2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Better Singing
- God
- Brain Shut Down
- Fallen Angel Seal
- Relax Yourself
- Put Feelings in a Container
- Any Werebeast
- Demonwolf or Dracowolf or Demonicdracowo
- Change your Eye Color
- Glamour Spell
#771 - Better Singing
Say this spell 3x only
"This talent that I always wanted
Please let me have it
A beautiful voice that comes to me
Every time I start to sing"
Take 3 deep breaths
Now say this only once
"After 5 minutes of silence from my voice
A new voice comes when I sing notes"
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#772 - God
Say 3-5 times day or night: "Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea, i wish to become a god/goddess forever a god of (death,life) i shall become a god instantly, turn me into a god at once, so mote it be." Note: All god spells require white magic if you don't have it god spells won't work that will be the only reason they are not working for you.
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#773 - Brain Shut Down
Go into the dark room and light the 1 to 2 candles. Focus on the darkness around you and let your eyes and body be consumed by it. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and hold it in while thinking about sleep. Now let go of your breath and open your eyes. Hold the necklace close to your body and close your eyes again. Say the words: "Darkness surround me. Let it fullfil me. I need peace and quiet. I need a little sleep. Every one around will not know, that i sit there sleeping soundly. I am ready. Comit to me. Show me the way. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#774 - Fallen Angel Seal
"I call upon a demon to be sent up from hell, to make (persons name) one with the demon, I shall become whole with the demon named (demon's name) I shall be it's human half, the seal's color will be (choose a color) please listen to my plea, by the power of three, so mote it be." Note: You should be able to use their powers and ability's if this works and they may take you to hell so don't blame me for what happens to you.
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#775 - Relax Yourself
Incense or candles are recommend for this spell.
For better results have Angelica (A great plant) made into Tea. To make the Tea, Simply just have dried Angelica put into some hot water to extract the calming properties of the plant. (Please do NOT take while Pregnant it will delay labor!)
Find a peaceful room and light the Incense or Candles.
Then sit or lay in a comfortable position. Try to relax your body as much as you can. Breath steadily. Relaxing music may help if you are fidgeting. Imagine the dark energy that is irritating you flow out of your body. If you have a candle imagine the dark energy burn in the fire. If not have the energy go into the sunlight to burn. Now imagine a new, light energy flowing through your body. Keep taking deep breaths after until you are feeling well.
#776 - Put Feelings in a Container
Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#777 - Any Werebeast
Take the pencil and paper and draw your changed forms like if you chose draco wolf draw draco wolf form then write down it's element fold the paper do the same for wolf form and dragon form. Here is the spell, say spell 3 times: "I call upon the spirits of the moon, bring these drawing into real life, allow me to shift into these forms. My elements will be (choose 3 elements if chosen demon or draco wolf if not then 1 element) I shall be able to transform at will, please make this me. On this very night I shall be able to transform, by the power of the forest, so mote it be.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#778 - Demonwolf or Dracowolf or Demonicdracowo
Say 5 times:
"Dracowolves, Demonwolves, and spirits of the moon, I wish to be the (demonwolf,dracowolf,dracodemon.) I shall be able to shift into both forms or just one form at will half way or all the way whenever i want. I shall be able to shift for however long I want and shall not be able to shift back untill one hour after the transformation. By the power of the forest, so mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#779 - Change your Eye Color
Light the candle and look at your eyes in the mirror that put on the necklace but keep staring then say this spell while looking at your eyes:
" These eyes are not the ones I have asked for I wish for beautiful eyes the colour-________ instead of the ______ ones I have now this is my wish so mote it be."
Than close your eyes and think about the colour you choose do this for 5mins that blow out the candle and walk away keep the necklace on for one week for best results.
Last edited on Jul 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#780 - Glamour Spell
''Beauty shimmer, beauty shine, beauty unravels me all the time. I look in thee, with my plea, only to receive some beauty and glee, so mote it be.''
Then, blow out the green candle only, and leave the pink candle lit, and then focus your mind on Aphrodite, to make you more glamours. You can say whatever you want, and do whatever prayer you want, it just needs to be to Aphrodite, so she will give you beauty. As you prayer, imagine yourself with better skin, better eyes, hair, etc, and receive more beauty!
I hoped Aphrodite answered your prayers :D