7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Honor Your Ancestors (Samhain)
- Education spell: A spell to help someone earn their education
- A Water Divination Spell I wrote from my Book of Shadows
- Fearless Sigil’ Self-Confidence Spell with Cho Ku Rei
- Potent Protection
- Spell Guide To Make Your Life Better than Ever
- Second Sight Spell
- Finding Your Patron
- Make Someone Lose Interest
- protection spell chant (disclaimer: this chant is not mine. link in bio )
#251 - Honor Your Ancestors (Samhain)
Take several deep breaths. Focus on those who have come before you, on their branching connections to you. Remember that you are the result of the love of thousands.
Light the fire/three candles. When you are ready, say:
"Through the shadows of living memory
And out across the gulf of time
I call now to my Ancestors:
Hear my/our prayers and accept this tribute, (give offering)
Great-grandparents of yesteryear,
And all honorable forebears,
Across the ages, can you hear
As I call to you this night, to share
The eve together in good cheer.
Hear my/our prayers and accept this tribute, (give offering)
For again I recall that it was only
Through your distant voice,
Through your ancient anarchy,
And through your every choice,
That I stand here, wild and free.
Hear my/our prayers and accept this tribute, (give offering)
Our connection is again renewed,
Here on this night with the veil so thin.
Through all the years that interlude,
You're with me, here, within.
To you, I give my gratitude.
That I might see this day,
Informed by your vision,
—Old Ones, this I pray!
That I might understand this day,
Guided by your wisdom,
—Old Ones, this I pray!
That I might share this day,
Empowered by your love,
—Old Ones, this I pray!
(place message paper in the fire/light it in the candles then drop it in the fire-proof container; be careful not to burn yourself!)
Ancestors from beyond,
You are not forgotten.
We still share this bond.
Have thee a Blessed Samhain."
Watch the smoke from your message as it rises and dissipates, knowing your communication has been heard. Let the fire/candles burn down/out (unless you need to do something else—don't leave a lit fire unattended!) and put the ashes outside with the offerings in the dish (preferably in a graveyard, but if you don't have easy access one, don't worry about it).
Blessed be.
#252 - Education spell: A spell to help someone earn their education
Since this spell is Force of Will I only need to list the chant, you may do what you wish with using tools or items.
“ As I chant I manifest, that my grades shall be the best, bring to me what I desire, let my grades now be higher. Elements come as this spell is made, work as one to better my grade, assist me in this task of mine, may all my endeavors be met with victory's radiant shine"
In my practice I will bind my spells after I cast them but that's up to you.
#253 - A Water Divination Spell I wrote from my Book of Shadows
Step 1: Fill the bowl with enough water that may gaze into it, but not enough that it will overflow
Step 2: Circle the bowl with your hand or hands filled with water three times clockwise,
Chant in counts of three
“Oh element of water I invoke your might, aid me now and grant me sight. Bring to me what I desire, visions within you may I now acquire”
Step 3: Gaze into the water, you may also close your eyes to receive the visions
Step 4: use your hands and turn one left or right keeping them both next to the bowl, normally one hand brings the image, the other makes it more or less clear. Though which hand does this for various from person to person.
Step 6: ask your questions and obtain your answers, bare in mind you will see it in your minds eye
Step 7: When done, say this chant
“Element of water, thank you for your aid, go now and help to grow this glade”
Step 8: pour the water outside returning it to the earth if you can
Step 9: Clean up after the ritual.
Last edited on Dec 04, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#254 - Fearless Sigil’ Self-Confidence Spell with Cho Ku Rei
Cho-Ku-Rei is a Japanese figure known as the Reiki Power Symbol and it has the ability to increase or expand energy.
Anyone can cast this simple spell to consecrate and activate the Cho Ku Rei symbol before using it. This candle spell can be considered Wiccan (Eclectic) and works just like an amulet consecration spell.
The Power Symbol or Cho Ku Rei can be used as a protection talisman. Invoke strength and self-confidence casting this spell.
How to Cast The Spell:-
- Light the white candle on your altar. Sit down and relax.
- Enter your sacred space by casting a circle or simply meditating for a moment.
- Then Say ,
"I Bless this Symbol and invoke its powers
Strength and Protection "
- Draw the symbol in the air once, using a wand or the index finger of your dominant hand. Start at the top, go downwards and start the spiral at the bottom with a counter clockwise movement.
- Let the candle burn as you meditate for a few minutes.
- Whenever you need a boost of confidence or encouragement, draw the symbol in the air in front of you.
I hope this works for you. Are you new to Witchcraft .Want to know do spell on your own without any mistakes ,you can read about that from below 👇
#255 - Potent Protection
Take the ceramic offering bowl and set it down. Light the end of the chime candle taking care to melt the wax. Stick the bottom of the chime candle to the bowl in the center. Melt some more wax around the bottom of the candle to help keep it firmly in place. Spread some rosemary leaves in the bowl around the bottom of the candle.
The working
Imagine energy shooting straight through the candle. This energy is to protect you. Light the candle and relax.
Last edited on Nov 01, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#256 - Spell Guide To Make Your Life Better than Ever
This successful Spell Guide, created by Master Esteban Portela, will show you exactly how to perform the best Spells for Love and Money ...
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Do you really want to perform powerful spells?
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#257 - Second Sight Spell
If you want to work on expanding your Psychic sight go slowly and don't forget to use protection spells. A good familiar can help ground you while you do psychic work. The more you repeat this ritual the stronger your second sight will grow.
Perform this spell outside, preferably under a full moon. Light the candle and hold the amethyst up to your third eye (between your eyebrows and up a bit)
"Moon, Moon, burning bright, help me hone my inner sight. Make my vision clear and true, show me what I need to do. Whether cards or stones of old, show me what I need to know. Guide my heart and guide my hand help me see and understand. So Mote It Be."
Try to stay open to any messages you might get through your second sight. Be particularly alert to dreams and omens.
#258 - Finding Your Patron
Note: This spell is best performed from midnight to 3am, especially on a full moon.
No not ingest the ingredients.
Take your water and dip your hands in the water. Rub a small portion on your face. Then if you have any, burn the incense, think good thoughts. Light the candle. Chant the following "Deities I wish to learn more, might I encounter my deity on this night, when the moon is bright and my mind is quiet." Then take the rose petals and, if you have any, the herbs, sprinkle the water over them and blow out the candles. You should be able to sleep and dream of the details of your deity and discover its name. It should be smooth sailing from there.
Last edited on Apr 28, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#259 - Make Someone Lose Interest
Step 1: Get your piece of paper and use your marker to write down the person's name. It is also effective to write down the person's birthday or zodiac.
Step 2: Take the piece of paper and soak it in your chosen concentrated liquid. This concentrated liquid can be things such as vanilla extract, lemon juice, or a really strong drink! (Like Sunny-D or Kool-aid).
Step 3: Once you have soaked your paper, place it at the bottom of your chosen container.
Step 4: Get your water. The water represents cleansing, the concentrated liquid represents the persons interest and like towards something. Your water is supposed to "water down" what they once loved.
Step 5: Now it's time to really set your intention. Envision your target slowly losing interest as you pour the water onto the paper. I advise against spilling it quickly, pour slowly.. Don't pour all of your water at once.
Step 6: Put away your container and come back to it tomorrow. Do the same thing as before until the glass of water you have used is completely empty.
More Context and Understanding
Why use only a little bit of water every day? My answer to this is that the average person doesn't lose interest in something they like at the snap of someone's fingers. It's lost over time, just how spells don't work instantaneously.
How long will it take to complete the ritual? It depends on what your goal is. My advice would be to use less water everyday for longer periods of time if their interest is passionate.
What concentrated liquid should I use? Allow yourself to get creative with this one. For perhaps love related instances, use vanilla extract or a sweet drink. A safe alternative for what you aren't sure about use lemon juice or hand soap.
Why use a marker? Can I use something else? My advice would to be to use something the water will slowly erase over time. The idea is by the time you used up your water, you shouldn't be able to make out what the paper says since the writing is smudged, representing what they like is nonexistent and wiped clean.
After I'm finished with the ritual, what do I do with it? Hide it and keep it around until you get your desired results. Shake it so the water can seep more into the paper.
I waited and nothing has happened! What should I do? There's a possibility you may have made a mistake. Consult another magickal practitioner or do some divination to see what interfered with your results.
Can this spell be used on myself? Yes! Fun fact, I actually used it on myself to rid myself of a problematic crush I had big feelings for. It disappeared around a week later.
Last edited on Oct 22, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#260 - protection spell chant (disclaimer: this chant is not mine. link in bio )
The arms of the Great Mother
Ever is around me
The arms of the Great Mother
Ever is around me
I invoke the protection to by mother’s grace
I invoke the protection to by mother’s grace
The arms of the Great Mother
Ever is around me
The arms of the Great Mother
Ever is around me
I invoke the protection to by mother’s grace
I invoke the protection to by mother’s grace
(repeat as many times you think is necessary)