2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Werewolf Enchantment
- My Weight Loss Spell
- PSI Ball
- To Grow Wings
- Attraction Charm
- How to Transform into Anything
- Speed of Anger
- Grow a Dog's Ears and Tail
- Longer Nails
- Wing
#1091 - Werewolf Enchantment
After wards cut your self and fill half the jar with your blood, and that means both of you, and mix the blood together. Finally use the eye dropper to drop the blood on the tip of your tongue each of you must have an equal number of drops. Finally repeat the chant again 10 times and go to bed. Your age verifys the result on how fast you get you lycanocity.
#1092 - My Weight Loss Spell
2) After you meditate take anything that holds water and put water in it then take the fruit/vegetable and put it in the water
3) Say 3 times
''As I put the fruit/vegetable in this water
My weight loss will come and it will start
Unhealthy food, stay away
Never come back again for days
Healthy food, come to me
Help me achieve what I want to see
A healthy body''
4) Eat the fruit/vegetable
5) Say 5 times
''This fruit/vegetable I eat
Will help me start a new diet
I will now leave
All the junk food I used to eat
My weight gaining becomes my past
I will now exercise and be healthy at last
My goal will come my way
I will see my new body some day''
6) now you done the spell, try not to eat junk food you can eat a little but not a lot, do a lot of exercising, drink a lot of water, eat a lot of healthy food
7) If you used a candle blow it out and say this once
''Candle, Candle
I will start a new life
That I'm sure I can handle
My new body will come my way
The unhealthy food will now leave for some days''
This spell will take time to work just keep being healthy and keep believing I am sure it will work! I made this so I really hope it works for u!
~ MermaidTale ~
Last edited on Nov 14, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1093 - PSI Ball
Firstly sit straight backed with your legs crossed.Next imagine your blood, energy flowing through your veins from your core. Slowly bring your hands up as if you are holding a ball already. Next imagine the energy and blood forming a ball between your hands.
You may experience numbness or dizziness, definitely nausea. Do not worry because it will pass.
Next hold your hands up to the sky and release the ball. Now you will feel weak but gradually feel stronger than ever.Your adrenalism will start to pump and you will want to release all your stamina, you can charge around and not get tired but the morning after you will be normal again.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1094 - To Grow Wings
Wing Spell:
"I ask for a set of wings so I can soar,
A pair of wings to fly forever more,
Wings so big to fly so high,
Wings that shall carry me through the sky,
No longer shall I be bound to this earth,
When the element of air shows it's worth,
By the elements and their grace,
No longer shall I be bound to this dirt ridden place,
My wings shall be the color of *(earthen brown,
Never shall I wear a frown)
(The darkest black, to carry me in the sky without slack)
(The purest white, to help guide me through the night)
(An ashen gray, that shall carry me through every fray)
My wingspan shall be big enough to let me fly,
My wings of feathery grace,
Allow me to leave this place,
My wings shall come to me physically on the day of (day you want them)
That is my will, so mote it be."
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1095 - Attraction Charm
Take the cup and fill halfway with warm water. Empty in 1 tbs of sugar, mix well, and let it sit 1 minute. Then add 1 tbs of salt and mix well. Spray in some perfume and mix.
Put the quatrz in your palm and release all your good vibes and passion into the quatrz, once done wrap the 1 strand of hair a found it and drop it into the cup along with the ring (or whatever you're using) let them sit 2 minutes. (This will allow passion and good vibes to roll into the ring,necklace,etc.)
Take the quartz and ring out, DONT DRY THEM!!! Rub the quartz in circles around your hheart. (Breasts) once done, put the accesorie on while holding the quartz in the same hand. Then Chant 2x "Goddess of beauty, love, and passion, let my lovers come to me, its my will, so mote it be"
Take the quartz and ring and put them in the pouch. Put only a pinch of salt and sugar in it, then place the strand of hair in. Let it sit near you.
Take the sticky note(s) and write down all the names of the boys you like with red or black ink pens. Take the sticky notes and put them in the cup with water for 5 secs, quickly roll the notes and put them into the pouch, spray perfume all over the pouch and put it somewhere quiet.
The next morning wash the ring and quartz in sugar and salt mixture, do this for 1 week and wear the ring to school (or wherever) with you, repeat for 1 week, after 1 week repeat all the steps at the end of each week.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1096 - How to Transform into Anything
Step 2. Get the sample and now put it in the glass and stir.
Step 3. Light the candle and put the glass over it to light the bottom of the glass.
Step 4. Apply the liquid on your whole body and wait for 2 minutes.
Side Effects:
Passing out
Feeling Extreme Pain
#1097 - Speed of Anger
First you need to gather your anger inside of you. Once your anger is gathered you just need to start running. Think of all the anger while your running and you will run very fast.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1098 - Grow a Dog's Ears and Tail
On your piece of paper write the details of your ears and tail then say this four times, "I wish to have the tail and ears of a (animal name). I wish to also have some traits of a (animal's name). mote it be" now fold the paper twice however you would like now put it under your pillow every night until you grow your tail and ears.
Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1099 - Longer Nails
Say this 10x outside standing up
"Nails Nails
Grow grow grow
Long as I please.
Sharp like claws.
This is what I want
So mote it be"
Side effects: Fingers hurt
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1100 - Wing
Say this 20 x
"Wings are what I want
What I desire.
Big wings
Big enough to carry me thru the night sky.
Hear me gods,
Hear my plea."
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.