7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7154 Spiritual Spells
- The Angel Spell
- Break a Sorcerer's Curse
- Moon Kissed Luck
- Conflict Healing Spell
- Good Night
- Practice With Magical Energy
- How To Summon Your Own Cat With Powers!!!!
- Shush Your Parents
- A Simple Way To Go Into A Trance
- Smudge Protection
#3781 - The Angel Spell
This spell is my angel spell. All side effects and powers are listed below.
You may need:
A white feather ( has to be white )
A cross necklace
Small open flame ( candle works )
Chant: Angels of the bluest skies
I ask of you to please abide
I want to be one of you
An angel flying high and true
As beautiful as the moon
As bright as the sun
Please let me become this soon
So that I may have great fun.
2. After writing that chant fold the paper 7 times then recite the chant 7 times while holding the WHITE feather. Put your necklace on before reciting the chant.
3. Once you have finished reciting the chant 7 times take the paper with the chant written on it and light the corner of it on fire with your small open flame. Once it has caught, place it in the bowl and let it burn. After it has been reduced to ashes, place the feather on top of the ashes and go outside and toss the ashes ( with the feather on top ) into the wind, watch it float away.
Spell works in 1-5 months depending on you.
Side effects:
Possible vomiting
Slowly becoming more beautiful
Shoulder blades protruding more
Dreams of flying
Things achieved:
Great beauty
Beautiful wings
People seem more attracted to you
Good Luck
Blessed Be
SpellWicka has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Oct 19, 2013
#3782 - Break a Sorcerer's Curse
Breaks curses.
Burn any of the following ingredients above in a fire proof container. Hold a rabbits foot charm over your heart and say this thirteen times:
"With rabbits foot and magic verse
I turn around this wicked curse
As these words of mine are spoken
Let this evil curse be broken!"
westwinds has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Dec 16, 2013
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#3783 - Moon Kissed Luck
This spell is relatively simple. (Bless or cleanse the place you put it or place it in a place not damaged by humans)You get a small trinket or object of sentimental value, wrap it in a leaf of preference, and leave it out at night for three phases until the moon is full.
You may need:
Moon light
Leaf of preferred plant( plant also depends on what kind of luck you want)
2) Bless the area ( Normally I would plant a tree, which is new beginnings and purifications) others can use a spell
3)wrap the object in the leaf of your choice, object is preferably small
4) Allow object to be surround in moonlight for three lunar phases- preferably closer to the full moon
5) wear the item
FelidaeQueen has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Oct 29, 2013
#3784 - Conflict Healing Spell
A spell to recover yourself after a confrontation, which often rattle ones nerves, even when you are in the right and win.
It may take a day or two after the confrontation to cast this spell. Light a stick or cluster of lilac incense and a blue candle in your ritual space. Take a breath and speak to the other persons higher self, apologizing for your role in the conflict. Does not matter if you were in the right, wrong or just a bystander that was dragged into the issue. Breathe some love to the image of the person. If the person was attacking you or causing unnecessary drama, create an energetic boundary between you and this person. Visualize a strong, white barrier surrounding you and say the following loud and strong: ''I block all harm in my direction.
I reflect love and healing to you.
May I be forgiven for my deeds.
I forgive you, too.''
Repeat the spell for seven days. Spend some time thinking about the situation and your role. What in the conflict is your roll? While casting the spell, be willing to look within to heal. Approach the situation with love in your heart and you can do no wrong.
Whats left of the candle blow out and place in a jar of water. Close it tight and bury it, without breaking it.
Sunsetman2 has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Dec 18, 2013
#3785 - Good Night
This spell will help you sleep better.
Before you go to sleep say this spell
"Goddess Hecate hear my plea
Let me have a peaceful night sleep"
Elementum has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Jan 26, 2014
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#3786 - Practice With Magical Energy
Want to practice working with magic energy. This is a simple exercise that you can do.
1. Make a duct tape x in the center of the large area.2. Close your eyes. Feel the magical energy and clear your mind of all other things.
3. Step on the x. Close your eyes and clear your mind once again. Feel the magic energy.
4. While closing your eyes start walking in a circle. Let the magic guide you.
5. If you did it right you should open your eyes and be back on the x.
6. Try more advanced patterns. If you want to, make several xs. Try adding some turns in your patterns.
Khalias has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Jan 20, 2014
#3787 - How To Summon Your Own Cat With Powers!!!!
This Spell May Or May Not Work But I We'll Tell You I Got Idea from Noralidy_304's Dragon Egg Spell.Her Spells Are Amazing!!!!
1.Draw Your Cat And Color Him/Her In2.Draw You Next To Your Cat (You Can Color Yourself In But It's Optional)
3.Take You And Your Cat's Size (On The Paper)If You Were 5ft put five Lines above You And Your Cat's Head Then Underline It
4.Fold it (Hambuger)
5.Put Your Cat's Info On One Side (Like Name,Eye Color,Fur Color,Elament,Tail Size,Food,Abllirtys And Etc.)
6.Fold It Again (Hambuger)
7.Read Out Loud And Write On Paper:''(Element), Cat of mine, come to me, by egg of (element). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So Mote It Be.'' (''So mote it be'' should be written as big as you can.)
8.Fold It Again (Hambuger)
9.Draw A Pentagon On One Side
10.Fold It Again (Hambuger)
11.Every Night For 3 Night Say This:''God/goddesses, grant my dream Cat in the real world from egg to end.'' Then, chant, ''(Element), Cat of mine, come to me, by egg of (element). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So mote it be.''
12.Then Kiss It And Pur It Under You Pillow (Repeat 11. And 12. For 3 Nights)
13.On The 4th Day Go Look For The Egg
I Am Using This So I Don't Know About The Eggs But I Will Say Soon!Good Luck!:D!!!!
And Message Me If it Works thx!!!
DJCATGIRL has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Aug 03, 2013
#3788 - Shush Your Parents
Make your parents be quiet (for awhile).
"Lord love me and be me
Make me pure and holy
My parents are interfering with me
Please lord have them quiet"
Wantobeawiz has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Jan 24, 2014
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#3789 - A Simple Way To Go Into A Trance
This is a simple way to be able to slip into a trance. This is how I learned but it may not work out for you, if it does, message me :-)
Lay down on your bed, or sit up, whichever you prefer. Close your eyes, breathe deeply in and out, but as you breathe in, hold your breath while you count to six, and the breathe out. Repeat that process for about 5 minutes. After about 5 minutes of doing the breathing, imagine yourself going up a ladder step by step, and then imagine on the ladder, yourself falling backwards, down and down, until your body starts feeling tingly, which is normal. When that happens, you have successfully gone into a trance. While in the trance trance, you will find it hard to move.
Rayea has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Aug 05, 2013
#3790 - Smudge Protection
A protection spell.
Light your smudge stick. Let itburn until you can get smoke from it. Giro every window, door, and mirror with it and in the air draw the cross and star. This will protect you from demonic and unwanted energy/entities.
PeriFaerie has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Jan 23, 2014
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on Jan 24, 2014
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Last edited on May 23, 2017
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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters