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11 Spiritual Spells from Council of Knowledge

Covens Council of Knowledge  ► Council of Knowledge's Spellbooks  ► 11 Spiritual Spells
11 Spiritual Spells from Council of Knowledge

Included in this list of 11 Spiritual Spells
  1. Sim's Apple Cider Vinegar Protection Jar
  2. Give up Smoking
  3. House Protection
  4. The Lovers Depart Curse
  5. Sleipnir Meditation
  6. Helheim Travels
  7. Archangel Michael Prayer
  8. Wyrd Scrying
  9. Calling Upon Tyr
  10. Seidhr Conjuring
#1 - #10

#1 - Sim's Apple Cider Vinegar Protection Jar

The jar will protect your home from negativity and negative spirits.
You may need:

  • Jar
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • One White Candle
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    You may need:

  • Jar
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • One White Candle
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    Step One: Put a cup of apple cider vinegar in the jar that you have.

    Step Two: Grab your white candle and light it and set it somewhere beside your jar that is filled with apple cider vinegar.

    Step Three: Close your eyes, and begin to chant "I enchant this Jar with protection,love, and harmony. This house will feel positive, will stay positive and hold no negitive energies within this house. No spirits may enter this house without my permission and my say so. This is my will, so mote it be."

    Chant this as many times as you feel and let the jar sit somewhere in your house. Blow out your white candle.

    Step Four: About two to three hours later you can rechant the chant or pour it out if you feel necessary.

    Added to on Jul 03, 2013
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #2 - Give up Smoking

    To give up addiction to Tobacco
    You may need:

  • Tobacco and Ciggie Buts
  • Thin black Cloth
  • Black Candle
  • White Candle
  • Mouthwash
  • Will Power
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    You may need:

  • Tobacco and Ciggie Buts
  • Thin black Cloth
  • Black Candle
  • White Candle
  • Mouthwash
  • Will Power
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    Wrap up tobacco and ciggarette buts in black cloth

    Inscribe widdershins spiral on candle

    Light candle

    Inhale the foul smell of the package

    Focus all intent of despising and hate on the package

    Say "This that harms me, I let go"

    Snuff out the black candle when you are ready, and bury the remnants of it, with the cloth package.

    Brush your teeth and wash your mouth.

    Light the white candle. Take three deep breaths.

    Say "I am breathing, I am clean, I am free" three times.

    Repeat this with the white candle every morning and night for as long a necessary.

    Added to on Apr 02, 2013
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #3 - House Protection

    To protect your home from harmful energies.
    You may need:

  • Blue fabric
  • Needle and blue thread
  • Angelica (dried)
  • Balm of Gilead buds
  • Four drawn pentacles
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    You may need:

  • Blue fabric
  • Needle and blue thread
  • Angelica (dried)
  • Balm of Gilead buds
  • Four drawn pentacles
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    Bless and purify all the ingredients.

    Make four drawstring pouches

    Mix the angelica and balm

    Divide them among the four pouches

    Add a pentacle to each bag

    While you're doing this, visualise your home protected in a white light

    Hang the pouches in the North, South, East, and West corners of your home.

    Added to on Apr 02, 2013
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #4 - The Lovers Depart Curse

    Break up spell to cause two lovers to break up and or hate each other forever.
    You may need:

  • Black Candles
  • Something to prick the candle with
  • Piece of paper and something to write with
  • Something to prick yourself with *optional
  • Animal to Sacrifice *optional
  • Tool to sacrifice animal with *only need if you are going to do the sacrifice
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    You may need:

  • Black Candles
  • Something to prick the candle with
  • Piece of paper and something to write with
  • Something to prick yourself with *optional
  • Animal to Sacrifice *optional
  • Tool to sacrifice animal with *only need if you are going to do the sacrifice
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    At 3 am, light the candle and take a pin and prick the candle once
    ''As I prick this candle, I prick at thee,
    On this (autumn, winter, spring, or summer)
    Night by the moons light
    I use this black flame to show (there name) my might.''

    Have your wish written on a piece of paper with the names of the people you want separated clearly written out. Light the piece of paper on fire that has the names written on it. Repeat your wish over and over again while it is burning, and say:

    ''In the name of YWYH, Elohim or (Name of Deity)
    I cast this curse by your power and by your name
    Broken hearts unhappy be,
    May (name) and (name) part their separate ways
    Soon to go their own paths,
    Romance blossomed, romance gone.

