7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Sorcery
- Alchemy
- Tree Spirit
- Give Up Powers
- Make the Rain Come
- Become a Super Saiyan
- Get the Powers You Want
- Increase Illusion Effectiveness
- Aura Shield
- Fading
#4611 - Sorcery
Before you read this this may only shapeshift you spiritually, and most people do not believe in the concept of p-shifting spells, so it may be a fantasy spell.
Walk in a 3 foot circle in your mind, the walk in a 7 foot circle within your mind, then imagine a pot with 3 sticks to hold it up, make a fire underneath the pot, then say within your mind:
"Spirits of the leas
That grow upon the trees,
Be kind to me
Spirits of fire and ice
That are fair and nice,
Be kind to me
Spirits of the dead
That glide with noiseless trend
Be kind to me
Spirits of the undead
That are awake in their beds
Be kind to me
Spirits of wolves, werewolves
Vampires, satyrs and ghosts
Elect all your devilish hosts."
Turn the flame blue in your mind and you should turn into a wolf.
Last edited on Mar 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4612 - Alchemy
First, choose an entity to work with: a spirit, demon, God, angel, Satan, you get the idea. Tell any of the spirits mentioned: "I sell (body part) in order to get (power you want, thing you desire). I sacrifice it willingly to make this happen".
And now the spell is done, but I suggest not selling your soul, spirit, whole body, your mind, or any part of your body that's necessary to live. And do not ask a spirit to share emotions or to share anything you have such as your soul/spirit, and I suggest not to curse unless you want to it's your choice, just know in alchemy everything comes back in equal or greater value.
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4613 - Tree Spirit
Summoning the tree spirit spell
Walk in a circle 7 times and begin with standing towards the east and with each circle say " I summon the tree spirit". Speak to the spirit as if it was actually there present to empower the spell greater with your voice. Then once you are done with that tell the spirit what you want to happen.
Once you are done with walking and saying "I summon the tree spirit" then you give energy within the circle with either your hands or mind a sphere of energy, but don't forget to stand outside of the circle in order for the spirit to not attack and or to keep it bound to your power. Then say " Use the energy that I gave you in order to do my bidding to bind this person ( or to do any other purpose)"
Now then you should have a wand or a sword present and make a pentagram pointing upwards and downwards, this pentagram means use spirit over matter and matter over spirit, on the purpose spiritually and physically, does not mean it will turn you into anything. Then after doing the pentagram point and step forward: this causes the spirit to go and do what you have commanded
And if the spirit comes back and says " What if I don't want to do this" or defies you in any way say " in the power of seven leave and do what I have said". The power of seven is the power of God controlling the spirit, and the secret is after saying that is to say in your mind " The power of God controls you to do what I have said". The spirit will immediately leave, the power of seven the meaning to different beliefs is the power of luck, chance, and the power of the number of the days of the week, but whatever works for you will work out.
Last edited on May 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4614 - Give Up Powers
Under a fullmoon, chant:
"By all my power, its time to go
A wiccan's essence, spirit, and soul
Be nothing but a lump of coal
By the power vested in me
Set my power forever free".
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4615 - Make the Rain Come
While standing outside, look upwards towards the sky and speak these words:
"Marha KaYo
Pi'etjoss Ji
Nu'eshak urukk
indi basôki".
Then bow or do some kind of thanking symbol/gesture to the spirit of the rain.
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4616 - Become a Super Saiyan
All you need to do is say this three or more times: "Gods of change, Gods of power, grant me the wish to become a super saiyan".
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4617 - Get the Powers You Want
Write down the power(s) you want. Draw a septagram underneath your list. Set your amulet/lucky charm in one of the triangles and say three times, "Aer, aqua, terra et ignis Da mihi virtutem optas."
Put a star behind the first power on your list. Say the spell again if you want more than one power. When you're done, keep your charm with you always. If it's a piece of jewelry, put it on immediately.
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4618 - Increase Illusion Effectiveness
After you cast an Illusion Spell, or before, I prefer after, as you can see what spell you want to strengthen, instead of having to remember how the spell goes and all, empty your mind, even of the spell.
Then, imagine the spell taking effect, but only it taking effect. Once you have this, you must see the consequences of the spell, how it would effect the real world.
After that, you must see what the target was, such as the kid at the end of the block, or time, or the Earth, whatever it was.After this, meditate on the spell.
Note: You can do this as many times as you like, and it should stack the effects, but remember that the universe can intervene at any time and remove one or all stacks.
Last edited on Mar 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4619 - Aura Shield
This isn't a spell its more like a technique used by "white witches" for protecting, shielding, and guiding.
First off you must have to focus on a circle or ring of bright white light going around you. If you wish to expand the shield than you may but to do so you'll have to imagine it stretching like a rubber-ban out to the others. Now picture a bubble like shape shielding you and the others as well. Now that your finished they can't harm you with their spiritual gifts.
Last edited on Mar 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4620 - Fading
Say to yourself
"I am a vacant allyway
Eyes shall not see me
Minds will not remember me
Be whole be dust
Be wind be mind
Now slip now slide
Now move unseen
Above, beneeth,
Betwixt, between"
Imagine the space you are in without you
Last edited on Mar 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.