental acuity, intuition, flexibility, strength, & perseverance
- Aids digestion, regulation, metabolism, anxiety, & stress
- Treats brain & eye disorders
Lepidolite (Heart)
- Aids muscles, heart, blood, & sleep
- Enhances emotional & mental balance
- Balances male/female aspects, physical/etheric bodies, & chakras
- Relieving burdens, insecurity, & dependence
- Enhances motivation, confidence, consciousness, & astral travel
Malachite (Heart & Solar Plexus)
- Aids pancreas, spleen, heart, circulatory system, pineal/pituitary glands, & tissue regeneration
- Reduces stress, tension, imbalance, & subconscious blockages
- Vitalizes the body/mind & induces sleep
- Verypowerful stone, accesses higher dimensional energies, consciousness, & vision
- Enhances Sugilite, Celestine, Aquamarine, Lapis, & opal
- Do NOT cleanse with salt
Moonstone (Heart)
- Aids stomach, spleen, pancreas, pituitary gland, feminine problems, anxiety, stress, & child birth
- Promotes flexibility, emotional balance, & alignment with higher self
- Eliminates depression, disillusionment, & sarcasm
- Promotes friendships, abundance, & harmony
Muscovite (Heart)
- Aids pancreas, blood sugar, kidneys, stress, disease, & in treatment of allergies
- Enhances self esteem, higher self awareness, expression of feelings, quick thinking, & confidence
Obsidian (Root)
- Aids stomach, intestines, stress, & clearing subconscious blocks
- Enhances positivity, detachment, wisdom, love, healing abilities & grounding spiritual energy
- Understanding silence, the void, connection of mind/emotions
- (Apache Tear) Protects aura, eliminates toxins/negativity, aids grief, & calms muscles spasms
- (Snowflake) Balances mind/body/spirit, aids negativity/stress, calming, centering.Sacral
Onyx (All chakras)
- Aids stress, detachment, bone marrow, inspiration, & self control
- Balances Male/Female aspects & emotions
Opal (Heart)
- Aids pineal/pituitary glands, eye sights, balancing emotions, & chakra work
- Enhances intuition & connection with higher self
Peridot or Olivine (Navel, Heart & Solar Plexus)
- Aids tissue regeneration, glandular system, heart, pancreas, spleen, liver, blood, & adrenals
- Enhances intuition, stress reduction, body purification, mind, & personal growth
- Balances/aligns the mind & body
Petrified Wood (Root)
- Aids with new beginnings, accessing knowledge of ancestors or of past lives
Picture Stone
- Enhances creativity, relationships, positivity, emotional balance, acceptance, & concentration
- Treats wounds, broken bones, finger nails, water retention, & degenerative eyes
- Aids change, truth, & insight into deceit
Pyrite (Root, Heart, & Solar Plexus)
- Aids digestion, circulation, blood, brain functions, & emotions
- Promotes positivity, harmony, & practicality
Quartz (All chakras)
- Enhances blood/body/mind/spirit, thought forms, & reaching the higher planes
- Aids emotional balance, meditation, brain functions, pineal/pituitary glands,
- Receives, activates, transmits, purifies, & amplifies energy
- (Blue) Promotes bravery, relationships, & spleen/blood/endocrine system health.Throat
- (Lavender) Promotes intuition, psychic abilities, communication, & the clairs. Third Eye
- (Rose) Aids kidneys, circulatory system, fertility, sexual/emotional imbalances, & love. Heart
- (Smoky) Aids adrenals, kidneys, pancreas, fertility, depression, negativity, grounding, protection, balance of Male/Female aspects, & overall balance. Root & Crown
- (Rutilated) Enhances tissue regeneration, life force, immune system, brain, inspiration, & psychic ability. Aids depression, physical/emotional/mental density, negativity, & communication. Powerful healer
Rhodochrosite (Root & Heart)
- Aids spleen, kidneys, heart, pituitary gland, circulation, memory, & emotional balance
- Enhances intellect, subtle body alignment, courage, will, passion, divine love, & self acceptance
- Powerful healer
Rhodonite (Root & Heart)
- Aids nervous/immune system, thyroid/pituitary glands, reflexes, pancreas, stress, & past trauma
- Enhances memory, calmness, & root/heart chakra alignment
- (Red/Black) Enhances self esteem, confidence, & energy levels
- (Pink) Aids light workers, especially those in cities
Rhyolite (Third Eye & Crown)
- Aids immune system, kidney stones, balancing emotions, with change, & past pains
- Enhances meditation, wisdom, lower bodies, & living in the present
Ruby (Root & Heart)
- Aids heart, circulation, blood, immunity, body, & mind
- Enhances courage, integrity, joy, spiritual devotion, power, & leadership
Sapphire (Throat)
- Enhances love, purity, spirituality, truth, & lower body balance
- Treats throat & thyroid glands
- Enhances happiness, relationships, good fortune, self control, courage, & confidence
Selenite (Crown)
- Aids bones, teeth, nerves, mental clarity, willpower, grounding, & concentration
- Aids pancreas, endocrine/lymphatic systems, metabolism, fear
- Enhances communication, creativity, clarity, truth, grounding, calmness, & gender balance
- Aids rituals, depression, addiction, stress, sickness, & physical/etheric/spiritual connections
Sugilite (Third Eye & Crown)
- Aids pituitary/adrenal glands, heart, brain, healing, purification, stress, & emotional balance
- Enhances meditation, channeling, protection, sensitivity, & spiritual awareness
Sun Stone (Navel)
- Enhances healing ability, intuition, joy, happiness, luck, fortune, optimism, & progress
- Cleanses, energizes, & clears the Aura
- Treats aches & pains
Tiger's Eye (Navel)
- Aids spleen, pancreas, digestive organs, & colon
- Enhances insight, personal power, bravery, grounding, centering, & emotional balance
- (Blue) Reduces stress, tension, sexual frustration, tempers, metabolism, & over active sex drives
- (Gold) Aids protection, meetings, realizing inner strength, & energizing the body
- (Red) Enhances motivation, weight loss, & low sex drives
Tiger Iron [Jasper, Carnelian & Hematite]
- Aids blood, muscles, balancing emotions, & eliminating toxins
- Enhances safety, & inner talents
Topaz (Navel & Crown)
- Aids tissue regeneration, liver, gall bladder, spleen, digestive/nervous system, & detoxifying body
- Promotes abundance and inspiration
- Enhances sensitivity, understanding, concentration, inspiration, protection, bravery, positivity
- Aids endocrine systems, sleep, mind, & body
- Powerful healer
- ( Black) Reduces fears, obsessions, neurosis, panic, & negative energy. Root
- (Blue) Aids speech/throat problems, mental peace, & patience. Throat & 3rd Eye
- (Green) Cleanses the spirit & brings prosperity. Heart
- (Red/Green) Healing emotional pain & encourages emotional understanding. Root
- (Red/Pink) Promotes compassion, love, & emotional healing. Root & Heart
Turquoise (Throat)
- Aids tissue regeneration, building/toning muscle, circulation, lungs, & respiratory/nervous system
- Enhances meditation, chakras, creativity, emotional balance, communication, friendship, & loyalty
Unakite (Heart)
- Enhances visualization, grounding, balance, & harmony
- Aids reproductive system, & pregnancy
- Enhances creativity, imagination, business skills, & yin-yang balance
- Treats eye disorders & said to make Iris sparkle