2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Vampire Chant
- Beauty Spell
- Abundant Pantry Spell
- Relaxation Water Potion
- Bowynn Garland of Blessed Abundance
- Abundance Balm
- Air Ball Spell
- Call Upon a Vampire
- Dionysus Abundance
- Waters of Abundance
#1601 - Vampire Chant
Lay down on your pillow. Think about the powers you want. Say the chant five times. Repeat nightly until your teeth become elongated and sharp.
"I am a vampire, I am a human. Super senses (what you want) shall be my powers. Blood from humans makes my eyes (color), blood from animals makes my eyes (color). I am allergic to the sun and burn if exposed. I am nocturnal, and sleep durng the day. My teeth are razor sharp. Blood is my food. If I bite a human they will become a vampire."
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1602 - Beauty Spell
''Goddess(es) of Beauty, hear my plea,
make me look like I want to be,
Your help is all I seek,
this is my will, so mote it be.''
Now, light the Pink one and pray to the Goddess(es);
''Goddess(es)hear my plea,
and make be beautiful,
help me with my quest,
This is my will, so mote it be.''
Look into the mirror and stare into your eyes for ten seconds and repeat the first chant.
Should take at least 2 weeks
#1603 - Abundant Pantry Spell
Now hold your hand over all the components that you need and speak the following:
''Sweet gods of my heart and my faith,
Bless this craft I weave in this time and space.
Give your gifts of abundance to that which I make,
See to those I give this gift are blessed, this I state.
Sweet and generous gods of my love and heart
fill and keep the home abundant as much as a shopping mart.
Let them never starve nor ever be in need,
This I beseech of you, so mote it be.''
Now take the food you wish to donate and place it in the basket. Make sure it is non-perishable foods. (no meat, poultry or fish. Nor foods that will go bad fast) Then wrap the plastic wrap about it. With the gold ribbon tie the green plastic up with nine knots. As you do chant the following:
''One, two, three,
Abundance come to thee/me.
Four, Five, Six,
Abundance to ____ now afix.
Seven, Eight, Nine
Abundance now by thine/mine.''
Place the basket on your altar or work space, between the three candles. Then light three candle. Repeat this chant for each candle as you light them:
''Let my offer of sharing and caring expand.
This I ask most humbly.''
Now sit and meditate on the basket. See the energy from the candles bless the basket of gifts with the power of abundance. At the same time, feel free to change the basket as well with more energy.
Repeat this ritual for three nights, moving the candles closer to the basket each time. Just not too close to set the basket ablaze.
Now give the basket to someone you know who is in need. As they open it, the energy will release from the basket and fill their home with abundance.
Last edited on May 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1604 - Relaxation Water Potion
Lay your head down on your pillow. Close your eyes, but don't fall asleep. If you feel in a medative state move on to step three. Think about your crush, think about him. Open your eyes
Grab your water and say chant 5 times while thinking about golden orbs sinking into it. Keep the water with you untill you see him/her. When you see him/her drink a TINY bit of the water
"Oh god of calmness listen to me
Poseidon I call upon thee
Calm, and water blessed my Aprohidite
My love makes my heart race
Aprohidite should know
Poseidon work with Aprohidite
Bless this water with the power of calmness
When I'm around my love/crush (whatever one you want to call it)
I beg you all
Bless this water with love and calmness
Please do as I ask
This is my will
So mote it be"
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1605 - Bowynn Garland of Blessed Abundance
Give your first prayers and then offerings as you wish.
Lay the branchs of apple upon your altar and light the three green candles in front of it. Hold your hands over the branches and speak the following:
''Goddess of the sweet orchard I ask of thee
may that which I craft here bring abundance to me.
Blessing to the home that this bough hang within.
Bless those that pass under it and reside within.''
As you gaze at the branch and the candles send into the branches and apples green energy of abundance. Think of all the positive aspects of your life. Visualize these blessings as blossoms on an apple tree. Feel the warm abundance energy from the candle flames illuminating your life. See the branch's blossoms as proof that life's abundance is always renewing itself. See the apples as the fruit to nurture abundance in your life.
Now take the apples and cut them up into disks and poke two holes in the center. Use the green and and yellow ribbon and start tie together the branches so you get a nice long garland, long enough to decorate the main archway of your house. As you do chant or sing the following:
''Baul O aead ad Alaway nod urst.
Baul O aead tau bront em jerst.''
