3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- How to Write a Spell
- Animal Friendship
- Peace for Squabbling Siblings
- Sweetener
- Are you guys truly in love?
- Create Erogenous Zone
- Get Someone To Call You Spell
- Imbue a Candle with Magic
- Energy of Love and Desire
- Bracelet of the Xul
#2021 - How to Write a Spell
When your writing all of your words down for the spell put all of your emotions, intent,feeling into it. Your spells have got more chance of working than the spells on this site.
Last edited on Feb 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2022 - Animal Friendship
First if you just got this pet give it time to adjust to its new home. Second stare your animal in the eyes pet it three times then whisper: "By the power I thee indow the power to bind us now". Wait for a sign that means yes.
Last edited on Feb 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2023 - Peace for Squabbling Siblings
First of all you need to cast a circle. Sit cross legged on the floor opposite each other on the inside of the circle with the equipment in between you.
Light the white candles. Each take your white ribbon and sprinkle some rainwater on it. Say "The white is pure, a brand new start, heres hoping it can change our hearts." Now both the colored ribbon that belongs to yourself. (The other person will have their own colored ribbon). Each sprinkle rainwater onto this ribbon. "This is me, and my choices, set them free, at their purest."
Next both take the other persons color ribbon and sprinkle rainwater on them. Say "We are together bound by positivity, we coexist in perfect harmony." Each take your three ribbons and plait them together tying the plait around your wrist to symbolize your friendship and binding. (Ensure that your sibling does the same). Each burn the argument papers on your own candles.
Open the circle and go about your life in peace and harmony.
Last edited on Apr 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2024 - Sweetener
Get a mason jar or other type of jar that will allow light in. Place inside of the jar an item belonging to the person, a photo, or a piece of paper signed by them. Also put in a bit of lavender, pennyroyal, scullcap and a small amethyst. Then fill the jar with honey and close the lid. Burn a yellow or orange candle ontop of the jar. The spell is done.
Last edited on Feb 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2025 - Are you guys truly in love?
Now, find a room with at least 4 windows. Take 2 chairs and put them across from each other, so that you and your love are facing each other once you are sitting. Make sure that 2 windows are opened, the rest must be closed, including the door.
Now, put the red candle on the right side of you, and the white one on the right side of your love. Light the red one first, then the white. Make sure the you are thinking about your love, and your love is thinking about you.
Ok, now both of you close your eyes and just think about each other and your past for about 5 minutes. Let yourself breathe in the candle's scents.
Afterwards, each of you have to blow out your own candle, and sit in the dark for 3 minutes. If you get tensed up, it means you guys are not truly in love. If you feel tingly inside, and you feel unsure, well then, you're unsure. If you feel like you guys really mean a lot to each other, than you guys are truly in luv!
Last edited on May 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2026 - Create Erogenous Zone
Write the persons name, and the spot on the body you wish to designate. Then hold it over the candle chanting "Potens Xul facere (persons name/body part) a altus sensitiva erogenous zone" Do this 8 times and picture that spot on their body glowing orange, then burn the piece of paper.
Last edited on Feb 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2027 - Get Someone To Call You Spell
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2028 - Imbue a Candle with Magic
Focus on the candle picturing indigo energy swirling all around it and absorbing into it while saying "I call for arcanis the xul to lend me his awesome power."
Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2029 - Energy of Love and Desire
Walk around the area 8 times (you only have to do it once if its a large area) repeating in you're head:
"I consecrate this space with Malikaen's grace and Dasurions passion."
While doing this picture a pink/red line of energy forming in the middle of the area, and picture it pulsing energy across the space with hearts flowing around it. the more consentration you put in the better the effect. After awhile you should notice people who are in that space show more color in their face and act more loving.
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2030 - Bracelet of the Xul
To cast this spell hold the bracelet in ur hand and will energy into it while focusing on the bracelet and picturing Dasurions power flowing into it. and Chant 8 times ''powerful Xul enchant this item'' (lighthing a candle and holding it over it will improve the energy)
You should notice after a minute or so the bracelet will tingle when you touch it, and the more you chant it while focusing the more powerful it should be. And the more u remember its power the more you will feel it pull u toward your desires.