7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Get Rid of Writer's Block
- Be able to change into an animal spell
- Sleeping Bag Succubus
- Maid Summoning
- Summon Custom Weapon
- Powerful Sigils Awakener
- Demon Possess a Friend
- Note for Create Your Own Sister
- Call of the Birds
- Communicate telepathically with someone else
#1411 - Get Rid of Writer's Block
Take your object and place it on ''Writer's Block''.
Then after that, chant/whisper this saying twice.
''Gods and goddesses, may you help me.
Take away this writer's block, for me.
I will sacrifice my object for you.
If you help me with my lost thinking clue.''
The object will not disappear, but it's energy power will decrease after you do it. After three times, you will no longer be able to use it for the spell, and you must find another object.
It may automatically take it away, or may be a few minutes. It will be gone by 10 minutes.
#1412 - Be able to change into an animal spell
''Gods of nature and divine I want to be part animal. Please grant me my wish and I will honor you with all my heart. Grant me my wish, make me a (say animal you wish to become).'' If done correctly, it take from 5 ministers to a week for it to work, but it sometimes takes longer depending on the animal you chose.
#1413 - Sleeping Bag Succubus
''Succubus, succubus, come to me!''
#1414 - Maid Summoning
''Give me a maid! I want a maid! I need a maid! Name her (Name of maid)! She will be (Age)! Make her my girlfriend! So mote it be!''
The ingredients should glow for about 10 minutes. After that, your maid should be completed. She will be dazed and confused for a few minutes, then she will be focused and have an education equivalent to yours. She will know whoever you know, and everyone you know will know who she is. If you sit down on a couch, she will sit next to you and lay her head on your shoulder. She will lay down next to you if you go to sleep. Do not be afraid. She is doing this to be observant of her surroundings. Her task is to do what you tell her to, while also protecting you. She will know magic, but the spell she starts off knowing is how to change her breast size. You can tell her to cast it at any time. She is also capable of becoming pregnant, but only by you. If she betrays you, or if you betray her, she will die. Lying to her does not count as you betraying her, but her lying to you DOES count, and she knows this. Have fun with your maid!
#1415 - Summon Custom Weapon
Picture your weapon and it's custom reasonable enchantment. Think of a name for your weapon. Then, say the name of your weapon 4 times, then it's enchantment (For first cast). For any casts after, say it's name twice. You will receive your weapon with it's enchantment.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1416 - Powerful Sigils Awakener
!!READ THE SUMMARY FIRST!! 1:Place your sigil on clean table/something. 2:Clear your mind and heart,now point your hands on the sigil. 3:Visualize a red flowing energy from your mind to your fingers and it's flowing to the sigil. 4:Remember the feelings,what is it feel?Cold?Hot?Happy?Windy? Place the feeling to the flowing energy. 5:After 2 minutes,you done.You should do it for a bout 2 weeks to strengthen the sigils back. If you want to do it again,repeat the process,bookmark this page for sure :) It's not working? You lack belief and ingredient needs or maybe the instruction you've done is wrong.
Last edited on Dec 14, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1417 - Demon Possess a Friend
If it's miscast, then it won't work, and your friend might not like you anymore.
Once you feel like they are weakened enough, ask them how they feel. If their tired for some strange reason then it's working. Then in your mind think:
''demons (or specific demon) I offer you a shell, rise up from hell and enter (friend's name), Bend her/him/them, twist her/him/them, Let my old friend die, and make him/her/them truly just a shell for you.'' think that three times, you can write it down, make sure your friend stays distracted, or tell them to think some other made up spell. A
After you think that three times, then say it out loud, and place your hand on your friend. At first they will be mad, but the demon will slowly take them over over the rest of the night. It's performed better at sleepovers, so you can monitor your friend.
There are different types of demons you can make your friend for different benefits. Message me any questions.
Last edited on Dec 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1418 - Note for Create Your Own Sister
#1419 - Call of the Birds
Rub the tree sap over the leaf, The put the bird food on the leaf.
Then take the bronze or silver and put it up to the sun then chant:
"Gods and goddesses hear me plea I have a wish for the a wish that birds of the (bronze or silver) will come to me, so mote it be, so mote it be."
Then put the leaf or silver or bronze on you then wait for 10 min.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1420 - Communicate telepathically with someone else
Then bind the spell ''for the good of all and to harm none, this spell is bound and is to not be undone, by the power of three times three, as I do will so mote it be''
Now you can telepathically talk to the person as if you were having a conversation with them normally. You can think what you want to say or you can speak it. Either way, you will hear a response through your thoughts as will the other person you are talking to. When are done with your conversation use this spell to end the telepathic communication
''the words were sent, my message received; my will has been done, this call I now leave'' ''so mote it be'' Now bind the spell and visualize the mirror shattering.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.