(This is a bowynn traditional hymn. If you are uncomfortable with it, feel free to substitute it with something of your liking)
Now use more ribbon to attach the apple disks and decorate the garland.
When done take the garland up in your hands and say:
''To the gods and goddess of my love
I offer to thee that garland
And hang it from a place of honor above.
I bless and sanctify the garland gifts
and may those that pass under it
this bough their hearts do lift.''
Hang the garland ritually in the main archway of your home or inside your front door. Then hang the small toys and/or prayer ties to it. Leave the garland up as long as you can. When totally dead and dried out, take the garland down and either burn it or bury it.
#1606 - Abundance Balm
First off remember that abundance is not just financial. Abundance covers a huge range of aspects; food, friends, family, objects and even an plethora of emotions if one thinks of it.
Assuming your are working this at your altar, set up your altar as you see fit and invoke the gods of your pantheon. Perform first prayers and gift your offerings. (If you are doing this at a kitchen counter or table, you may wish to cleanse and sanctify the area first and then still call your your gods.)
Add all the ingredients above in the glass bowl and with your magical spoon mix vibrantly until well mixed evenly. Remember to stir clockwise for increase and positive energy. As you are stirring chant the following as often as you need to:
"Gods of my forefathers and myself,
To thee I call and ask of you;
No more to chance is my life,
I evoke and beseech this of the gods
The power of abundance now come to me!"
Visualize your needs being met and send the green energy through your hands, through the spoon and into your mixture.
When done place the mixture in the small jar and close it tight. Place in a cool dry place for a day or so. Use this cream on areas of chakra points
Last edited on Apr 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1607 - Air Ball Spell
#1608 - Call Upon a Vampire
Be in your house or outside, make sure you are alone, and make sure its night time. Then if you're in your house, turn off all the lights and say this spell just once: "Mother of darkness, I call upon thee to send one of your full blooded vampyric sons or daughters to me. I wish for them to come and see me, so that he or she will sire me into what I am destined to be". A vampire should come to see you within a few minutes after that.
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1609 - Dionysus Abundance
Set up your altar to Dionysus. If he is not part of your pantheon, choose a god from your pantheon that's close to the attributes to Dionysus. Never invoke a god that's not part of your faith. Invoke the god, offer first prayers and give your offerings.
Next list the gifts that you would like to attract into your life to make it more abundant. Do not list money. Concentrate on more worldly things in life, like friends and family, food and clothes. Do not be greedy. Ask for what you need, not hat you want.
When done making your lists, put the paper down on the altar. With wine/juice in hand make a second special offering to Dionysus, to celebration and honor the gifts you desire and the gifts you currently have. Give your second prayers now to the god.
Now bury your paper in the pot of soil. Follow up by thanking the earth goddess/god for protecting your present abundance and for the offering future nourishment and abundance. Now light the two candles and speak the following:
"Lord of abundance and times of fun,
Lady of the earth, full and abound.
To thee I ask on this days spell-prayer
fill the holes of in my life that are so bare.
Bring the things I lack and desperately need.
Bring that which I listed to seed."
Feel the power in the candles gifts of abundancy and see it radiating out and fill you and your home. Continue to speak the chant as much as you feel needed to and continue to hold the visualization. Let the candles snuff themselves out.
Take the pot outside and place it somewhere where you can forget it, yet still somewhere close to your place. If you can't keep it inside but place it someplace out of view.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1610 - Waters of Abundance
Set your altar up as you see fit. When ready, invoke the gods of your pantheon. Particularly the gods of abundance. never invoke a god not of your faith nor a god you know nothing about. When done, speak first prayers and give your offerings.
Now fill the bottle or tall glass with the spring water. To this add a few leaves of green sage. this is the edible sage leaves you can get at the grocery store or your garden. Make sure its garden variety, not white sage.
Now take the bottle in hand and start to send into the bottle abundant energy of green, gold and silver. As you do this chant the following:
"Oh great gods, as you know my life is in strife,
The pains I suffer are like that of a sharp knife.
I prayer that abundance will enter my life,
And ride my troubled mind and body of strife.
Gods of my forefathers and myself, guide me,
Bless me with with the gift of prosperity."
Now go ahead and drink the sage water and go about your day. If you made alot save the rest in a dark cool spot and have more later at night. Just repeat the chant from about again. Do not let the water sit for more than 24 hours or the sage leaf will start to taint the water and make it taste old.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.