2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Agility
- Give Everything to God
- Beautiful Singing Voice
- Fat Spell
- Wizard Tea
- 100% Real Shapeshifting
- Turn into Yourself
- Self Thermo Control
- Beauty
- Reinforcement of Items
#601 - Agility
Hold your water bottle in both hands and chant:
"I wish to be quick as Hermes and as tireless as a wolf, so mote it be!"
Then take a big gulp of that water when you feel a little tired.
Last edited on Aug 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#602 - Give Everything to God
When ever you feel you need to give to god say...
"I want to give everything to God.
Make it so God has everything please.
I receive blessings."
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#603 - Beautiful Singing Voice
Take a deep breath and breath deeply over the bowl. After a few minutes, dump the water on your hands. Don't speak for seven minutes.
#604 - Fat Spell
Let's start...
Make sure you have lots and lots of fattening food
And make sure you belly is full
(1) fill the bowl to the top with water
It can be tap or bottled
(2) get a handful of salt and put it into the water
(3) mix until salty
(4) drink at least half of it
(5) say this
"I call upon the gods, hear my plea.
Stop my metabolism and make me grow big and wide for (as long as you want)
Make me gain (how many pounds you want) pounds I grow big and scream with glee. I call upon the gods to make me chubby!"
(6) Once you are done drink the rest of the water then eat all of the food and even if you feel sick just eat and eat and eat until its all gone.
Go straight to bed when you are done.
(7) Wake up the next morning, you will feel quite heavy...
(8) you will not instantly gain after 4 days the weight you want will become yours but as the weeks go by you'll gain 50 pounds everyday.
If at some point you cannot bare it say this:
"Please start my metabolism make it work again help me lose pounds I didn't ask for this curse pleasr gods!"
Msg me if it works I tested it on myself.
Before I did the spell I was 78 pounds and 12 I'm 13 now and I weigh 198 pounds! it is primarily for fun. Because, seriously who don't want to pop buttons?
Last edited on Aug 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#605 - Wizard Tea
Put the piece of honey comb inside the tea bag then add in the chunk of chocolate and the mint leaves. Drop in hot water and done.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#606 - 100% Real Shapeshifting
Look into the animals eyes and say: "Gods and goddesses listen here, I ask you to make me this (animal type) so I will think of transforming to turn back, make it swift so note it be!!"
Then look in the animals eyes for another 5 seconds. You can only become mammals and must look in both eyes at once.
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#607 - Turn into Yourself
Hold your moon stone up to the full moon at midnight, and say: "I no longer want to be (whatever you are). I would now like to turn back into the normal (whatever your name is)."
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#608 - Self Thermo Control
This is very useful only if you has known how the air flowing and how to made some fresh air by your self. As in naturally the air was only flown if has two difference temperature from hot into cold ones. So this magic basically has same models, if around you was hot you must be cold and if around you was cold you must get hot, normally it can easy to make, coz all humans has body that can manage the temperature in your body.
So let's start: Beginners, I suggest you must lot practice to get meditations (must be in room, can't do this outside) and learn to know hot and cold by try to touch water (like ice) and fire (can get it from fire that burning a candle).
After you know the first step you just try meditations in some room like step 1 but turn on the air condition or some fan, wait till the room filled by cold air, filled that air and united with them. Just turn off the air condition and meditation again, as naturally the temperature in your room is starting being warm and later being hot.
If you have success to united with the air in your room you still being fresh even if your room getting hot, now you can get first experience to control your body temperature. Practice this again and again until you get expert in this and has ability to controlling your temperature at outdoor.
After you get expert you can practice in outdoor and try it meditated by open the eyes, so in magically you not also can control the temperature of your body but also the air that can made your body being fresh even in hot or cold temperature.
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#609 - Beauty
Put the flower in the water and say the spell 3 times:
"I call on Goddess Aphrodite
To send me beauty
My beauty shall be seen
By every person that be around me
Make me beautiful
Make (what you want to be beautiful)
That I always wished for
Send me beauty in (your time)
So mote it be"
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#610 - Reinforcement of Items
First, channel all your magikal energy into your hand. Next let it flow from your hand, into the item you are holding. Then imagine it strengthening, and hardening. If it was done properly, it should be slightly more durable. But only while you continue channeling energy into it. Remember, the more you practice this, the better you will be at it.
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.