2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 2482 Beauty Spells
- Body Exchange
- Life Flower
- Change eye color
- Powerful Sigils Awakener
- Mermaid Spell
- Catgirl Spell
- Material Skin Spell
- Slime Skin Curse
- Succubus/Incubus Transformation
- Tsumikification Spell (Boys only)
#511 - Body Exchange
Swaps you and another person's bodies. They think they were always you, you know what they did AND retain your memories. You do, however, believe you were their gender, and vice versa.
Before you go to bed, light the candles. Write your name on one piece of paper, write the target's name on another piece of paper. Burn your name over the candle of the target's gender, and the target's name over the candle of your gender. Go to sleep. When you wake up the next morning, you will have changed bodies.
NGHTTXNCNTPD has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Jun 12, 2015
#512 - Life Flower
Makes a flower sprout from someone's head. Flower can only be killed by neglect. Flower keeps person alive.
Give the friend the flower and have them put it on their head. Inform them of what you will say, to give them one last chance to back out if they want to, as they shouldn't be able to remove the flower in the middle of casting. Chant:''Flower, flower, do what I say. Keep this person alive, allow him/her to see each next day. Flower, flower, listen to me. Should you die, so does he/she! So mote it be!''
The flower should start glowing, and implant itself in the person's head. The flower cannot be removed by any means at this point. As long as the person cares for the flower, it will keep them alive. Should they neglect the flower, it will warn them by making them slowly grow progressively sicker. If the person still does not care for the flower and allows it to wilt, the person will perish. IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU LET THEM KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN BEFOREHAND! DON'T HAVE SOMEONE DO SOMETHING THEY DONT WANT TO GET IN TO!
NGHTTXNCNTPD has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Jun 12, 2015
#513 - Change eye color
this is proven to work trust me
you need to get the paper draw a eye on it with the color pen you want your eye color to be then put the towel over your head and say this spell: the gods of creation i know you gave me my speacil i color just 4 me but i plead you now to change under the will of you i shall use it wisely than close you eyes it is best to do this at night so you can sleep for them to work there magic longer the next day they should have changed color
SolarSun has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Feb 26, 2017
#514 - Powerful Sigils Awakener
This spell is work almost for every sigils you make.It helps to reinforce and strengthen the power of the sigil.Make sure beliefs are your companion.
"Every once in a while,sigils are the most powerful magick tools but it's almost the weakest one because it's depended on us."
You may need:
Your Sigil that you wanted to awaken
Clear mind
Clear voice
Pure heart
!!READ THE SUMMARY FIRST!! 1:Place your sigil on clean table/something. 2:Clear your mind and heart,now point your hands on the sigil. 3:Visualize a red flowing energy from your mind to your fingers and it's flowing to the sigil. 4:Remember the feelings,what is it feel?Cold?Hot?Happy?Windy? Place the feeling to the flowing energy. 5:After 2 minutes,you done.You should do it for a bout 2 weeks to strengthen the sigils back. If you want to do it again,repeat the process,bookmark this page for sure :) It's not working? You lack belief and ingredient needs or maybe the instruction you've done is wrong.
dreamnix has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Nov 06, 2016
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Feb 26, 2017
Last edited on Dec 14, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Dec 14, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#515 - Mermaid Spell
Will turn you into a Mermaid! (IN THE PROGRESS OF TESTING)
The Chant ''Salt Water Seas
Can You Hear My Plea
[Color] Tail, And Bra Top Can I Wear?
Breathe Underwater, Please my Father?
Swimming fast when i please.
Pool or ocean, does not matter to me.
As long as the water is full of salt.
My tail with float with the wavy bumps.''
More Detail And Safer Version:
''I will grow a tail, a mermaid tail made of [Color] Scales. I will wear a top a [Color] [Matieral] Top.
No matter if im swimming in a pool or ocean, maybe sea or river. As long as there is salt i will turn into a mermaid.
It will last untill i get out of water. Then i will be back to normal.
I can breathe underwater, i can see underwater. My ears can go deep without damage.
My hair wont get tangled, and i can swim fast.
My father God And Jesus above will protect me from any evil sprits.
This spell will last [Time Period].
But God And Jesus will love me and protect me forever.
As the caster I say, this spell will happen between 5 Mins-2 Weeks''
While saying, chanting either one hold a cup of water. When done pour it on your legs.
After you do all of that say ''No matter what this will wear off if i perform the removal spell.''
I reccomend starting off with 5 Mins-1 hour time period!
And working your way up!
taycat34 has been a member of the site for 9 years, since Mar 11, 2016
#516 - Catgirl Spell
Makes whoever you want into a catgirl, and you will be her master.
Think of your friend and chant aloud or to yourself:''Make (Name of Person) a catgirl forever. She will be cute, cuddly, and most importantly, herself. Her fur will be (color). So mote it be.''
Side Effects:
Cat Ears
Cat tail
Cat Paws
Meowing a lot
Desire to be told what to do
NGHTTXNCNTPD has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Jun 12, 2015
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Feb 24, 2017
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#517 - Material Skin Spell
Gives someone's skin the appearance of any material. Only affects appearance, not how the skin behaves.
Think of the friend and say to yourself:''I wish for (Name of Person)'s skin to look like (Name of Material). So mote it be.''
NGHTTXNCNTPD has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Jun 12, 2015
#518 - Slime Skin Curse
Makes your enemy's skin turn to slime.
Think of your enemy, then chant aloud or to yourself:''Make (Name of victim) sticky, make them shine! Coat their skin in a layer of (Color) slime!''
Slime will ooze from their skin and cover it. The slime will also eat any clothing it touches. The slime is opaque, no matter what color is chosen. Also MASSIVELY increases their sex drive.
NGHTTXNCNTPD has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Jun 12, 2015
#519 - Succubus/Incubus Transformation
Makes your friend into a succubus/incubus to serve you.
You may need:
Item to signify love (heart-shaped stone, rose, etc.)
Rope or straps
Outfit of choice
''Make (Name of friend) to my servant. He/she will wear the outfit provided forever. I want him/her to be mine and mine alone. Make him/her my succubus/incubus! So mote it be!''
Your friend and the outfit should glow brightly. The outfit will unfold and put itself on your friend, and replace their current clothing by removing, folding, and placing down their current outfit. The item you placed on your friend will melt into them, and grow that area of their body by a considerable amount. The outfit will shrink and expand as needed. Your friend will have become a succubus/incubus about 5 minutes after this process is completed, and they will stop glowing. Recommended outfit for succubus: Maid.
NGHTTXNCNTPD has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Jun 12, 2015
#520 - Tsumikification Spell (Boys only)
Makes your crush obsessed with you, but she will never admit it. The color of her hair and eyes will change to purple over the course of 6 weeks, with her gaining blue bangs. (Soo-mee-kee Minn-ee-wah)
Have the pictures of Tsumiki and the target nearby (in case you're using a computer/mobile device) and chant:''Tsumiki, Tsumiki, your love will come to me. Possess the body of my crush, fill her head full of lust. She will want me, need me, desire me, but never tell me. If others try to say, she will make them go away. Miniwa, Miniwa, your love for me shall never fall. So mote it be.''
NGHTTXNCNTPD has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Jun 12, 2015
2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters