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4 Love Spells from Christian Wiccans

4 Love Spells from Christian Wiccans

Included in this list of 4 Love Spells
  1. Magical Enchantment of Items
  2. Invocation of Raziel
  3. Consecration
  4. Increase your Attractiveness
#1 - #4

#1 - Magical Enchantment of Items

This spell summons a fairy to enchant items with magical properties such as protection, love, healing, health, etc.
You may need:

  • A Fairy House or Fairy Altar
  • milk
  • honey
  • bent and used iron items
  • Flowers such as: Violets, Roses, Lavender, Marigolds, Sunflowers and Tulips
  • Sparkly or shiny object such as a ring, necklace, or dagger
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    You may need:

  • A Fairy House or Fairy Altar
  • milk
  • honey
  • bent and used iron items
  • Flowers such as: Violets, Roses, Lavender, Marigolds, Sunflowers and Tulips
  • Sparkly or shiny object such as a ring, necklace, or dagger
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    First thing you need to do is

    • Build them a Fairy house. If not, build an altar. In this case having one or the other is crucial. You can put the fairy house inside your home or outside the home as mentioned earlier.
    • Place the offerings inside (natural and sweet tasting foods like milk and honey, bent and used iron items etc.)
    • Add colorful fairies inside the house such as Violets, Roses, Lavender, Marigolds, Sunflowers and Tulips
    • Add the sparkly and shiny object you want fairies to enchant (ring, necklace, dagger..)

    With those offerings in place, whisper the following verse:

    Little fairies with tiny feet
    Play in this garden – but leave it neat
    Little fairies with hands so sweet
    I leave this offering – for you to eat
    Little fairies, if this garden is neat
    I’ll leave more offerings at your tiny feet.

    Little folk of flashing wing,
    little folk of dancing feet,
    hear my words to you and bring
    blessings with you when we meet.
    please bless this ( insert objects you want enchanted name )
    with your Power and Protection
    so mote it be

    Leave the object with the fairy house and the offerings.

    Continue to leave little fairy treats about once a month. This spell is best done at dusk as fairies are usually asleep in the day and dancing at night.

    Added to on Mar 15, 2022
    Part of the Christian Wiccans Library.

    #2 - Invocation of Raziel

    This is a prayer asking Archangel Raziel for divine knowledge concerning magic.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    "Raziel, keeper of secrets, as God's faithful scholar, I ask that you reveal to me all knowledge concerning the art of Magick, especially the art of [List type of magic here]. Burn into my mind everything that God says while he sits on his mighty throne, for much wisdom comes from the Father, Jehovah Sabaoth, he who helps Christians reach paradise."

    Added to on Feb 03, 2022
    Part of the Christian Wiccans Library.

    #3 - Consecration

    Use this ritual to consecrate jewley or tools.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    There are many ways you could do this. Here is one gas floating around for a while.
    Sprinkle the Amulet with salt.

    ''I consecrate you with the element of Earth.''

    Pass the Amulet through the incense.

    ''I consecrate you with the element of Air.''

    Pass the Amulet through candle flame.

    ''I consecrate you with the element of Fire.''

    Sprinkle the Amulet with water.

    ''I consecrate you with the element of Water.''

    Pick up the Amulet, and hold it up high for God to behold.

    ''You are now consecrated in the name of all the holy Saints."

    Place Amulet back on altar Pentacle.
    Place hands over the Amulet.
    Visualize a Brilliant light from above pouring into the Amulet.

    ''I charge this Amulet to serve as (name that which you desire its purpose to serve)
    for I your name or magickal name a servant of God Almighty.''

    ''I charge this Amulet by God Almighty:
    I charge this Amulet by the virtues of the Sun, Moon, and Stars
    I charge this Amulet by the Elemental powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
    I declare this Amulet now all empowered with the Energies of the Universe in which I have invoked.
    By the name of Jesus Christ
    You are now charged!
    So be it!''

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    Last edited on Aug 30, 2016
    Part of the Christian Wiccans Library.

    #4 - Increase your Attractiveness

    Good spell to use before a date, it helps you to enhance your physical beauty and/or conmunication skills.
    You may need:

  • 1 Ripe Strawberry
  • Small Bowl or Saucer
  • Fork
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    You may need:

  • 1 Ripe Strawberry
  • Small Bowl or Saucer
  • Fork
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    1. Empower the strawberry for attraction.

    2. In a small bowl, mash the strawberry gently with the fork while visualising people looking twice at you and complimenting your appearance and chatting.

    3. Carefully anoint your lips with the stawberry juice, say:

    "The words I speak, the smiles I smile,
    Be made sweet.
    As bee to flower,
    As honey to fly,
    Draw near to me."

    4. Eat the crushed strawberry sensually, enjoy the felling of the pulp on your tongue, the seeds between your teeth and the sweetness of the juice.
    Reserve the remaining juice to anoint your lips again before you go out to meet your partner/ date.

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    Last edited on Oct 01, 2015
    Part of the Christian Wiccans Library.

    4 Love Spells from Christian Wiccans
    #1 - #4