2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Potion to exorcise evil spirits
- Awaken Your Peace Meditations! With Waterbird
- Ashes to Ashes Bone to Bone
- Vampiric corruption spell
- Vampire Protection Jewelry
- Minowe’s healing spell (tested)
- ***Animal (Cat/Familiar) Healing Spell***
- A spell to ease throat pains
- A minor healing spell
#321 - Potion to exorcise evil spirits
boil the water, and add the dead leaves to it, as if you're making tea. Stir it with the bramble, if a thorn falls into the water it'll be even more powerful. DONT ACTUALLY DRINK THE WATER, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT KIND OF LEAF YOU GRABBED. Use the same bramble as a wand when exorcising evil spirits, or use it to brush the water in haunted places. As the water dries, the evil is dispelled.
Merry met, and merry part.
#322 - Awaken Your Peace Meditations! With Waterbird
To start, light the white candle and place it in front of you with the notebook. Open to a blank page and draw a door. (Get creative! Draw some plants, and some designs around!) Once you are finished and have a completed design you are happy with, close your eyes and relax. Imagine that you’re are walking through the door and on the other side is a beautiful valley filled with all of your favorite things (plants, animals, etc.). This is your happy place! You may enter it whenever you feel the need. Enjoy walking around in your valley, and when you are done, close your notebook.
Thank you for reading! I hope you have an amazing day!
God bless!~
#323 - Ashes to Ashes Bone to Bone
Ashes to Ashes, Bone to Bone. Let them be as if made of stone. Unbreakable. Untouchable. As good as new. The breaks be gone. And sprains anew.
Wand movement:
Ashes to Ashes: Swish back and forth
Bone to Bone: Tap injured bone and opposite of injured bone
Let them be as if made of stone: Swing right, swing left, flick
Untouchable: swing to right
Unbreakable: Swing to left
As good as new: swish and flick
Breaks be gone: Swish then tap injured bone
And sprains anew: swish and tap opposite of injured bone
I know this is complicated, but I hope you enjoy it.
Blessed be.
#324 - Vampiric corruption spell
Light the red candle, and use it to light the black ones. Arrange them in a triangle around the bowl. Place the apple in the bowl, on top of the petals. Use the red candle to drip wax into the bowl, letting a decent amount fall on the apple. Say in your most sadistic voice:
Creatures of night, harrowing fright. Ravage my magick with a vampiric blight
As implied, this spell grants some vampiric qualities. You may find yourself staying up later. Paleness is sometimes a factor. You may avoid mirrors often. It grants a few vampiric boons, as well; Spells involving darkness, blood, and shadows are easier for you.
#325 - Vampire Protection Jewelry
--->Select a dish or glass that can hold water. If you are Pagan, your chalice would be a wonderful tool for this. Fill your container of choice with warm water. Add a bit of basil to the water and stir it gently with your finger. Don't lick your finger, some herbs may be toxic and many are allergic to quite a few of them.
-->Place your jewelry piece into the water and hold the glass in both of your hands.
-->Imagine the light of the moon coursing through you. It enters you, travels through your torso, down your arms, into your fingers, and finally releases itself into the glass. While you do so think about how it is your will to protect yourself from the sun.
-----> Now say these words: "Mother of Night, moon so bright, protect me from the morning light." ~Repeat these words 3 times or until you feel peace.
-->Wear the charmed jewelry ALL the time. Take it off on the nights of the full and new moons and place it under the moonlight in a safe spot.
This will give it extra power to protect you. You won't need to repeat the ritual, but the energy will wear out if you do not charge it.
HELLO. please read the introduction of the spell before performing it.
- A highly attuned sense of smell
- Super-quick feet
- Balancing tail
- Extraordinary hearing
- Far-sighted focus
- Tough tongue
- Feline flexibility
- Climbing abilities
- Night vision
- Cat eyes in the color of your own eyes
- Mood swings
- You will be attractive to cat people way more then usual
- Good concentration skills
- Fast learning
- Some anger issues
- Sudden Gain of weight might occur
Place the 4 candles around you. Try so that they all have the same distance to you. Also place the glass to your right with a bottle of water to your left. Also make sure you are wearing your pentagram necklace.(or a special meaning to you necklace)
Don't have a phone or anything that can expose radiation close to you, not even in the room you will be performing the spell. Place the cat hair on the towel and put it in front of you. You should be sitting down on the floor and the cat hair should be right in front of you. If you have long hair, i suggest you have it in a ponytail. The room you will be casting the spell should be completely dark and only have the light of the candles.
I call the richest of witches, the sisters of the animals, the ones I praise in my dreams
Make me one of you, teach me things that are true
Take my spirit, give me yours. Let me see the world as an animal of fur
Give me a sight, give me a smell, take my heart and give me tail
All I want to be is this, give me power to hiss
Sisters of fires, forests and wings, this time i call my sisters of dreams
What I wasn't meant to be, make it true, make it be.
Say this while dripping the water in the glass. Drink a sip from the glass, and put the cat hair in the remaing water in the glass (DO NOT DRINK ANY MORE ONCE THE CAT HAIR IS IN ITS NOT NECASSERY FOR THE CASTING OF THE SPELL)
Wait 20 seconds with your eyes closed. The spell will take about a month to completely transform you.
SIDE EFFECTS: stomach pain, headaches, dizziness, mood swings( these will be permanent ), anger issues , itchyness , pain in the eyes ( like burning but not anything tragic )
Good luck to all.
#327 - Minowe’s healing spell (tested)
- Put the peppermint extract on a paper towel
- then put the paper towel around area that hurts
- put the bandage tape around or over the paper towel
- then put ice over the paper towel
#328 - ***Animal (Cat/Familiar) Healing Spell***
Light the candles and incense. Focus on it. Make sure your mind is fully CLEAR and focused. Look at the picture of your pet or you can visualize him/her. Focus on your intent (to heal your pet). Make sure to add all your energy into the spell. Then begin the chant. You can cut your finger and add some blood to the candles now or after the chant. It doesn't have to be all of the candles. Write the name of your pet on a paper and add some blood to it as well. This can also be either before or after the chant. Chant: Goddesses and Gods of the wild. Deities: Aine, Artio, Bast, Cybele, Diana, Epona, Juno, Kali, Rhiannon, Cernunnos, Dumuzi, Hermes, Jupiter, Pan, Pushan, Saturn, Shiva, Silvanus, Brigantia, Artemis, Bastet, Freya, Hecate, Lilith, Archangel Gabriel, St Louis, RA, Aphrodite, Baba Yaga, Black Annis, Ketta, Maneki Neko, Neko Mata, Faunus, Hathor, St Anthony. Protectors of Animals and Beasts, both domestic and wildlife, I call upon you for aid during this desperate time. I ask that with your help and your power, you will be able to help my pet (__pet name__) through the challenges that he/she is currently facing. Make it so my love for them will help them with the pain, make it so my love will cure their sicknesses away. Guardians of the Animal Spirits, Caregivers of the Wildlife, Divine Spirits of the Forest, Gods and Goddesses of Animals, Spirits of Healing, I ask that you heal (__pet name__). By the power invested in me, by the power of 3 plus 3, by the power of the elements; Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit. By the power of Love, as I will it, So Mote it Be!
Another Chant: (Latin) Animalis spiritus invoco, sanare dolor! Pater et mater terra luna curabit istud vulnus. Qui venenum elit ex in manus superveniant affectus (__Name__). Air Ignis Aqua Tellus spiritus animalis mederi et tollamus de hominibus dictum est qui dolorem x2
Feel free to blow out the candles and leave the incense to burn all the way. You can also leave the candles to burn all the way if you want to, this is optional.
ATTENTION! THIS WILL NOT FULLY CURE YOUR PET! IF YOUR PET IS SICK, YOU NEED TO GO TO A VET IMMEDIATELY! Magick can only help so much. You need both healing Magick/Crystals AND to go to a vet. You need to work a little for things to go the way you want them to. Good luck!
#329 - A spell to ease throat pains
Open the text, and read the first quote you see aloud. As you read it, gently run your finger along the glands of your throat, feeling them vibrate as you read. When you finish, imagine the forces behind the sacred text removing your pain.
#330 - A minor healing spell
Take the soap, and carve solomon's seal into it. For those who don't know what that is, it's a triangle with an upside down triangle in the middle. Use the soap, and gently use it to clean the wound. If the wound is so bad that the soap will damage it, you may need a doctor. It will sting, but the pain will go away with the stinging.