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1530 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1530 Fantasy Spells
1530 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1530 Fantasy Spells
  1. A BFF Elsa Mermaid Spell
  2. A BFF Frozen Mermaid Spell
  3. Teleportation / Be and See A Fairy
  4. Mer Queen Spell
  5. Vampire Transformation Spell
  6. Become 50% human 50% mermaid
  7. Mairead Watson
  8. Mermaid magic turn into a mermaid within a day
  9. Winx Club spell
  10. Night Creatures: Pureblood-Vampires.
#71 - #80
#91 - #100
#111 - #120
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#91 - A BFF Elsa Mermaid Spell

Want to look like Elsa as a mermaid? And have powers? You came to the right place!!!
You may need:

  • A cup
  • Water
  • A BFF
  • BFF necklace
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    You may need:

  • A cup
  • Water
  • A BFF
  • BFF necklace
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    You can do this together or In FaceTime. Say it together TWICE while you hang the necklace in the water:

    ”Give me ice, give me snow, give ma a tail, and let the magic flow. I’m here with my BFF. Provide us with what will come next. We won’t conceal, and we will feel. An ice mermaid we shall be.”

    your tail should appear on eat on the first day of winter. At the end of the spell, just promise your BFF one thing, YOU MUST FACETIME HER AND SHOW HER YOUR ICEY COOL TAIL!!!

    your tail should look like Elsa’s blue ice gown.

    Side effects:

    1. Blue glittery legs

    2. Humming, Let It Go

    Added to on Sep 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #92 - A BFF Frozen Mermaid Spell

    Want to look like Elsa with your BFF? Well. Good thing you came to me, MerFaith14!!!
    You may need:

  • A BFF
  • A cup
  • 1 or 2 ice cube(s)
  • Spring water
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    You may need:

  • A BFF
  • A cup
  • 1 or 2 ice cube(s)
  • Spring water
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    If your BFF is with you, only put in one ice cube, to represent the both of you. If your BFF isn’t near, put in 2 ice cubes. When you do the spell, do it via FaceTime if your BFF isn’t near, if your BFF is near, do it then. Put the ice cube(s) in the cup and fill it with nice, cold spring water. Say this TWICE together AT THE SAME TIME while putting your hands on top of the cup:

    ”Crystalizing ice and snow let this Mer Elsa Transformation flow. I’m here with my BFF. Provide us with what will come next!

    Icey mermaids we will be, when we frolic about the vast springs and seas!”

    your powers and transformation will appear on Christmas Day.

    Side affects:

    1. Humming, Let It Go

    2. Night chills

    3. Blue, glittery legs

    4. Blonde streaks of hair

    Your tail should look like Elsa’s blue snowflake gown, if not, well... you may have done the spell wrong and you are probably a creature you didn’t want to be.

    Added to on Sep 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #93 - Teleportation / Be and See A Fairy

    Become a fairy and teleport. By the way, you must have a fairy door. It won’t work otherwise.
    You may need:

  • - Fairy Door (on wall )
  • - Fairy Dust
  • - Belief
  • - Notebook/Paper
  • - Writing Tool (Pencil/Pen/Texta)H
  • - Voice
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    You may need:

  • - Fairy Door (on wall )
  • - Fairy Dust
  • - Belief
  • - Notebook/Paper
  • - Writing Tool (Pencil/Pen/Texta)H
  • - Voice
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    For this spell, you will need a fairy door, fairy dust, belief, a notebook or paper, a writing tool and your voice. Sit or stand near your fairy door. The door doesn’t have to be yours, you can be at a friend or family members house. Have a notebook or paper in front of you with a pen or pencil or texta. Have some fairy dust with you. Knock twice on the door and write a letter to the fairies. Make sure to include in your letter, that you would like to meet a fairy, and to have wings. Leave the letter overnight in front of the fairy door. Make sure to sprinkle some fairy dust over your letter, to create an extra magical ambience. In the morning, hope for a reply. Go over to the door. If there is no reply wait. The fairies may not see it the first night. If after a week, the fairies haven’t come, knock again. Hopefully, they will come to you. If this spell does not work, please comment or, wait until one of your baby teeth fall out. Ask your tooth fairy about it. Just make sure that you include in your letter that you would like to be able to teleport too.

    Added to on Sep 12, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #94 - Mer Queen Spell

    Be a real Mermaid Queen Of Atlantis!!!
    You may need:

  • One strand of hair
  • Cup
  • Sugar packet
  • Mermaid necklace
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • One strand of hair
  • Cup
  • Sugar packet
  • Mermaid necklace
  • Water
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    Get your cup and a spoon and fill it with water. Open your sugar packet and stir it. Put in the hair. (The whole strand)

    Mix it again, singing: “Under The Sea.”

    say this once, you don’t have to memorize:

    ”Neptune of the sea, please hear me. I want to be a queen and be under the sea!!! But I ask just one more thing, a second Queen I shall bring, her name is (name of BFF) and we’d make a great Queen team! Under the sea, under the sea!!! That is where we want to be!"

    You will get endless powers.

    Transformation will come 30 seconds later!

    The BFF you mentioned in the spell does not have to do it!

    Side affect:

    Humming , “Part Of Your World.”

    Added to on Sep 07, 2019
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #95 - Vampire Transformation Spell

    Be your own REAL Twilight vampire!!!
    You may need:

  • You will need:
  • Red food dye, representing blood
  • Cup
  • Purified water, representing your rebirth and purity
  • A strand of hair
  • A drawing of what you want to look like as a vampire. Your height, weight, eye sight, and hair color, anything!!!!!
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    You may need:

  • You will need:
  • Red food dye, representing blood
  • Cup
  • Purified water, representing your rebirth and purity
  • A strand of hair
  • A drawing of what you want to look like as a vampire. Your height, weight, eye sight, and hair color, anything!!!!!
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    1. Get your cup and a spoon, then get a bottle of purified water.

    2. Squeeze 5 drops of red food dye in the water, and put the strand of hair in the red water. (Leave half of the strand hanging out of the cup.

    3. Holding the hair, mix the potion with the hair still in it.

    You don’t have to memorize this spell. But say this twice:

    ”Golden eyes, skin fare and pale, I would like to be a Cullen! With speed faster than light or sound. I would like to have these powers, (pick as much powers as you want) and this is all I as. Please oh please Mote it be.”

    side effects:

    1. Sensitivity to light

    2. Craving of animal blood, doesn’t work on pets

    3. Strength to lift a bus, or semi

    4. Sharper, longer teeth

    5. Lip discoloration

    5. Longer hair within 3 days


    just like all Cullens, your transformation will take 3 days. And whatever day you do the spell, you will transform that same day on the next week. And you will awaken on the third day!!!! Enjoy your immortality!!!!

    Added to on Sep 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #96 - Become 50% human 50% mermaid

    This spell will give you a chance to become half mermaid half human and chose when
    You may need:

  • Water in bowl
  • Necklace
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Water in bowl
  • Necklace
  • Belief
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    Say 2x

    Mermaids far and mermaids near,

    Be able to teleport me to sea,

    When I clutch my necklace and think about sea,

    I will have a a shimmering tail of (color) and the powers of 3 (powers x3)

    So mote it be, so mote it be

    Side effects include

    crossing of legs

    Added to on Aug 31, 2019
    Last edited on Sep 23, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #97 - Mairead Watson

    If you are extremely willing to be a mermaid use this spell.
    You may need:

  • DNA
  • Drip of blood
  • Salt
  • Warm water
  • Total belief
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    You may need:

  • DNA
  • Drip of blood
  • Salt
  • Warm water
  • Total belief
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    1. Add salt, blood and DNA into warm water.
    2. Mix until salt and blood dissolved.
    3. Run a bath (any temp) and sit in tub.
    4. Pour potion over legs.
    5. Chant:
      "Spirits of the deep I want a tail of (color) and 3 powers of heating, freezing and controlling water. I will get my tail when I touch water."
    6. Wait two days and you will get your tail an powers.

    Added to on Aug 30, 2019
    Last edited on Sep 18, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #98 - Mermaid magic turn into a mermaid within a day

    This spell will turn you into a mermaid when you touch water with your symbol on, take off if you do not want to be exposed.
    You may need:

  • Water (any form)
  • Symbol
  • A little belief
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    You may need:

  • Water (any form)
  • Symbol
  • A little belief
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    Say before bed, go to sleep and when you wake up you will have a tail.

    Say 2x

    Mermaids far and mermaids near,

    Be able to teleport me to sea,

    When I clutch my necklace and think about sea,

    I will have a a shimmering tail of (color) and the powers of 3 (powers x3)

    So mote it be, so mote it be

    Added to on Aug 30, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #99 - Winx Club spell

    A spell yet to be tested to become a winx fairy. From my wattpad account.
    You may need:

  • Need
  • Faith
  • Patience
  • 1 thing to represent your power(Candle/image of flame-fire powers) optional
  • Piece of jewelry(earrings, necklace, bracelet, etc.)
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    You may need:

  • Need
  • Faith
  • Patience
  • 1 thing to represent your power(Candle/image of flame-fire powers) optional
  • Piece of jewelry(earrings, necklace, bracelet, etc.)
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    What to do:

    1. Put your jewelry on
    2. If you use the item to represent your power, put your energy hand over it and imagine using your power. If not, then skip this step.
    3. Meditate on what your form and powers are.
    4. Now say the following three times


    Chant the following:

    "Fairies far and wide, that lie in a realm hidden from my eyes.

    Come to me, I ask of thee,

    Gods and Goddesses of fairies,

    To transform me into a Winx fairy.

    I will soar throughout the skies with my wings of (color or colors depending on your form),

    And with your great flow of energy, I ask kindly for you to grant me the form of (Charmix, enchantix, etc),

    And the power of (Power).

    And all I have to do to transform is say "Magic Winx!" and the form I am now,

    Please let this come true.

    My form and powers will be here in (Hours/days/weeks) time,

    I thank thee.

    So mote it be."

    Added to on Jul 29, 2019
    Last edited on Aug 15, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #100 - Night Creatures: Pureblood-Vampires.

    This is a guide with characteristics and ability's of different kinds of vampires
    You may need:

    You may need:



    Pure bloods are the most rare and powerful kind of vampire, they are the progenitors of all other vampire species, Pure bloods are very powerful, because they do not have any drop of human blood coursing trough their veins.


    Eyes: always a bright / intense color, and when a Pureblood uses his ability's or gets really angry his/her eyes will sometimes change to a more red or yellow / orange color.


    • Elemental manipulation: on a limited scale.
    • Enhanced magic.
    • Enhanced senses.
    • Enhanced speed.
    • Enhanced strength.
    • Vampire magic.


    Added to on Jul 23, 2019
    Last edited on Jul 23, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1530 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters