7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Attraction Spell
- Dragon Charm
- Invoke Hades
- Air Enchantment
- Water Enchantment
- Earth Amulet
- Stop Gossip Poppet Spell
- Spell to Rid Oneself of a Bothersome Spirit
- Live a Character's Life
- Get Telekinesis
#3711 - Attraction Spell
Set this thought in his (or her) mind
Set this thought in his (or her) heart
Set this thought in his (or her) life
So that we will never part
Focus on that person and feel them being drawn to you. Leave the flower with its contents in a vase of water and let it stay until the blossom completely droops. Bury the flower, and save the paper and stone on your altar to continue the effect of the spell.
#3712 - Dragon Charm
Get your materials. Place the candle in front of you. Place the item in between you and the candle. Light the candle.
Say this only once, "Dragon of light, I call upon you. Turn this (item) into a charm of good luck. Never shall my spells fail." Wave the item in the flame and say, "This ordinary charm is now a good luck charm. So mote it be."
Blow out the candle. If the charm has some black stuff on it, it's ok to wash it. Put on the charm and feel the new energy enter your body.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3713 - Invoke Hades
Hades, god of the underworld,
you watch over the spirits of the deceased.
You truly are the liberator of justice, you have kept the peace.
The spirits are at your mercy.
Your word is law.
The angrier you become,
the more dangerous you are.
I plea to thee, bearer of sorrow, bearing the sorrow of all spirits,
to aid me in my spell casting, with the darkness of my heart.
So mote it be!
Long live Hades, the god of the underworld!
#3714 - Air Enchantment
Then, place the stone in the centre of the cloth and say ''white stone, of which our colors are the same, activate and help me, when I call your name *name the amulet*''
Wrap up the stone and tie it with the string, then wear it as a necklace
#3715 - Water Enchantment
Then, place the stone in the centre of the cloth and say ''Blue stone, of which our colors are the same, activate and help me, when I call your name *name the amulet*''
Wrap up the stone and tie it with the string, then wear it as a necklace
#3716 - Earth Amulet
Take the stone, and sprinkle dirt over it, saying, "oh dirt from the warm earth, serve as an amplifier for this amulet"
Then, place the stone in the centre of the cloth and say "(green or brown) stone, of which our colors are the same, activate and help me, when I call your name *name the amulet*"
Wrap up the stone and tie it with the string, then wear it as a necklace
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3717 - Stop Gossip Poppet Spell
2. Use the white candle to cast a circle.
3. While sewing up the poppets lips say
''Dear Gods of the North, South, East and West
Let the ill speech from this person rest
And if something ill is tempted to come from there lips and make someone bawl
Let that thought not escape there lips at all''
4. While tying the poppets hands behind there back say
''Dear Gods of the North, East, South and West
let this persons ill thoughts written on paper come to rest
and if they try to write them, make them pay
for writing those thoughts is not ok
#3718 - Spell to Rid Oneself of a Bothersome Spirit
''What is dark be filled with light,
remove this spirit from my sight.''
You may have to repeat it a few times. If you are face to face with the ghost of spirit put your hand(s) up like you are touching it for better results.
#3719 - Live a Character's Life
Make sure it's a book where the character doesn't die. If you die in the book, then you're soul will be trapped there forever!
Lie down facing up while holding the book against your chest. Right before you fall asleep, chant "I wish to live, see and breathe through (character's full name). May I walk in his/her shoes, feel what he/she felt and experience their life. Transport my soul on this night. Make me him/her!"
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3720 - Get Telekinesis
The first time is always the hardest. Keep that in mind. Sit in a meditation position with your light object in front of you. Then think that the object is object is merging with you. At this point, you should feel a pull towards this object.
Chant "This object is mine to control and mine alone. Let me bend it and shape it to my will. Let me control it without touching it. I wish to have a power so great that it will rock this world. I will honor the sacred laws to which all items are entitled. This is my will, so mote it be."
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.