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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
  1. porcelain doll spell
  2. Scrying Protection
  3. Any power you want
  4. Crystalline Ball
  5. Simple Wind
  6. Advanced eye opening experience, message for apprenticeship, only room for 2
  7. Shadow Circle
  8. Energy Manipulation
  9. Lemon's Original Energy Manipulation Technique!
  10. Self Shielding

#211 - porcelain doll spell

this spell is made to bless a porcelain doll or curse it.
You may need:

  • porcelain doll
  • crystal (any kind)
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    You may need:

  • porcelain doll
  • crystal (any kind)
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    get the porcelain doll. say this 3x for blessing

    "i ask of you to Bless this doll,(godess name here)

    may it bring positivity and happiness

    so mote it be."

    for cursing say 3x

    (insert god name here),i ask of you to curse this doll

    may it bring unhappiness and starvation.

    so mote it be"

    Added to on Jun 12, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #212 - Scrying Protection

    A sea witches spell to protect against scrying efforts of practitioners.
    You may need:

  • Glass buoy
  • Sea glass
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    You may need:

  • Glass buoy
  • Sea glass
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    Take your glass buoy or any clear orb with an opening, add to this sea glass with the intention of concealing oneself from the scrying of others.

    Christmas ornaments that you can fill can be used, any clear fillable orb.

    I use a candle holder with an orb piece that can be filled.

    Added to on Jun 07, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #213 - Any power you want

    this spell will give you any power you want. just do it right. this spell comes in english, latin and Gaelic. which ever one you wish to speak in.
    You may need:

  • 1 green candle (for Earth to the North)
  • 1 red candle (for Fire to the South)
  • 1 yellow candle (for Air to the East)
  • 1 blue candle (for Water to the West)
  • 1 silver candle (for Moon in between North and West)
  • 1 gold candle (for Sun in between South and East)
  • 1 piece of Bloodroot
  • 1 small bundle of vervain
  • 1 burning bowl
  • a circle of Atlantic Sea Salt
  • 1 strand of hair for each power (from your own head)
  • a piece of paper with the name of the power(s) or picture of the person who has the power(s) you want
  • belief in yourself and Magick.
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    You may need:

  • 1 green candle (for Earth to the North)
  • 1 red candle (for Fire to the South)
  • 1 yellow candle (for Air to the East)
  • 1 blue candle (for Water to the West)
  • 1 silver candle (for Moon in between North and West)
  • 1 gold candle (for Sun in between South and East)
  • 1 piece of Bloodroot
  • 1 small bundle of vervain
  • 1 burning bowl
  • a circle of Atlantic Sea Salt
  • 1 strand of hair for each power (from your own head)
  • a piece of paper with the name of the power(s) or picture of the person who has the power(s) you want
  • belief in yourself and Magick.
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    place the the candles accordingly within the salt circle, then place the burning bowl in the center with you. place the vervain, bloodroot, piece of paper/picture and hair strands into the burning bowl in that order. light the candles in a clockwise manner starting with green, then yellow, ten gold, then red, etc.. after that, return to the center with the burning bowl i your hands and before you light the ingredients inside the burning bowl speak this spell:


    "I call upon the divine energies, I call upon the Gods, Goddesses and Spirits of reality. I call upon you to grant this/these great power(s)/this person's power(s) unto me. Let me be gifted with this/these power(s) in this reality. This is what I ask of thee. So blessed be, so mote it be, so shall it be, so let it be."


    « Divinas vires invoco, Deos, Deas ac spiritus rerum invoco. Te obtestor ut hanc mihi tantam tribuas potestatem, huius personae potestatem. Fac me hac donari. /Haec potestas in hac re. Hoc est quod peto a te. Sic benedictum esto, fiat festuca, sic erit, sic esto".


    'Bidh mi a' gairm air lùths dhiadhaidh, bidh mi a 'gairm air na diathan, ban-diathan agus spioradan fìrinn. Bidh mi a 'gairm ort gus seo a bhuileachadh / an cumhachd (ean) sgoinneil / cumhachd (ean) an neach seo dhòmhsa. Leig leam a bhith air a thìoladh leis an cumhachd seo / seo san fhìrinn seo. Is e seo a dh 'iarras mi ort. Cho beannaichte a bhith, mar sin mote leis, mar sin bidh, mar sin leig leis a bhith. '

    Then light the buring bowl.

    the time length for manifestation of the power(s) will vary person to person.

    Added to on Jun 07, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #214 - Crystalline Ball

    This spell is similar to Rainbow ball, except it can be used for multiple purposes. The primary energy is Aether, similar to psi and ki/chi.
    You may need:

  • intermideate control over: ki/chi, psi and mana
  • calm mind/focus
  • Hand
  • Apporximated casting time: 5 seconds when practiced a lot
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    You may need:

  • intermideate control over: ki/chi, psi and mana
  • calm mind/focus
  • Hand
  • Apporximated casting time: 5 seconds when practiced a lot
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    This spell comes with a warning. This energy ball can shaped into anything, including a funnel or siphon to break away shields from opponents or pull mana out of inanimate objects. If casted wrong, the gathered energy will dissipate or worse, come back at you with whatever power you invested in it. Be careful with this spell; don't break concentration until it has finished being casted.

