2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Foot Tickling
- Werewolf Ritual
- Healing
- Healing New Cuts
- Shape Shifting Potion
- Healing
- Aphrodite's Love Potion
- Fat Curse
- Fat
- Help a Friend
#611 - Foot Tickling
If you wish to cast on yourself: sit in a position where you have your hands on the soles of your feet. Then close your eyes and relax, place the small feather between your feet. Imagine you sitting in the same room however I want you to imagine that something comes by and begins to tickle your feet. This can be floating hands, feathers ect
Slowly rub your soles up to your toes, this will entice the energy to flow to your feet and send the ticklish waves to your feet from your soles to your toes. Laugh for 5 minutes but make sure you are alone as this might make people freak up a bit.
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#612 - Werewolf Ritual
Place the bowl before you. Put the spoon next to it, and the wolf item on the other side of it. Place the body item into the bowl.
Pour milk into the bowl, then mix in honey. Sprinkle in powdered basil, bay leaves and cinnamon, then add a pinch of salt. Stir until the salt is dissolved and there are no clumps or large pieces of the herbs.
Look up at the moon and close your eyes. Imagine wolves running, moving, playing, hunting. See the way their bodies move. Then recite this chant. (You may print it or write it down.)
''Moonglow, mist, muscle and bone
Black and water weathered stone
Blood drawn death and muted screech
Scraping for magic within reach
Violet blood through crimson vine
Lightning strike and frothy brine
Fangs and talons, eyes of awe
Power held by bloodied claw
Control is false, instinct is law
The weakened body, modern form
Will never survive the storm
Drowned away, the pulse is dead
But the harvest moon shines red
The wild soul that I call mine
Belongs to a body lupine
Moon, the packsong cries for thee
And now the call reaches me
The wolves will come to set me free
Sinews, fur, fangs, but no pain
Over the world the Moon shall reign
A change comes when it calls my name
And my mind shall stay the same
Conscious thought, but instincts wild
The pack-mother welcomes her new child
My siblings in the hunt and prowl
Pack-brothers and sisters shall meet me and howl
And I shall change under midnight's cowl
I will know the tongue of my family
We will sing, hunt, and run free
Senses give a second sight
So I can find prey under cover of night
My wolf form stronger in every way
And I return to my normal form by day
I shall have magic in my fang
So I can change any woman or man
And packs will be born across the land
Eventually I will gain full power
I may choose to change at any hour
After a while all will be freed
To change back and forth as they need
And when they don't need the moon to change their form
It will no longer cause them to transform
And wolf packs will grow as more werewolves are born
All brothers and sisters, whether born wolves or reborn
To the moon and our packs forever sworn.
By the sun, the moon and the power of three,
Stars and spirits and powers that be,
Wolves of the forests that listen to me,
This is my will, so mote it be.''
If your body part could be choked on, remove it now. Anoint the representation of the wolf with the liquid you prepared, then anoint yourself. Touch your left hand to each of the four elements, then to the wolf, to your heart, and to the liquid. Now drink the rest of it, and sprinkle salt in the bottom of the bowl. Close the circle in any way you wish, then bury the feather, stone and fire item, and pour the water over where you buried it. Put the containers for the potion and water inside the closed circle, then go inside and sleep.
#613 - Healing
Open the magickal circle with your altar. Raise the wand and athame across your chest in the Osiris position.
Visualize the wounded person feeling better, or if youre hurt yourself, visualize yourself feeling better overall. Then zoom into details. Visualize the God and his lover the Goddess saying, "Let there be remedy! This is thy will so mote it be!" Then, suddenly you, wearing nothing, feel better. Then you close up your third eye, or you stop your visualization.
Now, chant,
"Let there be remedy,
as the Deities say,
let there be remedy,
to rescue me today
This is thy will,
this is my will,
this is His will,
this is Her will,
so mote it be!"
Then eat the mint, whispering, "Let there be blessings!" Then visualize the God and Goddess declaring proudly, "Let there be blessings" Chew and say, "Blessed be, blessed be me!"
Give some rosemary as an offering to the Goddess and the God. Then say, "Blessed be. Let there be remedy, let there be blessings. Blessed be, so mote it be! To the goddess (Gaia) and the god (Ahone)!"
Drink the water from the chalice.
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#614 - Healing New Cuts
Put some of the saliva ( human& dragon) on the cut then rub in saying: "What I rub in may rub out my wound". Then wash it with water and say: "With this water I cleanse and purify". Then place the cobwebs over it and say: I lay mothers plasters on my cut. Then put the remaining saliva on it and say: "I seal this let it seal me so mote it be".
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#615 - Shape Shifting Potion
Add the apple, the peeled garlic, and the cup of water and the hot sauce to your cauldron. Boil it all in the cauldron.
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#616 - Healing
Take a small bit of the cinnamon, and eat the mint. Give your offering to Kumugwe, the Native American god that healed the injured and sick. Draw your name and write "health problem gone, good health return" below the drawing of the Uruz.
Then chant:
"O, Kumugwe, bless me please
From the bottom of the ocean
To the top of the trees
Bring my health problem away from me
Please, o please, I beg thee."
Meditate for a few minutes. Then eat your form of cinnamon and your mint. Then drink at least one gulp of fresh river water. Then chant:
"O, Kumugwe, as I drink from your Sacred Dwelling,
I beg of you to bless me with a well physical being."
This is best done on a Full Moon or Waning Moon. (Waning, weakening the health issue. Full moon, making your good health at its fullest.)
Last edited on Jul 29, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#617 - Aphrodite's Love Potion
Best done on the Waxing Moon or New Moon.
If you are allergic to thyme, or any other ingredients, simply leave them out. Magick is the most important thing in the world, but it would not work well if you sacrifice yourself.
Brew some tea first and foremost. Enough to fill two cups or more, for you'll want to drink one cup of the potion, and your consort should drink the other.
Put one very small drop of ketchup in the tea, so small one couldnt taste it, and the smallest amount of salt, even if its one grain. Put in as much sugar as you wish if you want to sweeten the relationship. The more sweetness needed, the more sugar you should add.
Then chant,
"Sugar for a sweet love. Salt so sacred from up above. A romance as strong as the Goddess and Gods. Let me catch Name of Your Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Consort like a fishing rod."
Add some water, a little milk, and a tiny amount of honey to the tea. Put it a small amount of lemon if you want, but it isnt needed. If you do put in lemon, make the amount VERY, very SMALL, because you wouldnt want your relationship to get sour. The remains of the lemon should be given to Aphrodite, for you should never waste food.
Mix it all together with a spoon. Then, give one cup of Aphrodite's love potion (really tea with added ingredients, but still sacred magickal Love Potion)to your lover/consort/romantic partner/crush. (If they don't know you have romantic feelings, say, "Just a drink between friends." If they do know of your romantic feelings, then give it to them. Don't tell them it's a potion though it is. But don't lie to them about what it is.)
Then give the second cup of Aphrodite's love potion to yourself. Do not give the potion to somebody you don't have romantic feelings for. If somebody you dont have romantic feelings for gives it to you, kindly refuse.
Last edited on Feb 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#618 - Fat Curse
You may do this spell on yourself for fun it wears off after 5 hours but you may continuously do it to stay like that but everytime you do it it adds five more hours and five more pounds.
It takes 3 weeks to get to the limit of how much you can weigh
- How old is your target?
- If they are 10 or under skip to 3
- If they are 11-14 skip to 2
- If they are 15-42 go to 1
- 1. The limit is 380 lbs.
- 2. The limit is 260 lbs.
- 3. The limit is 180 lbs.
Warning: Do not mistake the limits if you do the wrong limit you may give them a heart attack or starve them
Make a pie/cake/baked good. Pour a whole box of sugar in a bowl. Say:
"Burden whomever eats this cake with five extra pounds
Make them very fat and round
Whether by their will or not
Make their metabolism start to rot"
Then sprinkle three pinches of sugar onto the cake. Pour a cup of water. Go to their house. And offer it as a peace offering. If they don't say ok shove a slice with sugar on it into their mouth. And if they don't swallow and chew then make them chew and pour the water into their mouth
Go home and wait for 9:00pm to come. Sit on your floor and meditate, clear your mind. Stay in that postion and open your eyes. Say: "The Curse has begun"
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#619 - Fat
Caution:While using this spell stay away from windows or mirrors you can in flate at anytime!
Place your food in front of you. Say this:
"I call upon god to grant my wish to become bigger, fatter.
I don't need anything else from you that is all that matters.
(Starts to yell) Make me fat!
(Talk in a loud voice but stop yelling)
Make me 379 pounds!
Make me squishy and round!"
Then eat all of the food and don't allow yourself to throw up. In 3-5 hours you'll start to feel heavier. Just to test it stand on the scale if you can't see your feet then lay down on your couch and imagine how FAT you'll be when you are finished
Lay there for about 4 more hours and then "pass" the food. If you can see your feet eat twice as more food as you did before. Then pass the food and then eat twice as much food as before. Do NOT pass that food
After 3 hours of eating check your weight if it is around 200-320. Then stop eating
Wait for your stomach to start gargling. If your clothes starts to rip let them
Side Affects:
- Craving foods you don't even like
- Laziness
- Major flatulence problems
- Late period
- Headache
- Early period
- Possible virgin birth
Last edited on Apr 22, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#620 - Help a Friend
Put the candle in the bowl and pour the water in the bowl. After you have done that light the candle and say:
"Little Angel come to me. Help me help my friend in need.
Help (him or her) to find the answer to the question she holds in her mind.
Little Angel come to me come and my friend in need.
Little Angel help my friend find (his or her) answer.
Free (him or her) misery that she pleads with me."
After you have said this, think of your friend and blow out the candle.
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.