7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Trap-a-Spirtit Charm
- Wish spell
- Learn To Use Expression
- Hypnotic Protection
- Tears of Vengence
- Astral Realm Creation pt. 2
- PSI Ball
- Alien Abduction Spell
- Protection Blessing
- Fire Conjuring
#4691 - Trap-a-Spirtit Charm
Next put the item that you hate and put it in the water.Then put the colth/sheet/blanket on top. Then put the marbel on the blanket where the hole of the cup is.(If it falls through it dosent matter)
Now take the marker and write a triangle on your palm.
NOw put your palm facing down on the cup and say:
Oh, spirits I call thy.
I want to capture thy power.
Let the power of my power.
Capture YOU!!!
Mail me if it works!!!
You'll know that there are spirits in it, cause f you pick it up you'll get goosebumps or you'll start to hicupp.
#4692 - Wish spell
Oh please,world, let my wish come true.
Ridiculous or not,I still want it.
Don't make it harsh, now here's my wish:
(say your wish)
#4693 - Learn To Use Expression
I wish to be able to perform expression,
So I can give people lessons,
During this hour,
I call upon this ancient power!
#4694 - Hypnotic Protection
No airwaves for hypnosis.
No airwaves for hypnosis.
No airwaves for hypnosis.
#4695 - Tears of Vengence
Works best at night, but it doesn't matter when cast it.
Light the candle before chanting:
"Tears I weep,
Tears that roll down my cheeks,
So full of hurt and sorrow,
Be turned back by tomorrow,
For by the sun's rise upon the next day,
My tormentor will be forced to pay,
For every tear, a drop of blood,
For every sob, a loss of love."
Concentrate on the target for a while. When you have done thinking about them, chant:
"Extinquish name of target's joy as I extinquish the candle's flame."
Extinquish the candle.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4696 - Astral Realm Creation pt. 2
#4697 - PSI Ball
Sit down in a peacefull place, put your hands close together or cup them if you wish. It seems to work better for me if they are not touching thou. In your mind picture engery from your head seeping down your kneck, through your shoulders and arms and finnaly into your hands. I normally picture then energy as being blue, but that something personal to me that Ive always done, this may be different for you.
Now picture a small ball of energy in your hands. Picture it getting bigger and bigger. When you push your hands together a little you may feel as if they are pushing apart, like the same sides of a magnet does. It may also feel like you have a ball in your hands.
If your good with seeing energy such as auras they you may be able to see the PSI ball. Try moving your hands further away to make it bigger. Alot of time and practise and you will get better and better.
This is just the method that has worked for me, im not saying it will certainly work for you. You may also want to ground yourself before doing this. To do this take a couple of very deep breaths and imagine a sort of root linking the bottom of your back to the ground.
These methods have worked great for me, if you have any problems or want to know more then feel free to mail me.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4698 - Alien Abduction Spell
First of all let me tell you, what's an alien abduction.
An abduction by these ''Aliens'' is a event in which you
don't have the ''will' you will live this abduction.
But no remember, you will wake up and feel tired.
To recognize that you've been totally abducted you may
get these symptoms :
*Missing Time
Missing Time, is that you lost about from 2/10 minutes
till 1/2 hours of life time. This because when an advanced
alien comes to abduct you, they stop your life time.
*Yellow Glue
The Yellow Glue is another symptom, and the alien will
regenerate your body & totally clean up your body and
with this yellow glue will cover up all your body.
The morning after you may see it.
*Unknown Cuts
Unknown Cuts is the symtom after the yellow gluue,
because this glue on a human can may affect some body
changes like unknown cuts outside or inside your body,
and from awake you'll be shocked up.
There are other types of Unknown Cuts that alien could
do by their selfs and not just from the glue affects.
Sightings of ufo or flying lights upon the sky,
is another symtom. Or even feeling watched and
have a bit of fear being home alone.
*Alien Telepathy
The Alien Telepathy is not like the meaning of this word.
But seeing messages that only you can see from them.
Like seeing the alien face on a reflected shadow in a water bottle.
Or a cloud Ufo upon the blue sky. You get it ?
*Dreaming About Aliens
Ok, this is the first thing you need to think about.
When you dream about that an alien abducted you.
That's it ! you've been already abducted and you will
just remember ''Screen Shoots'' of those moments.
And to know what really happen you will need a doctor
that will do a controlled hypnosis. To let you live
what you already lived. But if you just dream aliens,
of course it's just a dream, but absolutely a sign.
Now let me say that aliens when abduct you, they put
that inside you. To let you think it was a dream.
So take advice for every think you dream about aliens
and wierd stuff.
Ok, there are alot of symtoms about alien abductions
that I could write a whole book. But these are the most
frequently. Now let me tell you something about to
know that abduction is real stuff or just imagination.
When you will have the abduction, you may see yourself
in the bed or in the room where aliens do the operation..
and also you can feel your five senses different.
The warnings of this alien abduction,
once you opened the door to the near home green friends..
they may feel comfortable. And also this can change your life.
Some alien can may sexually abduct you and trust me it's not
a good feeling. Some people call these entity as demons.
My personal opinion is that the universe is infinite,
and just like on earth. There are good people, and bad people.
There are countries like nord america and europe very rich
and technologically advanced and other countries like africa more
poor and missing healing. So that's what I think.
I know for personal experience, that on planet earth
there are 13/15 races of aliens. But around the infinite,
they born and dye each second. The human being is not
the human being. I mean reptilians are the real humans of earth.
And we are just aliens. I know it's strange but it's a long story.
Now let me tell you this not really spell but like a practice
to let you have this alien abduction.
So all you need is to be in your room alone at late night time.
And say this x10 times :
I want to have an alien abduction,
I want to have this dream experience
And meet aliens, this is my will
And I ask to mote it be.
So go on a side into your room and say it x10 times,
wait ! not done ! you have to do it other 10 times
in different places around your room. Wait,
9 times like you will need to be creative.
Say it on your chair, in your bed, closet, ect..
why 9 times ? because the 10 and last one..
you'll need to do it like this :
- Open your window or balcony if you have..
and watch the sky feel good.. and say these words..
of course reading the paper :
I did this 9 times and now ten
I ask to the sky
to have this experience tonight
wake me up ufo
make me one of you
I shall no longer mortal be !
and now say the spell x10 times :
I want to have an alien abduction,
I want to have this dream experience
And meet aliens, this is my will
And I ask to mote it be.
Ok ! do this every night for ten days in a row and more !
No matter if you make chanting words mistake..
ust continue that doesn't really matter is just your will
that your doing. Good Luck & nice ufo travel !
If you want to know something about aliens contact me.
if I don't answer it's not cause I don't reply.
I reply to everyone ! it's because of the message limit or
profile gagged like it's not the first time. So if I don't answer
in about a week. Email me here : Kindomprince_sora@hotmail.com
Last edited on Apr 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4699 - Protection Blessing
If on yourself:
Close your eyes and chant repeatedly to yourself:
"Gurumeh ninginmeh nugulgulah gurumeh ninginmeh chehmeh dulduleh."
If for a loved one think about them while chanting same incantation.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4700 - Fire Conjuring
Look at the object or place and chant "air around me grant me fire" about 3 times or until fire lights.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.