2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Restoration of Minor Injury
- Attraction
- Male Anthro
- To Make Someone Ugly
- My Spell To See Better
- Wound Heal
- Perfect teeth
- Energy Wings
- Venus Beauty
- Dragon Shifting
#1071 - Restoration of Minor Injury
Pour the water (warm) into your bowl (cereal size) then mix in 2 pinches of salt into water making solvent. Light your candle and place above bowl away from you. Place the cloth in water but make sure it's not dripping wet. Place the cloth over flesh wound and meditate
Imagine your chi traveling from your core towards your wound imagine it wrapping around and healing the injury (remember only focus on one at a time for beginners) take your time do as long as you feel needed
This does not heal your injury right away unless you are very advanced in restoration even then it's not necessarily immediate it just cuts down the pain and healing time and is a good way to practice your restoration magic
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1072 - Attraction
Chant or say this 5 times or more
"Dear gods and goddesses I wish to make (insert something here or yourself) more attractive this is my wish so mote it be!"
Now look into a mirror and Imagine yourself more attractive than before
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1073 - Male Anthro
Light the candle. Chant 5 times:
"By the power of this candle and the spirit inside me,
Transform me into a male _______ anthro.
By the power of my spirit and the candle I have,
Activate the spell and transform me now.
So mote it be."
Last edited on Aug 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1074 - To Make Someone Ugly
With every petal I strip today may _____s beauty fade away.''
2.Now that every petal is gone you may dispose of what's left of the flower at the crossroads.
3.After that take the rose petals and put them into the jar and say:
Now that all of _____s beauty have been taken away let them now wither and die in dismay!
4.Now that the rose petals have dried make it into a powder then mix it with crushed black pepper.
5. Find a place where the person your jinxing will be at then with the powder bury in a hole underneath where the person stepped at with a mark of big X.
#1075 - My Spell To See Better
seeing everything and then say this 3x
''my eyes don't see so bright
i want a better sight
improvement by seeing miles away
i shall be able to see everything in my way''
Now put your hands over your eyes imagine you seeing
everything far away
Chant 5x
''As I remove my hands over my eyes
I shall see everything clearly from miles
Clear Sight
Everything Bright
Gods and Goddesses
Shine your light
Upon my eyes
I shall see clearly
From everywhere, everything
This is what I wish for
So mote it be''
#1076 - Wound Heal
Chant three times
"O god,
Mother nature,
and spirits alike,
Hear my plea,
I need you to heal me,
Help me recover from my wound,
Fast and quick,
I may be healthy once more!
This is my will,
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1077 - Perfect teeth
3x: ''Shine Bright as a light, white as a cloud. Perfect teeth. Perfect as can be. This is my will, so mote it be! '
Believe and it should work, at the least 5 days, at the most a month, it depends on who you are.
If you have any questions ask me!
I do not own this spell.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1078 - Energy Wings
Sit infront (or around) the light source then clasp hands and imagine the energy flowing throughout your body. Now, imagine the energy going into your shoulder blades and creating wings peice by piece. Then recite the following spell three times. "Oh great gods and goddesses please hear my plea give me wings of what you wish me. Let them be of (insert what animal) if you please. Oh great gods and goddesses hear my plea grant my wish and help me please." Then blow out the candle and to the best of your ability read the fresh smoke for whether or not they will help you.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1079 - Venus Beauty
1st time out, wait for darkness. Strip naked, turn off the lights, and stand before a window. Hold out your arms and say:
"Venus, Goddess of Beauty,
Goddess of Power,
Goddess of Women,
Goddess of Love
I call upon thee.
Hear me.
Transform me in your image.
Like your beauty,
Mine shall be
Venus, Goddess of Beauty
Goddess of Power,
Goddess of Women,
Goodess of Love
Fill me with your radiance
Transform me.
Transform me.
Transforme me
In your image.
This is my will."
Bow, get dressed and go outside. Place a flower in a special place as a gift to Venus. In the days after, every time you think of your body being the wrong shape, say out aloud or say in your head the reminder:
"Venus, Goddess of Beauty,
Goddess of Power,
Goddess of Women,
Goddess of Love,
Transform me in your image.
This is my will."
You should be able to notice a real difference in a week, if you do it diligently and a lot.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1080 - Dragon Shifting
Chant this three times:
"O god,
Mother nature,
And dragons
I call to thee,
Bestow on my another form,
This form will be a dragon,
But not any dragon,
My dragon,
May the transformation start immediately,
Or in 3 days,
When I claw the earth three times,
May I revert back to my human self,
This is my will,
So as I say so mote it be!"
Last edited on Nov 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.