7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Unlock a Lock
- Chain Binding
- Self Blessing
- Bond with the Ice/Cryokinesis
- Power Summoning Ritual
- Astral Wolf
- Necklace Protection
- Whirlwind Charm
- Activating Your Powers
- Sentinel and Radiant Guards
#1481 - Unlock a Lock
Simply focus on the locked object and say "unlock the lock , let it free , unlock the lock , let me see" and that's it just make sure to have complete focus on the locked object make sure to do the movement of your choice.
Last edited on Jan 19, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1482 - Chain Binding
Warning: Don't do this curse if you're a newbie, the spell may land on you instead!
1. Lure your victim to wear the chains. (Maybe said he or she would look cool and really good in them.
2. Chant in your mind or speak it out loud while pointing your finger or wand at your victim.(Only think if you got enough magic):
"Here my victim
Wearing chains of darkness
May the darkness from the night
Bind your soul and heart
Bound your soul and heart
So mote it be."
3. Repeat 3 times.
Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1483 - Self Blessing
Chant this 160x daily for a week and see how you feel:
"Love self - Love all
Let go - Move on
Grow in beauty
In wisdom, stand tall
Be strong"
Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1484 - Bond with the Ice/Cryokinesis
Say this spell once:
"Ice and snow, all around,
You cover up the cold, hard ground.
Please lend me some of your great power,
And with my thanks you will be showered.
The cold will be mine to command
And my powers will never get out of hand.
In the palm of my hand the ice will appear.
The magic works best when Winter is near.
My powers develop within (aamount of time), you see,
This is my will, so so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1485 - Power Summoning Ritual
Draw a triangle on the floor, and place the candels on the outside corners.
Drop the ashes in a circle inside the triangle, then light the candels while chanting -Scalvier, Kanhora- over and over until you stand in the middle circle. Put the dead flower petals in you hand and chant -Zandorthre, Sawanga- three times.
Then, put a drop of your blood on the flame of the candels, and put your bloody hand inside the circle. You should recive your powers gradually. Message me if it works!
Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1486 - Astral Wolf
Blend together raspberries (for stamina and vigor), blueberries (for a calm, protected environment), walnuts (dark energy of the earth, association with witches, heightened faculties), carrot (dispel illusions), meat (optional, for bulk, flavour, and carnivorous ability/tendencies), poppy seeds (optional, commonly used in old werewolf spells, contain potent power), parsley (protection, purification, used in many werewolf spells), green onion (absorbs impurities, for removing doubt and unsure feelings to make the spell sincere and powerful, optional), sage (purification, cleansing and life), salt (purification, common witch ingredient, powerful), basil (powerful herb) and small pieces of orange peel (divination and luck) as well as anything else you think will strengthen the ritual or provide a better flavour.
Mix it in a blender or with a potato masher until all the ingredients are combined. Do not make too much. Put it in a container and store for up to three days. When you are ready, take it outside with a glass of water. This water should be rainwater or snow-water.
Go outside at any time of day. If you can see the sun or moon, it is more powerful. Look to it as you perform this rite. Stand out in the middle of a forest, woods or just a large yard. If it isn't wet or snowy, sit down. Place a ring, necklace, charm or bracelet in the sun/moonlight, and leave it there as you eat the mixture. While doing this, clear your mind and focus, lighting the candle if you have it.
Listen to music if it is hard, and just focus on the change. Visualize every bit of it, interspersed with beautiful forests. The visualization can just be in your mind's eye, what is important is your thoughts. Breathe easily, but not quickly and shallowly. If you find your breath has become extremely shallow, let it. Focus on these things, and then pray to your deity or just to the powers of nature.
Pray that you gain the astral shape of a wolf, that you can feel it, and that you feel this astral shape in daily life as a part of you. Pray deeply while visualizing your astral wolf form as a wolf of light curled around you.
Now focus deeply and imagine this form moving to match your position, then rising up into you. See your own astral human form, your aura (unless you know your colour, just have it glow white) in your visualization, and your soul, and have the wolf body's ears, tail, muzzle and paws manifest in your own astral form before quickly falling onto the paws, ripping downward away from your body to become a wolf standing where you stand, sit or lie down. Now, with eyes still closed and visualizing, get down onto all fours to fully reconnect with this wolf. Watch, from first or third person, as you move into the wolf. When, in your visualization, you have matched the wolf, say this phrase: "Lupus intrat mihi est animus corpore".
