2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Spell To Grow Hair
- Body Warmer
- Mood Relief
- Prayer Before Meals
- Seashell of Love
- A werewolf
- Balance the Elements
- Pranic meditation
- Pranic breathing
- Basic Protection
#2351 - Spell To Grow Hair
''Stretch it
Twist it
Make it grow
Like a river
Let it flow
Three times fast shall this hair grow
This is my will
So mote it be.''
#2352 - Body Warmer
Clear your mind. Now imagine fire going into your body, flowing through you and warming you all over. Imagine it getting hotter and growing within you, drawing in more heat. Practice this until you feel a difference.
#2353 - Mood Relief
Just relax and breathe. You may visualize with this chant. Now say and repeat as necessary, "Let my spirit sour. Remove my depression, let it not return anymore."
#2354 - Prayer Before Meals
"From forest and stream; From mountain and field; From the fertile Earth's nourishing yield; I now partake of divine energy; May it lend health, strength and love to me. Blessed be."
#2355 - Seashell of Love
Light an orange candle, then take a small seashell and pass it three times through the flame. As you do this, say: "By the power of three, so mote it be".
Take a handful of cinnamon and using a spoon and bowl, mix it with dried and crushed red rose petals. Sprinkle the shell with some of the mixture and imagine yourself attracting many different people. Take the rest of the mixture and toss it into the wind to carry your requests to the God and Goddess. Carry the shell with you in a pocket, in your purse, or wear it as a necklace.
#2356 - A werewolf
#2357 - Balance the Elements
Well get what you need and cast a circle in a place you won't be disturbed
light the candles in this order.
"Elements of Earth, I call you near, balance within me, for unbalance I fear."
"Elements of air, I call you near, balance within me, for unbalance I fear."
"Elements of fire, I call you near, balance within me, for unbalance I fear."
"Elements of water, I call you near, balance within me, for unbalance I fear."
"Element of spirit, I call you near, balance within me, for unbalance I fear."
Sit in front of the 5 candles and put your arms around yourself as if you were giving yourself a hug. Visualize a white light sweeping from your hands and into your body, balancing everything within you, the good and the bad (be honest). And say this chant 3 times:
"Five Elements Ive called, Within me they brawled. Balance once more, Spirit fix these four!"
Remove your arms from around yourself, and meditate in front of the candles, 5 minutes at least. Think to yourself of all your positive and negative qualities. Be completely honest with yourself, no matter how much you rather NOT think of your negative qualities.
During this meditation accept yourself completely, the good, the bad, and even the ugly. Balance cannot be attained when within yourself there is unbalance of yourself, when you do not accept your negative qualities you end up accepting more of your positive qualities. Think of it like having good on one side of the scale, and bad on the other, and you pushing your finger on the good side to make it win in weight. Let these two equal out, because without one, there is no other. So unless you plan on completely cancelling out your good and bad qualities, this spell is a keeper!
Let the candles burn themselves out or use a candle snuffer to put them out, release the quarters and close the circle.
#2358 - Pranic meditation
(An Easy Meditation Practise)
1.Sit on the floor either in lotus or half-lotus position, or at the edge of a chair, keeping your spine erect.
2.Breathe in two to three times, inhaling through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth. As you exhale, physically relax your muscles in your body while still maintaining an erect posture. Feel your neck and face, and brow muscles relax.
3.Close your eyes. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose, drawing the air down into the pit of your stomach. This will cause your lower abdomen to push out slightly. Notice the air as it enters you nose. Observe how it feels as it fills your lungs.
4.Next, exhale slowly through your mouth. Pay attention to the air exiting your mouth. Notice how it feels as it exits your lungs and mouth. Just observe it.
5.Continue this process as long as youd like to, preferably 15 to 20 minutes.
#2359 - Pranic breathing
2. Keep your shoulders relaxed through out the entire breathing sequence...
3. Put your hands on your lower abdomen...
4. Place your tongue on you palate - on the roof of your mouth just behind your teeth. Keep it there though out the entire breathing sequence...
5. Inhale slowly through your nose allowing the air to push your lower belly out. Pause for a moment...
6. Exhale through your mouth completely feeling your abdomen pulling in, contacting as you do...
7. This is one cycle of pranic breathing...
Note: Do not force your breathing. If you become dizzy stop and resume normal breathing.
#2360 - Basic Protection
Draw and visualize with your finger or wand a pentacle. then visualize it rotating and sucking in bad energy. Say: "By the power of five, all bad energy can say goodbye".