    ***Option #1 is prick your hand and let three drops of your blood fall on the paper and say:
    “Let (your friend's name) and (your enemy's name)
    Become mortal enemies”***

    ***Option #2 is to make an animal sacrifice slaying the animal as you repeat the words:
    “I call to the mighty bringer of light, Lucifer...
    Spirits of the abyss, hear my call
    Lucifer my thoughts do sing
    Through the universe they now ring
    Let (your friend's name) and (your enemy's name)
    Become mortal enemies”
    I call upon thee angel of darkness
    To bind(name of person in the relationship causing problems)“***

    ''As of me, a curse may be, no luck for thee,
    In this relationship between,
    *Name* and
    For your evil, for each Day, you will pay,
    For which I have been aggrieved, the damage is now achieved,
    Let this couple drift apart. Let them go opposite ways.
    Make them leave each other forever,
    Send one away, let the other stay,
    I'll make my wish and so I said,
    I hope to live through no more dread,
    So I can live in happiness instead.
    By the power of three, I bind (name) and (name) to this curse
    Unless true love divine prevails
    By the power of all that has been
    By the power of all that is
    By the power of all that shall be
    Let it be done in the
    Name of the Father,
    The Son,
    And the Holy Ghost”

    Blow the ashes into the wind, and say: ''SO MOTE IT BE!''

    When all the ashes have touched the ground, your spell will come true. Extinguish the candle. Take the candle and break it in half symbolizing and visualizing the splitting of the couple, then dispose of the two halves in separate trash containers once again visualizing them being completely apart from each other.

    If you choose Option #1 *Be sure to sterilize and cover your wound.*

    If you choose Option #2 the animal sacrifice than you need to leave the dead animal in the woods far away from where anyone would normally go

    You may then go about your everyday events.

    Added to on Nov 18, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #5 - Sleipnir Meditation

    An easy meditation technique- great for getting into trance work.
    You may need:

  • Incense (of your choice)
  • Drum beats (preferably a CD)
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    You may need:

  • Incense (of your choice)
  • Drum beats (preferably a CD)
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    Begin by finding a quiet area where you will not be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable position and light the incense. Spend a few moments focusing on nothing but the incense, allowing yourself to calm. Now would be the opputune time to have the drum beats start. Having a CD playing would be the easiest, so there would be less to distract your attention. The ideal beat is called Sleipnir: it should be eight beats in a row, matching the sound of horse hooves.

    As the beat plays, close your eyes. Focus on nothing but the sound of the beating. Let go of everything else, and your awareness. Begin to visualize Sleipnir, galloping along the lines of Wyrd or along the roots of Yggdrasil. As Sleipnir moves, allow your awareness to move with him. This is a great way to get into trance work or faring forth.

    Feel energy coming off the roots of Yggdrasil and into you with every step Sleipnir takes. Allow the feeling of the energy to move along your body, starting at your toes and working its way up. When you feel full of energy- stop the meditation in the same way you started.

    Added to on Apr 22, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #6 - Helheim Travels

    A spell and ritual describing how a northern shaman would "travel" to Helheim in order to commune with the dead, etc.
    You may need:

  • A black candle
  • A white candle
  • Bones of some sort
  • Dark cloth
  • Soothing incense
  • A quiet, dark place
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    You may need:

  • A black candle
  • A white candle
  • Bones of some sort
  • Dark cloth
  • Soothing incense
  • A quiet, dark place
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    Begin by finding a quiet and dark place to relax. You do not want to be disturbed as you work. Once this is found, sit in a comfortable position and drape the dark cloth around you like a showl. Place the black candle to your left and the white candle to your right- then light both of these. Quickly light the incense as well Place the bones inbetween both candles and sit back.

    Begin by working towards meditation/trance. An easy way to do this is to focus on a beat, or focus on your breathing. Breathe in for four counts, then exhale for four counts. Continue this process until it is all you are focused on. Let nothing else interfere with this state of mind. Breathe, exhale. Do this for roughly 10-20 minutes or until you feel you are ready to move on.

    Feel yourself "drift" away from your body. As you travel elsewhere, begin to seek Hel and Helheim. Push forward, imagining a field. When you reach this field, call out to Hel or the spirits you wish to communicate with. Be cautious, but open as you proceed. Now visualize Hel or the ancestor/spirit you wish to communicate with. Picture a presence approaching yourself, and will yourself towards it. When you feel that something is near, speak what it is you wish to learn or have questions about. One way of receiving the answers to your question is to ask the spirit for a dream shortly after you leave: The answers to these questions should come to you relatively fast. When you are satisfied with this, thank the spirit that spoke to you and begin to leave. "Pull" yourself backwards, leaving the field, and heading towards your body.