Imagine the sensations of the wolf body on your body until you can almost feel it. Focus on those sensations until you feel one with the wolf. Visualize the place in front of you as seen by your wolf eyes. If you visualize colour, this is fine. Smell and feel the world around you. Now move into a more human position and feel the wolf move with you, as it is with you forever. Now strengthen it by repeating: "Sol et luna, lupus talem meum".
Now visualize your aura conforming to your astral wolf body, penetrating the astral ears, tail, muzzle and paws. Watch as it becomes a wolf aura, powerful and wild, bursting with natural energy. Your wolf astral form and aura will strengthen as you meditate on it, visualize it, and wear your charm.
Open your eyes and lie down on your back, repeating an incantation such as this: "The earth gives power to my body". With this mantra, call on the earth's power. You need not use the one above, just root yourself to the earth and call on Her everlasting magick. This has the added bonus of grounding you.
Center yourself, but gather the energy from your wolf parts as well, as they are a part of you now. From now on, visualize them when you visualize yourself. Center the energy at your heart. Feel your heartbeat, with your hands if you have to. After a minute or so of just relaxing, count from ten to one and open your eyes. Stand up, focusing on the wolf form around you, blow out the candle if you have one, and put on your charm. When you put it on, exhale deeply and take a few deep breaths before heading inside.
Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1487 - Necklace Protection
Take off your necklace and then hold the important part (Like for an example mine has a butterfly wing on it) in your palm. First imagine a white bubble going around your necklace, after imagining that imagine a white bubble going around you, then you and your necklace. After say this:
"With this necklace everything shall have no effect on me. No spell will hurt me. When I put this necklace on exactly what I just said will happen."
Put the necklace on
Side Affects:
If doing it in pitch black and at night:
sleepy and/or lightheaded
If doing it in light and during day:
Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1488 - Whirlwind Charm
( The Incantation is came from the latin word ''Aer'' which means ''Air'' and the latin ''Turbo'' which means ''Whirlwind, Strong Circular Motion''. [ Say The Incantation with Wand Movement below and follow the concentration component and the willpower component. :) ] ).
Pronounciation: 'AE-ren-den-TUR-boh!'
Hand Movement/Wand Movement: Point at the target.. then in the another hand do the curling or swaying motion. ( As a wind )
Concentration Component: Concentrate on circular motion thoughts the caster can maintain the spell as they continue to think about it.
Willpower Component: Determine the Strong of the Wind.
Effect: Produces a strong circular motion of winds that enable to damage or destroy things and to dfamage the opponent or recipient.
Caster Level: '' Level 2 '' or '' Level 3 '' *Stronger Wizard*
Side Note: That's a real spell I've used that then worked believe me....
Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1489 - Activating Your Powers
factus liberatio heka
Dunk your face in the water for as long as you can.
Go to sleep within an hour of the spell. It will take a while for you to be sleep, but you will eventually. When you awake, your Powers should be activated. Within two days, you must choose your magical path: Elemental Power, Healing Power, or the Gemini Path*.
After choosing your path, you can only do the Chosen magic. If you don't Choose, your magic will close forever. To choose Elemental Power, you must take a leaf from the ground, put it in a bowl of water and chant once: elementum factus
To choose Healing Power, dip your finger in water, smear it across your forehead and chant: factus medice
Good luck on your Witching journey!
*Choosing the Gemini Path takes another set of incantations. Message me through this site for additional information on how to choose the Gemini Path. I will not publisize the incantation, for it is different for every Witch.
#1490 - Sentinel and Radiant Guards
First,find a tree that really speaks to you.If you're element earth,then,it's easy.The tree that youre about to find really wants to be a guardian.Then say this :
"Divine Trees born from the earth please hear my voice,this sacred place needs a guardian to stay and a place to live in.So please be the one who shall invoke thee."
2:After you find one,place one of your hand and say "Please be the tree of the god",imagine there's a green flowing energy from the below to the top then it's creating a wide open eye called " all seeing eye".After that,imagine a barrier builds between the tree.
You're done!
When it's night,they'll attack the demons around them/attack the ghost/attack the dark things.
When the sentinels has fallen,the tree will fall.
The spell last forever and the rensponsibility goes to them.
Feel free to ask me anything ;)
Last edited on Dec 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.