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17 Spiritual Spells from Gypsy Witchcraft

Covens Gypsy Witchcraft  ► Gypsy Witchcraft's Spellbooks  ► 17 Spiritual Spells
17 Spiritual Spells from Gypsy Witchcraft

Included in this list of 17 Spiritual Spells
  1. Summon the Spirit of a Loved One
  2. Earth Elemental Protection
  3. Evil Eye Curse
  4. Prevent Nightmares
  5. Evil Eye Binding
  6. Protection of the Evil Eye
  7. Mugwort used for;
  8. Cat Blessings
  9. Dream Message Spell
  10. Job Landing conjure bag
#1 - #10

#1 - Summon the Spirit of a Loved One

This will summon the Spirit of a Loved one in the Otherworld
You may need:

  • 4 Dark Blue Candles
  • 1 Tea Light Candle
  • Skull Candle
  • Picture of Loved One
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    You may need:

  • 4 Dark Blue Candles
  • 1 Tea Light Candle
  • Skull Candle
  • Picture of Loved One
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    1. Place 4 Dark Blue Candles at Elemental Points on your alter.
    2. Place Tea Light Candle Above the Earth Point.
    3. Place Skull Candle and Picture of Loved one in the Middle of the Alter
    4. Medate on the person you wish to summon.
    5. Light the Dark Blue Candle in the East Chanting: *I call the Elemental of Air, Come from the east and offer your Protection*
    6. Light the Dark Blue Candle in the South and Chant: * I call the Elemental of Fire, Come from the South and Offer your protection*
    7. Light the Dark Blue Candle in the West and Chant: *I call the Elemental of Water, Come from the West and Offer your protection*
    8. Light Dark Blue Candle in the North and Chant: *I call the Elemental of Earth, Come forth from the North and Offer your Protection.
    9. Light the Skull candle in the Middle and Chant: *I call the Spirit within us all, Leap forward as your Element, Offer your Protection.
    10. Take the white Candle and Chant: *I call my Beloved Spirit (Name), Come to me and Comune with me. Come forth from the Otherworld Sweet Spirit and Show yourself Forth, I call upon your family blessings this day.*
    11. Place the Wick of the tea candle over the flame of the Skull Candle.
    12. Pick up picture and Vistulize the Spirit coming over the Hedge from the Otherworld. Now you can telepathicly speak to the person.

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    #2 - Earth Elemental Protection

    This is a spell which calls the Elemental Fairy of Earth for Protection
    You may need:

  • 1 Green Candle
  • 1 Rock
  • Salt
  • Bowl of Water
  • Handkerchief
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    You may need:

  • 1 Green Candle
  • 1 Rock
  • Salt
  • Bowl of Water
  • Handkerchief
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    Medate for 20 minutes on your intent, then Cast your circle

    Light Green Candle and Chant:

    "I call the Dark Elemental Fairy of Earth, Her Beauty in every plant and flower, I ask you to enchant my Magic."

    Take Athame and take salt on the tip adding it to the Bowl of water. Stir the salt into the water with athame. Add Rock to the Bowl of Water & Salt, then Chant:

    "With this Mixture of Water and Salt, I ask you to cleanse the Nature's Stone, for my Protection."

    Remove the Rock from the water, the dry with handkerchef, then place your hand over the rock and chant:

    "I call the Earth Fairy to add her loving protections, So it may be unseen, so no ill will be here or come to thee. As The Goddess Wills it, So Mote it be."

    Bind your spell:

    "In the name of Nyx and Erebus, I bind this Spell, So Mote it be."

    Close your Circle and Thank all Fairies for being here as well as Nyx and Erebus.

    Note: Carry this rock with you when you leave this house, Place under your pillow at night, or near you for protection.

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    Part of the Gypsy Witchcraft Library.

    #3 - Evil Eye Curse

    This is the Curse will Send karma back at the person who has down harm 10x. Written by Lady Raven Darkstar!
    You may need:

  • Bowl of Water
  • Your Knife
  • Leaves
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    You may need:

  • Bowl of Water
  • Your Knife
  • Leaves
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    ****Place the bowl of Water in front of you, then take your knife, Cutting a small part of your finger. Add your blood to the water and then Chant*****

    With my Blood, I show you my Pain, Return it back from once it came.

    ****Take the leaf and place in the water and bind your spell****

    Now is the Darkness, I do Call, Sending Shadows, Once and for all.

    With this time of 3 time 3, This Magick I bind, So Mote It Be!

    ****Add the leaf to the water, take the bowl and pour into running water.****

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    #4 - Prevent Nightmares

    This spell is to prevent nightmares from coming to you at night.
    You may need:

  • Feather
  • String
  • 1 White Candle
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    You may need:

  • Feather
  • String
  • 1 White Candle
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    Light your white candle and chant:

    "I call upon the Goddess Nyx, I call upon the God Erebus, In my night of sleep (Pick up feather) place my nightmares with in this feather. (Tie string around end of feather, leaving a loop) As this hangs above my head, No longer may they stay with me. As Nyx and Erebus wills it so mote it be."

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    #5 - Evil Eye Binding

    This will bind a person from Harming you in anyway.
    You may need:

  • Sand
  • Bowl
  • White Paper or Patchment Paper
  • Bat's Blood ink and Writing item
  • black marker(without above)
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    You may need:

  • Sand
  • Bowl
  • White Paper or Patchment Paper
  • Bat's Blood ink and Writing item
  • black marker(without above)
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    Place Sand in the Bowl and Chant:

    Fac apel la deochi vechi, pentru a incanta acest nisip cu putere

    English: I call upon the ancient evil eye, to enchant this sand with power

    Take the Paper and Write the person's Name on it and then Chant

    obligati deochi această persoană în numele de noapte şi întuneric. Deci, ei nu pot trimite-mi facă rău sau rea voinţă. după cum doreşte el zeiţa, Mote aşa să fie

    English: evil eye bind this person in the name of the night and darkness. So they may not harm me or send ill will. as the goddess wills it, so mote it be

    Place the paper into the sand and bury. After you do this place it outside your door and left your hands to the sky and bind the spell:

    În numele de nyx şi Erebusului, obligati aceasta vraja, astfel încât să fie Mote

    English: In the name of nyx and erebus, bind this spell, so mote it be

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    #6 - Protection of the Evil Eye

    This is a protection spell calling upon the Evil Eye.
    You may need:

  • White Paper
  • Black Pen
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    You may need:

  • White Paper
  • Black Pen
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    Write the chant in Romanian on the paper

    Fac apel la Duhul tigani, care se odihnesc în pace adevărată,
    Pentru a apela ochiul antic rău pentru a ma proteja, astfel încât nu bolnav
    va pot veni să fie în visele mele si in seara asta acasă,
    Ca Nyx şi testamente Erebus-l, asa ca va ea

    I call upon the Gypsy Spirit, who rest in true peace,
    To call the Ancient Evil Eye to protect me, So no ill
    will may come to be in my dreams and home tonight,
    As Nyx and Erebus wills it, So Will it

    Chant in Romanian each night and then place it under your pillow. In a month, burn the paper, then rewrite it again and use the new one.

    Repeat this at the end of every month, because the paper holds all ill wills that people send to you.

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    #7 - Mugwort used for;

    Psychic awareness, Psychic Dreams, Astral Porjection.
    You may need:

  • Mugwort
  • self
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    You may need:

  • Mugwort
  • self
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    use fresh leaves---element is the earth, Venus is the planet..Psychic dreams--crush
    the leaves in your mortar and use it to inhale before falling asleep.
    Put under pillow in baggy for Astrial Pojection to travel any where you want visulize where you want to go..
    Psychic awareness inhale vapors and visulize your higher power.

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    #8 - Cat Blessings

    Use this spell to bless and protect your feline companion.
    You may need:

  • Cat
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    You may need:

  • Cat
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    Focus your energy and intent on your cat and chant:

    "Bast of beauty and of grace,
    Protectress of the feline race,
    Shield (name) from all hurt and harm
    And keep him/her always safe and warm.
    Watch over (name) from day to day
    And guide him/her home, if (s)/he should stray.
    And grant him/her much happiness
    And a good life free of strife and stress".

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    #9 - Dream Message Spell

    to send a message to a friend or family...
    You may need:

  • clear crystal glass of purified water
  • clean white sheets yarrow,wormwood or thyme
  • square of white silk
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    You may need:

  • clear crystal glass of purified water
  • clean white sheets yarrow,wormwood or thyme
  • square of white silk
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    Magick Dream Message Spell

    If you've got to send someone an
    important message they must listen
    to, sending them a dream is one of
    the best ways to do get your point

    You can send them any message you

    STEP 1: Determine the exact dream
    that will be ''transmitted'' to them
    in as much detail as possible.

    STEP 2: At the new moon (waxing),
    place a clear quartz crystal within
    a glass of purified water, and leave
    it on your window sill overnight
    to absorb the moonlight.

    STEP 3: On the next night, dress
    your bed with clean white sheets
    and sprinkle the lunar water
    over them.

    STEP 4: Place yarrow, wormwood,
    or thyme inside a square of
    white silk. (Surround the herb
    with the silk by bunching it
    up around it.)

    STEP 5: Hold the herb packet in
    your hand; visualize and concentrate
    on all the details of the persion
    for whom this dream is intended.

    STEP 6: Place the packet within your
    pillowcase. As you go to sleep,
    visualize the dream you'd like to
    send as if you were watching a


    The person will receive your
    message through a powerful
    dream that night.

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    #10 - Job Landing conjure bag

    Use this to land a job you want.
    You may need:

  • small bag
  • 3 Cloves of garlic
  • Nine breadcrumbs
  • Magnetic sand
  • Frankenscence oil
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    You may need:

  • small bag
  • 3 Cloves of garlic
  • Nine breadcrumbs
  • Magnetic sand
  • Frankenscence oil
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    Add garlic bread crumbs and sand into bag. Dress the bag inside and out with some Frankenscence oil. Take this with you on interviews. Add one drop of frankenscence oil before each interview.

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    Last edited on Jul 28, 2016
    Part of the Gypsy Witchcraft Library.

    17 Spiritual Spells from Gypsy Witchcraft
    #1 - #10