    Step 1: ready you hand and picture you chosen energy (ki/chi or psi) flowing up your arm from your stomach or head into your fingers. To harness this energy, tap your thumb and forefinger (first finger) together between 1 and 3 times. This control the amount of energy released and in your control. I recommend you starting with 1, then building it up to 2 and 3 as you improve your control.

    Step 2: you have the energy ready in your fingers. Directly after the taps, cross your thumb and forefinger together and visualize a small cyan ball appearing between the two fingers. Pick that up in your other thumb and forefinger and place the small ball in the palm of your hand. Visualize this ball growing into a swirling ball of blue energy. You should feel a small amount of warmth spreading around your hand.
    Step 3: Shape the energy into whatever you feel is necessary in the moment.

    Added to on Jun 06, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #215 - Simple Wind

    This is a very simple spell to help you with your Weather Magick path.
    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • An open space, like a field(optional), but being outside is a requirement. If you can, make it a familiar place
  • Visualization
  • A clear, grounded mind
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • An open space, like a field(optional), but being outside is a requirement. If you can, make it a familiar place
  • Visualization
  • A clear, grounded mind
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    Okay, before we get started, read this please! I want to clarify what I intend this spell to do, and explain what I mean when we do get to the spell in itself.

    This spell will not, under any circumstances, make you an Avatar, give you superpowered aerokinesis, or anything like that. It will, however, help you change the weather with your energies. A few examples would be: Making it windy but still sunny(or overcast) when you're on a golf tournament, to help guide your ball to the hole... Make it rain when it's the day of a long-dreaded drill in Phys Ed at school... The list goes on.

    Okay, next, when I mean "pressures", I don't mean within your body. Air travels from areas of low pressure to high pressure, which creates wind. The red energies I'm discussing is the high pressure, which can help with what direction and what strength to make your wind. The blue energies are, you guessed it, the low pressure. The low pressure will show where you want to have the wind originate, and, depending on how far/close you place it, the strength and direction.

    This spell was my first step to Weather Magick, and I hope it can help you as well.


    Instructions for Simple Wind:

    1. Sit or lay down in your space, palms facing up. Make sure you're comfortable in your position.
      1. Imagine the core of the Earth below you, radiating the heat it gives us all. Imagine all your pent-up thoughts and mental distractions forming a thin, black tendril. Slowly move it from your head, all the way to your toes, absorbing that black energy from your entire body. Bring that energy into the Earth, see it turning white. Disperse it into the core, and feel new, pure energy surround you above ground in little orbs. Bring those orbs to you, and absorb them into your body. When you feel it's time to end this process, imagine the energies ceasing from moving into your body.(NOTE: This is optional. If you've already grounded your energies beforehand, skip this step.)
    2. Visualize the area around you, from every hill to every tree. Get a firm picture of it in your head.
    3. Now, imagine part of your image turning red. Not fully, just a portion(like a small strip of it). Imagine the red making the air in that area very excited.
    4. Do this again, but instead, make it blue. Put the strip on the opposite side, and imagine the blue area's air lazing around, letting itself be pulled towards the red.
    5. Imagine the blue air move towards the red. Make sure to concentrate on this, or this most likely won't work very well.
    6. Do this for as long as you need to.
    7. Feel your body raising up, up, up. Out of your own energies, confident that they're doing their work.

    And, that's it! Hope this works for you! Mail me if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or anything about this spell.

    Added to on May 31, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #216 - Advanced eye opening experience, message for apprenticeship, only room for 2

    You may need:

    You may need:


    This has been deleted as it was not a spell. Contained information which could cause physical harm to the person attempting it. And finally, contained profanity which is against site rules.

    Added to on May 31, 2022
    Last edited on Jun 14, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #217 - Shadow Circle

    A Shadow Circle is a sacred & shielded place to conduct rituals that require the utmost concentration & focus. Cast this circle to prevent any stray energies that could potentially interrupt or hinder your ability to concentrate and focus your intentions. The Circle is actually a sphere of protection that can potentially be any size that you with.
    You may need:

  • Athame,Wand, Staff, or hand
  • Space to create a Circle
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    You may need:

  • Athame,Wand, Staff, or hand
  • Space to create a Circle
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    Visualize the darkness flowing around you. Take your athame, wand, staff or hand whichever tool you're using and thrust it southwards, in a counterclockwise motion, turn 360 degrees until you arrive back at the southern starting point.