    Added to on Apr 06, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #7 - Archangel Michael Prayer

    Prayer to St.Michael the Archangel
    You may need:

  • Devotion
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    You may need:

  • Devotion
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    Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

    Source: Pope Leo XIII

    Added to on Apr 01, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #8 - Wyrd Scrying

    How to scry using wyrd.
    You may need:

  • A wooden bowl
  • A small knife or chisel
  • Incense
  • Candle wax (optional)
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • A wooden bowl
  • A small knife or chisel
  • Incense
  • Candle wax (optional)
  • Water
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    Begin by placing the wooden bowl on a flat surface. Take the chisel or knife and etch runes with speicifc and personal meaning into it. You may also wish to write your name to make it personalized. Get into a comfortable position. Fill the bowl with water now, and let it settle. Light the incense, of your choice, and spend a moment relaxing quietly, clearing your mind.

    Call upon a specific deity that you wish to work with. Some like to call upon the Norns at this time, because they are the weavers of fate, and you will be attempting to read what they've woven. You may say something such as: "Three sisters, weavers of Wyrd, help me to see into the web that makes up the fates of myself, those I am connected to, and those I have yet to meet". Close your eyes. In your mind, picture three women sitting in a circle with thread between them. This thread is wyrd. As they spin it, focus on it as much as you can.

    Open your eyes, and peer into the water in the bowl. Spend as much time as you need looking into the waters. You may see something now, or you may not. Sometimes you will receive dreams later on. When calling upon the Norns you may wish to specify that you wish to receive dreams, if this is what you want.
    An alternative to this would be to put drops of wax into the water and try to interpret them.

    Added to on Mar 27, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #9 - Calling Upon Tyr

    A spell that can be used to call upon the Norse God, Tyr.
    You may need:

  • A glove of some sort
  • Dark red cloth
  • A sword or knife
  • Roast beef (small portion)
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    You may need:

  • A glove of some sort
  • Dark red cloth
  • A sword or knife
  • Roast beef (small portion)
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    A person may choose to call upon Tyr for many things. He can be helpful in legal cases, when you feel someone is harassing you, when you feel bullied, or when you need some defense/strength.

    Here is a quick example of how to call upon him.

    Begin by placing the dark red cloth in front of you, while saying: "Tyr, mighty defender. Please hear my plea. Take this offering, and come forth to me." After having said this, put the roast beef ontop of the red cloth. Pick the sword/knife up with your main hand and cut it slowly. This will serve as your offering to him. (If you do not have roast beef, other meats work as well).

    When you feel the offering has been accepted, say: "One handed warrier, hear me. I am in need of your service." Put the glove onto your main hand (whichever you use most). "I am in need of your strength, your courage and your honor. As I put on this glove let your power flow through me to help me in my time of need."

    At this point, you may list out specifically what it is that you need. When done, take the glove off and sit it next to the offering you made. Once again, say: "Tyr, mighty defender. Thank you for your blessing". After this, clean up the items you used. The roast beef/meat should be carried outside and buried.

    Added to on Mar 21, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #10 - Seidhr Conjuring

    A quick example of how to conjure forth a wight or spirit using seidhr.
    You may need:

  • A small rug to sit on
  • Quiet, drum music
  • A candle or incense(optional)
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    You may need:

  • A small rug to sit on
  • Quiet, drum music
  • A candle or incense(optional)
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    To begin, you must first get into a trance. This can be done in many ways. The easiest way would be to sit in a comfortable position upon the rug, then begin playing the drum music. The beat should be slow, soft and repetitive. The idea behind this is that you want a beat you can use to narrow your focus. Traditionally, the rhythm of the beating should match that of a horse's hooves.

    Focus on the sound of the beating, with your eyes closed. As you focus, feel yourself becoming almost light. This is when you want to achieve the trance. Your mind and consciousness should slowly be shifting to a new level. Once you feel you are in this state, you may stop focusing on the beating. Instead, focus on the plane/realm you are going to "fare forth" or "project" to. Push yourself, through your energy, into this area. Take it as slow as you need to take it. There is no need to rush. Being comfortable here is very important.

    Now, call forth to a specific entity, deity, wight, etc that you are trying to communicate with and conjure. Put your energy into the intent of having this entity come to you from wherever it is. Should the entity be willing, it will come. From here, you may commune with it, or do whatever it is you had sat out to do in the first place. When you are done with what you had wished, slowly bring yourself out of the trance. Do not go too fast. It is always polite to thank whatever it is that you had conjured.

    Added to on Mar 21, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    11 Spiritual Spells from Council of Knowledge
    #1 - #10