7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Protection Jar for Empaths
- Protection Ofuda Spell
- NOT-PHYSICAL Warewolf spell (Read full Discription)(Not-easily reversable)
- Child Protection Spell
- Wasabi/evil bad luck
- The Mark of Achilles
- Mirror Box Spell (Return to sender)
- Return Evil To The Person Who Did It To You
#391 - Protection Jar for Empaths
WHILE DOING THIS SPELL, THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT IT TO DO. Constantly be saying in your head to the jar that you want it to protect you from other people's emotions.
First, take your incense and light it. Clear your head. When it is cleared, put the incense in the jar and say "clear" 10 times.
Second, put salt to fill about 1/4 of the jar.
Third, put the stem and rose petal in the mortar and pestle. Crush it until it is fine enough to slip through your fingers like sand. Then put it in the jar.
Fourth, pour the moon water into the jar.
After filling the jar, close it. Take your candle and light it. Seal the jar with the wax and let it dry. MAKE SURE YOU PUT STRONG INTENT INTO THIS STEP.
Done! Keep this jar with you to protect yourself! Message me if you have any questions!
#392 - Protection Ofuda Spell
Start of the spell
Gather Your tools and bath, anoint, or cleanse your hands or being.
- Using your Athame/Wand or hand, draw a pentacle or pentagram in the center of your space with visualizing and energy.
- Place Deity Statue of your choice to the north of the space
- Place Cauldron/bowl in the center
- Sprinkle Fennel seed powder (generous amount) into the Cauldron/bowl
- Place the slip of white paper east of the bowl
- using the first black pen draw a sigil (of your choice) of protection onto the slip of paper
- In red pen stamp or print your name over the sigil
- Set the pens to the side out of the casted circle
- Using the olive oil anoint 3 drops onto the sigil with the talisman (written paper) in your hand (right or left)
- Rub the anointed oil over the Talisman (written paper)
- Take both hands onto the anointed talisman
- Pass the talisman from the North, to the South, from the East, ending on the West of your space
- Place the talisman into the bowl
- Proceed to bath the paper in fennel seed powder
- Leave paper into the bowl
- Using hand or Athame/wand draw a line from the Deity idol in the north to the inside of the bowl
Recite Incantation:
"I call upon thee, (name of Deity), May (he/she/gender) come forth from my beloved perception of (Deity name). I call upon, wood, fire, water, land, and steel to flow through the air. Now come into my circle. Come to bare witness to my God/Goddess/Spirit, in the name of (Deity name). Bestow power to this talisman in the name of (Deity name). I thank you Great/Lord/Lady (Deity Name). I now banish and close this spell and power in my name."
Closing of Spell
- Wave your right hand from the West to the East of the space. (Symbolizing the closing of spiritual and energetic doors and passages to and form spirit and nature)
Place bowl on Altar.
Give offering to the Spirit of nature and cardinal directions in the form of a glass of water on the altar. (must be a container of glass)
Thank your spirits, Higher self, or and Deity.
(Make sure to cleanse the space to prevent the calling of unwanted or unaffiliated Gods/energies)
#393 - NOT-PHYSICAL Warewolf spell (Read full Discription)(Not-easily reversable)
Calling your Magic (skip if your magic is sentient already)
Relax in a small space, and call your magic. Do not ask other magical beings for help or this will not work, as it relies on your own magic's sentience and asking for others may make your magic feel as if it isn't needed and you expect others to do it for you.
To call your magic if first time
Relax and focus think of your actual standing. In other words what traits describe you most and accurately. Take a breath and focus on your hand, then you'll kinda feel your magic or another presence, similar to yours vague, yet different. This is your magic, a bit weak now but will grow over time if you treat it well. If it does start a bit strong let it know your limits. Think of what your ideas of too far are so it knows.
Example: bad luck but not spreading to effect the lives of those around them is fine, or maybe everyone but only a small harmless bit is borderline too far, just examples. These will help with later spells.
Okay so you have your magic if part 1 works. Nice.
Now the actual spells.
I'd recommend a pertection spell first to make sure if your magic is weak at first, least you don't catch the attention of anything on the mindscape like a passing daymare. May be useful before the wolf spell too. Here's one i'd recommend.
Pertection spell(Optional, but recommended)
Relax and go into your mindscape. Think of something strong, or rather strong in your oppenion.
An example: forest with giant grass that takes both hands to push through unless you know the path, but the grass is strong as diamond.
Imagine whatever you chose filling the place around you, and your mindscape.
The WareWolf Spell
Start by choosing what you want the wolf to look like.
(Height if twolegged one, length if normal)
Walks on two legs: (yes or no)
Fur color:
2nd fur color:
Eye color:
Claw color:
Claw length:
And whatever else you'd want.
After that, think of your own traits you'd have as a wolf, the ones that come from you. Like intellect, self control and the like, your magic will supply the wolf ones.
Close your eyes and think of the place you feel, metaphorically, at home at. You should see a person who feels familiar, but is different/you haven't likely seen them before yet they have an aura that's right in your oppenion. Since you did the pertection spell, this person is your magic. In that home place, how you imagined the wolf, but with vary slight differences you should see it. Keep your magic close and just sorta let the wolf sniff you, it should how and turn to a warm (well your oppenion of warm) wind. Let it strike a breeze around the land, then thank your magic. You've now become a non-physical warewolf.
I know the reverse to this spell let me know if you'd require it, or if it works. Again this is non-physical.
Side effects: you'll feel your wolf form sometimes, and have wolf-ish traits that are close to your personality already (example: you're friendly so you may be a little more playful.)
Last edited on Apr 21, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#394 - Child Protection Spell
Chant these words of power and use the spell's ingredients to protect your child,
“Run out, thou who comest in darkness, who enterest in stealth, his nose behind him, his face turned backward, who loses that for which he came."
“Run out, thou who comest in darkness, who enterest in stealth, her nose behind her, her face turned backward, who loses that for which she came."
“Comest thou to kiss this child? I will not let thee kiss him/her."
“Comest thou to soothe him/her? I will not let thee soothe him/her."
“Comest thou to harm him/her? I will not let thee harm him/her."
“Comest thou to take him/her away? I will not let thee take him/her away from me."
“I have made his/her protection against thee out of Efet-herb, it makes pain; out of onions, which harm thee; out of honey which is sweet to (living) men and bitter to those who are yonder (the dead;) out of the evil parts of the Ebdu-fish; out of the jaw of the meret; out of the backbone of the perch."
#395 - Wasabi/evil bad luck
When you go to bed tonight, watch out for wasabi. He is a very bad spirit that brings bad luck.
He has a small round nose, eyes like fried eggs and a creepy smile. If you are him scratched into some furniture, or even the ground it will bring very bad luck.
#396 - The Mark of Achilles
Incantation say 3x at night" I invoke the Greek goddess Styx to bless this water with the Mark of Achilles which is his Invulnerability and fighting prowess my weak spot shall be the ( spot on body you want to be your weakness) my emotional anchor will be ( insert the person place or thing you want to be your emotional anchor) anywhere else on my body I will not feel pain or be wounded I will radiate a more powerful aura and I will be faster and stronger than any human but it will tire me out faster to make me a great warrior and a hero I will use these powers for good intentions so if you allow it let it be for this is my will so mote it be."
Light an incense of Sandalwood and Lavender, and as the incense fills the air, he/they/she must make three knots on the ribbon as he/they/she intones the words that follow:
“By the Karmic Power of Three This spell tied and knotted be To cause no harm nor return to me As I will it, so must it be.”
The ribbon must be carried when casting the spell as a talisman to keep it from backfiring
- Petition their name 13 times on the paper
- Turn the paper clockwise and write phrases like "shut up" "shut your mouth" "stop your lies" what ever you feel is right for your situation. Every time you write something turn it clockwise until you are done.
- If you are doing this for someone make sure to sign the petition on top of everything. Otherwise the spell will work on your behalf and not for the person
- Anoint your candle
- Sprinkle the black pepper all over the candle. Add what ever amount you feel is right with the intention to shut your target up
- Sprinkle the red pepper all over the red candle. Add what ever amount you feel is right with the same intention as the black pepper.
- Carefully peirce all 13 screws along one side of the candle
- Take your candle and place in onto the candle holder and place the petition bellow the candle. If you do not have a candle holder you can use the spare candle and drop wax onto the bowl enough to firmly stick the petition on the bowl. Then drop more wax on to the petition paper enough to firmly place and hold the candle in place.
- Light the candle and it is done.
Last edited on Jul 19, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#399 - Mirror Box Spell (Return to sender)
- Write the person's name on the paper 3 times. If you do not know the name of the person or people write "Return To Sender" 3 times instead
- Place the paper in the middle of the box with the words facing up
- Take your 4 pieces of mirror and glue/tape and stick them inside the four walls of the box starting counter clockwise
- (optional) now is the time to add any of the banishing herbs of your choice and or the dirt
- place the lid on your box and petition in your own words to return all negativity back to whom ever is sending you negative energy.
- If you have the black chime candle place the piece of foil on top of you box, light up the candle and melt some wax on top of the foil enough to make it stand and stick it in place. If you don't move to the next step
- Wrap your box carefully with the cloth or bag
- Take your box and bury it at a cemetery. If you cannot bury it in a cemetery, bury it somewhere away from your home where it will not be disturbed. As a last resort, if all fails then you can place it somewhere in a garage or storage space as long as it is out of sight and will not be disturbed for that is where it will be for the remainder of time.
#400 - Return Evil To The Person Who Did It To You
-Place the plate on a flat surface and place the mirror in the middle if the plate
-Take your 3 garlic cloves and place them on the mirror as a triangle not too far to the edges of the mirror and not too close to the center to allow the picture or paper with the name of the person to have a reflection in the center
- Place the picture or paper with the name of the person facing the mirror. The garlic should be in the middle of the picture/paper with the name and the mirror.The side of the picture or paper facing up should be blank
- With you magic/blessed salt, start pouring it around the picture/paper clockwise praying for everything you are asking for in this ritual,for all of that harm and hurt that was caused to you and allow it to go back to that person. Pour salt until there is no space in between the circle casted around the picture/paper
-Now start with the black pepper and pour it clockwise on top of the salt not letting anything get away(no space in between).You wil also make a cross inside the circle. As you are pouring the black pepper focus your intentions of how it will start the problems, the arguments, and everything they made you go through
-Take your red chime candle and light it up. on the top left section of the cross you will only put 15 drops of the wax. this is to keep you safe from everything you are doing in this ritual so that nothing could ever hurt you again and nothing can harm you anymore from that person.When you have dropped 15 drops of the wax, move the candle to the top left edge of the plate and melt enough wax so that your red candle can stick and place it there
-Grab you black chime candle and light it up from the flame of the red candle. Starting from the top right, drop 3 drops of wax from the black candle on the remaining 3 sections. this is to ensure everything will go back to the person in the picture or paper with the name written. Once 3 drops have been added to the remaining 3 sections, move the candle to the top right edge of the plate and drop enough wax to stand the black candle
-Once the candles have burned out, take the plate (carefully while everything is still in tact) outside and throw everything in the garbage can. it is done