    As the Shadows Circle around you, feel the pressure build & the shadow energy compressing together. Feel the cold of the Abyss all around you, feel its chill, but don't let it affect your concentration.

    As the shadows close in, push then back into a 6-foot circle around you, creating a barrier of darkness. This is your Shadow Circle, a protected sacred place that will allow you to conduct your rituals uninterrupted.

    Now you may conduct a ritual, meditate, or anything else that requires perfect focus. Close the circle by cutting it with your tool in the dominant hand. Spend time meditating inside the Shadow Circle to strengthen your concentration, power & ability to focus your intentions when conducting dark magicks.

    Added to on May 31, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #218 - Energy Manipulation

    I've seen a lot of techniques for energy manipulation, but the one I'm using is one that I've created and have been using since I've started in the craft(5 years ago, as of 2022). Here's mine, hope it helps out!
    You may need:

  • Calming music(optional)
  • Visualization
  • Concentration
  • A calm, quiet place(can be indoors or outdoors)
  • Location you know well(preferred, but not required)
  • Belief/will
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    You may need:

  • Calming music(optional)
  • Visualization
  • Concentration
  • A calm, quiet place(can be indoors or outdoors)
  • Location you know well(preferred, but not required)
  • Belief/will
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    Okay, so, for those that are new, let me explain what this form of manipulation is.

    Energy manipulation, or aura/chi(or a similar name), is the mental process of energy that we already have in our bodies, waiting for us to discover it. It requires mental concentration to find and use those energies. Many on the website have been using a specific method for years, and for some who do this, just can't feel any results. My method is more... unique, perse, and it's helped out people with visualization issues, or mental/focus issues, such as ADHD.

    Here's my method.

    1. Sit/lay/stand in the place you've chosen. Turn on your calming music, if you have it. Open your hands, palms facing up.
    2. Calm your mind(which may take a while, but that's okay!)
    3. Close your eyes(or keep them open, it's up to you, but open is preferred.)
    4. Visualize areas of your location lighting up with specks of light.
    5. Will them to come into your hands.
    6. Keep visualizing this, and visualize the light spreading through your body.
    7. When you feel that you've got enough energy(don't worry, you'll know when), visualize them doing what you desire. Make it a psi ball, absorb it back into your body, whatever you want.
    8. If you are not going to do anything, either release those specks into the ground, dissipate them, or absorb them into your body.

    And, that's it! Mail me if this works or if there's any effects that I should add to the page.

    Added to on May 27, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #219 - Lemon's Original Energy Manipulation Technique!

    I've seen a lot of techniques for energy manipulation, but the one I'm using is one that I've created and have been using since I've started in the craft(5 years ago, as of 2022). Here's mine, hope it helps out!
    You may need:

  • Calming music(optional)
  • Visualization
  • Concentration
  • A calm, quiet place(can be indoors or outdoors)
  • Location you know well(preferred, but not required)
  • Belief/will
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    You may need:

  • Calming music(optional)
  • Visualization
  • Concentration
  • A calm, quiet place(can be indoors or outdoors)
  • Location you know well(preferred, but not required)
  • Belief/will
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    Okay, so, for those that are new, let me explain what this form of manipulation is.

    Energy manipulation, or aura/chi(or a similar name), is the mental process of energy that we already have in our bodies, waiting for us to discover it. It requires mental concentration to find and use those energies. Many on the website have been using a specific method for years, and for some who do this, just can't feel any results. My method is more... unique, perse, and it's helped out people with visualization issues, or mental/focus issues, such as ADHD.

    Here's my method.

    1. Sit/lay/stand in the place you've chosen. Turn on your calming music, if you have it. Open your hands, palms facing up.
    2. Calm your mind(which may take a while, but that's okay!)
    3. Close your eyes(or keep them open, it's up to you, but open is preferred.)
    4. Visualize areas of your location lighting up with specks of light.
    5. Will them to come into your hands.
    6. Keep visualizing this, and visualize the light spreading through your body.
    7. When you feel that you've got enough energy(don't worry, you'll know when), visualize them doing what you desire. Make it a psi ball, absorb it back into your body, whatever you want.
    8. If you are not going to do anything, either release those specks into the ground, dissipate them, or absorb them into your body.

    And, that's it! Mail me if this works or if there's any effects that I should add to the page.

    Added to on May 27, 2022
    Last edited on May 27, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #220 - Self Shielding

    A simple yet effective aura shield
    You may need:

  • A calm mind
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    You may need:

  • A calm mind
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    First sit or lay in a comfortable manner. Now visualize tendrils of light coming from your chest and slowly swirling around you. And now imagine these tendrils moving faster and faster slowly forming a very bright bubble around you. As you visualize this speak these words, "With my will and the gods that be, protect me from negativity, with my light and the power of three shall mote it will be". As you say the last word visualize the bright bubble of light around you solidifying and becoming a glowing white.

    Added to on May 17, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters