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7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7153 Spiritual Spells
  1. Protection Against Negative People
  2. Love Spell for Singles
  3. Rekindling a Lost Friendship
  4. General Invocation
  5. A Spell to Banish an Evil Spirit
  6. A Spell to Banish Negative Energy
  7. A Spell to Help a Spirit Cross Over
  8. Golden Mist Shield Spell
  9. Close Your Mind to Influence
  10. Goddess Protection Spell

#4221 - Protection Against Negative People

This is a white magick spell which will help protect you against negative people. It will protect you from all negative actions against you: jealousy, gossip, verbal attacks, and even sorcery. Most importantly, it will protect you against psychic vampires who can literally suck the life-energy out of you.
You may need:

  • A picture of yourself
  • 4 blue candles and one white candle
  • A few drops of essential oil for your astrological sign
  • Sage incense
  • 3 acacia leaves
  • 3 black tourmaline stones
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    You may need:

  • A picture of yourself
  • 4 blue candles and one white candle
  • A few drops of essential oil for your astrological sign
  • Sage incense
  • 3 acacia leaves
  • 3 black tourmaline stones
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    Casting the Spell Against Negative People and Psychic Vampires Purify yourself by washing your hands in a bowl of water that contains a drop of your essential oil.

    Prepare the circle by placing the blue candles on each cardinal point, and the white candle in front of you. Put the incense to the left of the white candle, and the acacia leaves and the tourmaline stones to the right of the candle. Place your photo in front of the candle.

    Cast the circle, and light all the candles and the incense. Take your photo and pass it over the incense three times, and as you do so, imagine the incense purifying this representation of you, clearing away all negativity which has been sent your way by these negative people and psychic vampires.

    Take the acacia leaves and the black tourmaline in your hands, and recite the following incantation five times:

    "I invoke thee, Aradia,
    Goddess of protection and healing,
    Protect me from all attacks,
    Now and forever."

    See a circle of white light forming around you, which psychic vampires and negative people cannot penetrate. Extinguish the candle and close the circle, but let the incense burn until the end.

    Added to on Aug 23, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4222 - Love Spell for Singles

    This is a white magick love spell for any single person who wants to meet the love of their life and overcome loneliness. This spell should preferably be carried out in the week after the new moon.
    You may need:

  • Red rose petals
  • 1 white candle
  • 3 yellow candles
  • A glass of mint trea
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    You may need:

  • Red rose petals
  • 1 white candle
  • 3 yellow candles
  • A glass of mint trea
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    The Love Spell for Singles

    Cast your circle. Arrange the three yellow candles so that they form a triangle in front of you, and place the white candle in the middle. Spread the rose petals around you.

    Recite the following love spell incantation:

    “I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love,

    I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love, so I can find my soul mate,

    I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love, so I can overcome my loneliness,

    Such is my will “

    Drink the glass of mint tea, then extinguish the candles one by one, starting with the white candle.

    Collect the rose petals, let them dry for one week in between two sheets of aluminium foil, and then scatter them in a river or stream.

    Added to on Aug 23, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4223 - Rekindling a Lost Friendship

    If you have a friend that you have lost touch with, then this is the right spell for you.
    You may need:

  • 5 red rose petals
  • 5 white rose petals
  • Sea salt
  • A paper and pen
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    You may need:

  • 5 red rose petals
  • 5 white rose petals
  • Sea salt
  • A paper and pen
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    Spell for Lost Friendship

    Write your full name, and your friends full name on the paper. Put the salt and rose petals on top of it. Inhale sharply, and point your index finger to the paper, while thinking of a pleasurable memory the two of you shared. Repeat the following incantation:

    "I call upon thee,
    O Dominio,
    Aangel of friendship,
    I ask you humbly to let us meet again
    Give (friends name) the strength to come to me.
    And rekindle our friendship
    So mote it be."

    Fold the paper several times and bury it at the foot of an old tree.

    Added to on Aug 23, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4224 - General Invocation

    This is a invocation spell. To invoke your god or goddess.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Invocation spells are used to call spirits. In general, they are used to call on benevolent beings ( eg. Gods, goddesses, angels, spirit guides), particularly when you need to make a request of them. Sometimes, witches will invoke dead spirits in order to receive news and advice from loved ones. In some cases, a malevolent spirit may be invoked and then banished, but this is not something I recommend.

    The art of invocation is useful and powerful, but it is sometimes a risky area of ??witchcraft. The invocation of angels is normally harmless. Invoking gods or the elements is generally safe as long as you have pure intentions.

    However, invoking other types of spirits, such as ghosts or mythical creatures (Elves, fairies, etc) can lead to some nasty surprises unless you know what you are doing and proceed with caution. These spirits may feel threatened or insulted when invoked, and sometimes their intentions and moods can be incompatible with the work that you want to accomplish.

    Now that we have those basics established, here is a general invocation spell.

    This simple incantation can call all kinds of spirits, both good and bad, with the exception of the dead. One of its main advantages is its specificity: unlike the invocation of the dead, this incantation calls on the specific entity the Wiccan wishes to call, so there will be no surprise visitors. The drawback of this invocation is its low power you will need a good mental connection with the spirit that is to be invoked for this to work. Also note that this incantation is not designed to compel spirits they may choose whether or not to show up.

    Invocation Incantation Spell

    "(Name of spirit )
    Wherever you are,
    I appeal to you
    On the wings of words that fly,
    Whatever the distance,
    Traverse time and space
    And appear in my presence."

    Added to on Aug 23, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4225 - A Spell to Banish an Evil Spirit

    This is a spell to banish a evil spirit. Many evil spirits travel through the world.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    The following spell is a general defence against demons and evil spirits. Not all demons will be defeated with this, but even when the spell is not sufficient to actually overcome the spirit, it can still hurt them enough to keep them at bay.

    Here is a general defense against demons and other evil spirits. This is a improvised weapon, and obviously this formula will not come to grips with all kinds of demons, but when it is not sufficient to overcome them, it can still hurt them enough to keep them away .

    If spirits threaten me in this place,

    Fight Water by Water and Fire by Fire,

    Banish their souls into nothingness

    and remove their powers until the last trace

    Let these evil beings flee

    Through time and space.

    Added to on Aug 23, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4226 - A Spell to Banish Negative Energy

    This is a spell to help banish negative energies. Negative energies can disrupts positive energies.
    You may need:

    You may need:

    Just say the following incantation aloud or in your head, while drawing a pentagram in the air – imagine the pentagram to be made of bright white light. At the end of the incantation, let the white light escape in order to enlighten and purify every corner of the area to be cleaned.

    In these names that are above all others,

    the name of the great lady and powerful Lord,

    I hunt by seed, flower and fruit of evil,

    I cast a spell on them with power and purity ,

    Whether constrained by chains

    Or returned to darkness,

    They may never disturb the servants of the gods.

    Added to on Aug 23, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4227 - A Spell to Help a Spirit Cross Over

    This is a spell to help a spirit to cross over.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    Sometimes when a person dies, their spirit gets stuck in this plane for some reason. They may sincerely want to leave for the afterlife, but fears, doubts and regrets weigh on them and keep them from entering into the other world. Following is an incantation which will loosen their ties to this world and open their way to the afterlife. This will only work if the spirit really wants to leave, and is not to be used to banish evil spirits.

    A time for everything

    and everything in its place,

    May the Angel of Destiny guide you

    beyond this impasse,

    Traverse in peace on the other side of the veil,

    My blessings,

    So mote it be.

    You don’t need to be a practising witch to use this incantation – anyone who has some sort of relationship with the spirit can recite it.

    Many times, spirits don’t actually need help passing through the other side – sometimes they are just waiting to send a message to their loved ones or to make peace with their family. Other times, they just need some time to accept their death, and to ensure that their family and loved ones will be able to overcome their grief. Once these things have happened, most spirits will be drawn to the light above, without needing the help of any magick.

    Added to on Aug 23, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4228 - Golden Mist Shield Spell

    This protection spell is very easy to master. It creates an aura around you similar to a golden orb of mist filled with positive energy, which blocks other people’s negative thoughts and emotions. If you find yourself among negative people, you may use this spell and as a result you will not feel the slightest bit of discomfort. However, this shield isn’t very effective against supernatural dangers such as demons or curses, because it will dissipate easily when subjected to an attack.
    You may need:

    You may need:

    The breath of life

    And the light of my mind

    Creates an enchantment

    Of protection and comfort:

    As the air I breathe is purified

    I surround myself with an orb of gold,

    This golden haze

    Is constantly purified

    And separated from any negativity

    May my space be protected.

    Added to on Aug 23, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4229 - Close Your Mind to Influence

    An incantation to close your mind against outside influence. This incantation allows you to protect your thoughts against anyone attempting to read or influence them without your consent.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "In this place and in this hour,
    By the guardians of the secrets of the night,
    Take the keys to my heart
    And close the doors of my mind".

    Added to on Aug 23, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4230 - Goddess Protection Spell

    Repeat this simple incantation, while mentally visualising a soft sphere of blue light around yourself or the place you are in, to create temporary protection. This spell is powerful, but it stops as soon as you stop focusing on the incantation.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Great Goddess of day and night

    Protect me with all your might.

    Added to on Aug 23, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters