7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Raising Energy
- Sensing and Moving Energy
- Visualization
- Relaxation Technique
- Wind Power
- Mind Message
- Charging Stones for Magick and Rituals
- cartoon
- Spirit Dream
- Tormentia Curse
#2111 - Raising Energy
Start focusing the energy in your stomach. To do this, visualize the waterfall of energy going inward to your stomach forming it into a ball.After you complete this you will need to draw the energy from the earth. Clear your mind then visualize energy coming up through the earth as a green or bronze colored ball. See it rise slowly each time you inhale until it reaches your feet. Then visualize it entering through your feet into you and travel up your stomach. From there, visualize it dispersing throughout your body and mixing with your own personal energy. After it mixes for a few moments, bring it back to your stomach where it forms a multi-colored ball.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2112 - Sensing and Moving Energy
- Relax and clear your mind.
- Visualize a lake within your head and a lake at the bottom of your feet.
- Let the lake pour water down, like a waterfall to the lake in your feet.
- After a few moments of this visualization, reverse the waterflow so it is like a water spout coming from the bottom of the lake up to the top lake.
- Now have the waterfall for, your head go down your right side, hit the bottom lake and then come up your left side up to the lake in your head.
- After a few moments of that, reverse the circular energy flow pattern so it goes in the opposite direction.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2113 - Visualization
2. Close your eyes. Try to reform the object you saw in your mind's eye.
Try to see it as if you were looking at it. Once you do that, mentally turn the object as if you were turning it with your hands.
Mentally make it grow and shrink.
See it from above and from below.
#2114 - Relaxation Technique
- Sit
- Close your eyes.
- Take 3 slow, deep breaths.
- Turn your attention towards your toes.
- Tell them to relax and if you can, see a golden glow come forth from them.
- Turn your attention towards your feet, tell them to relax and see the same golden glow if possible.
- (Do this until you get to the top of your head)
Last edited on Oct 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2115 - Wind Power
Stand outdoors and close your eyes. Visualize the wind beginning to come under your control. Do that for a minute. Then open your eyes. Note: It would probably be best done by an Air sign.
Last edited on Oct 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2116 - Mind Message
- Hold the necklace by the chain with 2 fingers.
- Chant the message 5X, dont let it be to long or it wont work.
- When the necklace stops spinning in a circle say "So mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2117 - Charging Stones for Magick and Rituals
Bless them with the four elements, then rub the stone lightly between the fingers of your dominant hand. Then place the stone on your third eye chakra while saying:
"In the name of _____, I conjure thee, O' stone of Earth, to assist me in my magickal working. By the moon and the stars, may you be blessed and empowered to (name intent here). So mote It be.
Last edited on Oct 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2118 - cartoon
Take your picture or pictures and sit them on the ground then chant: "Come to me, be with me. I wish for the cartoon carecters to be here with me, so mote be it."
Chant: "let me come to you my cartoon friends. Let me come into your cartoon world so mote be it." In 5 mintes you will be teleported into there world or they will teleported into your world.
To come out chant: "Let me go home let be with in my real home so mote be it." or to send them back say: "let them go home let them back to where they came so mote be it."
Last edited on Oct 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2119 - Spirit Dream
Go out into the woods,alone. go as far as you can to the center of the woods where it is quiet. Put 29 black roses in a circle and put 1 black rose on your chest. Place your spirit animal next to you. Put it in a cage so it won't leave. Then lay in the circle with black rose on your chest. Say "spirits of life, spirits of death, come and help me for my reason, come oh come my (say your spirit animal) and help me now!"
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2120 - Tormentia Curse
Visualize all the flowers as your targets, and the blood root as their blood. Put them under the sunlight during a whole day simbolizing all their good, bright times they have experienced before the curse. If you have any small belongings of them, put them close to the flowers during the first day. At the end of the day, put war water in a jar and carefully slip the flowers inside of it, then retrieve them back.
On the first day:
Burn the pink rose with the purple candle, keeping the morning glories near the candle, as if watching the first target being burned.
On the second day:
Squish one of the morning glories, visualizing it as your target and the action as messing with their minds and hurting them in the process.
On the third day:
Repeat the same thing with another morning glory, another target. Do the same thing during all the days needed according to your targets.
On the fourth day:
Put all the squished flowers together, light the black candle and, focusing on the flame, chant: "O (your deity, focusing on the revengeful side of said deity, if you haven't got any you can chant to a chaotic mythological creature, I used the goddess Morrigan), full of power and anger, perfectly entwined, let this insignificant being become the most dangerous Witch (or wizard, sorcerer or any magical being you identify as) for I am wishing to see despair, May (target's full name) get lost in the sea of madness, may (another target's full name) become a living corpse, may (target's full name) search for an inexistent relief of the least beareable pain, may (target's full name) drown in their own tears for they are in sorrow, and may my power force them all to finally succumb to the enchants of Death. Hear my calling, ravens of the discord, make them blind and make their empty holes bleed (squish the blood root and throw it up the flowers) until they aren't able to feel, Hear me, dying trees, turn their brains into a scary forest of tormentia they can never escape (raise the tormentil) And, above all, may I hear my own soul for she is going to make them weep, Alongside with (deity) who has heard my darkest desires, for we will reunite when I finish my journey of chaos in this insignificant world when compared to You, But for now I send you these souls who have wronged a witch of your own and precious belonging. May your sacred darkness teach them to not to mess with anyone but themselves, So mote it be!"
Wait until the candle consumes itself and focus on your intent, let your mind wander imaginging the targets in pain and thanking your deity.
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.