2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Witch Spell
- Mermaid Beauty
- Men Love Rivals Elimination Ritual
- Gaining Trust With Wooden Doll
- A Mermaid Transformation
- Item Attraction
- Find New Love
- Controlling Someones Actions
- Summon a Pet
- Bless a Pen
#1031 - Witch Spell
'' Oh witches of the North I call thee... becometh me a witch same as you are. Two sticks may represent you as you have burned at the stake. Oh Witches of the south I call thee... becometh me a witch same as you are. Two sticks may represent you as you have been burned at the stake.
Oh witches of the east I call thee... becometh me a witch same as you are. Two sticks may represent you as you have been burned at the stake.
Oh witches of the west I call thee...becometh me a witch just as you are. Two sticks may represent you as you have been burned at the stake.''
Now take the bowl of water and pour out the flames. Now say
'' I put out these flame and allow you to rest of you allow me to be you. Curse this pentagram with magic as you have been cursed with flame. I beggeth you to activate my magic as I have activated your peace. I calleth you witches.''
Put the pentagram in the wood for four second each one for each part of the witch. Take it out wear it and never take it off.
#1032 - Mermaid Beauty
Then take the shell ( Preferred the clam kind)and put mixer in the open bit.
''Then Chant 3X : Goddess Aphrodite please make me beautiful in others eyes, Goddess Amphitrite please let the sea magic flow in me. I ask for the blessing to be as beautiful as a mermaid in all my forms.Hair down to my waist, eyes that glisten in the light and lips as red as a rose. Please let me become a charm when the sun rises once again, So mote it'' be.
Then put the sand on your face as much as you can. After 10 minutes wipe it off and the next morning you shall become as beautiful as a mermaid!
Last edited on Jan 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1033 - Men Love Rivals Elimination Ritual
gentlemen settled with their love rivals: Two gentlemen in exquisite attires would hold a
gun dual in front of a lady. Both of them would
stand back to back and then walked 10 steps
and then turn their back and fire a shot.
Whoever survives would win the lady… So this
is how the story goes. Now we don’t need to have this type of dual
anymore with the help of the one we loved to
hate: the Satan.
remove ones rivals in pursuing the lady he
loves. This might not be a gentlemans way to
win over a lady but at least both or lives of
many parties would be spared, in a way In this case, any rivals in the process of courting
this said lady would suddenly lose interest on
females and become gays. With this character
switch, only the spell caster is left to pursue the
fair lady until success. After this guy is successful
in winning the heart of the lady, Satan would appear in front of him to name his price. So,
think twice before engaging this rival
elimination ritual. Now, the ritual: This ritual must be performed on a full moon
night and it is for man only. First a talisman showing the head of Satan
opening his mouth is drawn as in my photos second image and then
it is brought to an evil place: a haunted place, a
graveyard, a battleground etc. At the location and before midnight, one should
dig a hole in the ground under moonlight. After
that the talisman is arranged in the center of the
hole, also one should light three black candles;
each candle for one apex of the triangle. After the candles are lit, one can start to summon
Satan to appear. If everything goes smoothly,
when the candles are half burnt; temperature in
the surrounding would experience a suddenly
drop. The spell caster should now voice out his
intention for carrying out this ritual. As soon as one has spoken, the hole should
immediately be buried and he should leave the
place at once without looking back. After the
ritual, the number of admirers of the said lady
would face a sudden drop as her pursuers
would have lost interest in ladies But there is no rule in preventing all his love rivals to fall in
love with the spell caster, so try at ones risk!
Also, please remember that Satan will name his
price soon.
#1034 - Gaining Trust With Wooden Doll
This ritual must be performed after 11pm of a full moon night. When it is time, you should first draw the shape of a man/woman on the piece of wood with a marker and then paint it with blue dye. After that you should also draw brows, eyes, nose, ears and mouth on the man/woman on the wood.
At the same time, you must also draw another man/woman shape on your heart but you should omit the facial features. After that, cut the wood into 4 pieces while saying: "give me your trust!"
When this is done, you should go out and collect some fallen leaves and then start up a bon fire. When fire is ignited, throw the wood piece by piece into the fire. Once the wood is burnt, and then return to your house without looking back.
This ritual should be done in secrecy and it is effective for one year. So, you should repeat the ritual every year.
Last edited on Apr 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1035 - A Mermaid Transformation
Fill the bowl half way with water. Add ALOT of salt, stir. Spit in it twice and stir. Add the objects from the sea, stir. Add more water, stir. Add mermaid objects, stir. Add fake flowers, stir.
Say this twice:
"A mermaid I want to be,
But not permanately!
With a tail of gold and blue!
and the power of freezing shaping and heating!
When I'm neck deep or deeper in
My tail will grow,
I will
As easily and painlessly as on land,
When I'm dry or in the water,
From the knee down,
I will have legs and be human,
Oh a mermaid i wish to be!
Witches one and witches all,
Give this power to me!
But BEWARE the full moon,
Touch water in it's view,
And you'll be a mermaid for
24 hours,
Witches one and witches all,
A mermaid I wish to be,
So give this power to ME!
As you say "ME", throw in your fave peice of jewlery. Take some out some and rub it on your legs. Repeat step 8. Dry off but leave your feet wet. Your legs should be very itchy right away
Last edited on Jun 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1036 - Item Attraction
Write the name of the item you wish to find. Place card facing upwards in front of you. Say this incantation
"Ancient one of ancient earth
Older than time can tell
Grant me power at your command
To work my ancient magik spell"
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1037 - Find New Love
Place the candles in a line in front of you (you will light the candles later) and place the paper in front of the candles. On the paper write female/ male (whichever you want to attract) then below it write some personality traits you would like the person to have. Leave the paper flat on the table and say this incantation
"The candle on my right is love" (Light the candle on your right) "The candle on my left is trust" (Light the candle on the left) "The candle in the middle is my soulmate" (Light the candle in the middle)
"I wish to find new love" (Blow out the candle on the right) "I wish to have trust" (Blow out the candle on your left) "And I wish to find my soulmate" (Take the paper and burn it with the middle candle and while the paper is burning continue the rest of the incantation BUT only let half the paper burn)
"Once this paper is no more I shall find my soulmate. So mote it be" Now let the candle keep going until it goes out itself. Take the remains of the paper and make sure there is no fire left. Then bury it outside or in the pot with dirt.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1038 - Controlling Someones Actions
(The persons name first and last)
You will obey
You will do
Just as I say
So mote it be
Then take the picture drop it in the bowl of water and place the bowl where it cannot be disturbed. To reverse the spell simply take the bowl of water, take out the picture and tape it in front of you (or get a new picture but take out the old one) and place your finger in the water stirring clockwise 3 times then counterclockwise 3 times while looking at the picture. Then say this incantation 3 times
(The persons name first and last)
You will not obey
You will not do
Just as i say
You are now free
So mote it be
Then you may empty the bowl and burn the picture. The person should now be free from your control.
Message me if you have any questions and if it worked for you or not
#1039 - Summon a Pet
Say once
"(Pets name)(pets name)
Come to me
I love you
Now come to me
Mote it be"
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1040 - Bless a Pen
Take your piece of hair and tie it around your pen. Next say: "Goddess of ( ) please bless this pen with my hair on it for me to use and me alone for magic". Then leave the pen out in the sunlight for one hour.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.