Cast a curse on anyone that turns them into a animal every day and a human every night.
You may need:
Animal blood
Blood of target
Animals favorite food
Targets favorite food
You may need:
Animal blood
Blood of target
Animals favorite food
Targets favorite food
Mix the ingredients together then tap your wand on the cauldron. Chant, "Okolo mimiti makala okaiola! Mene ititetete okomoto mimike! Ho maioleh!" Make the target drink the potion. Then if you hear the selected animal's sound in the day and nothing in the night, then it worked!
This potion will last for as long as long as the brewer of this potion lives. When the brewer dies, the potion will loose its magick and the one whose powers are bound will become unbound. Use this potion on the target a second time to perminatly bind their powers.
You may need:
Purified or Fresh Water
A whole white rose
Mustard seed
Sea salt
Several other ingredients of your liking (optional)
You may need:
Purified or Fresh Water
A whole white rose
Mustard seed
Sea salt
Several other ingredients of your liking (optional)
When the water boils, add the ingredients (sometimes, it's best to add enough sea salt to balance out the mustard seeds). Bottle whis potion with care. Give this potion to the one whose powers you wish to bind, may it be another or yourself.
A chant that any good weather worker should be able to pull off.
You may need:
You may need:
"Paralda I ask for a favor of thee
For your breath to the circle giveth ye.
Djinn I ask for your blazing sun
Lightning strike when work is done.
Niksa with power over the sea
Making water fall unto me.
Gnob for you I ask to make
The earth and ground to add its quake.
These four rulers I ask as one
To unify for the storm to come".
Summons the Mother of Vampires to turn you. She will only turn people that She thinks are good enough for the world or darkness. Good Luck!
You may need:
Full moon
Loud, clear voice
Clear mind
You may need:
Full moon
Loud, clear voice
Clear mind
Say this 10 times between 10pm - 12am. While saying this think strongly about why you want to become a vampire.
''Mother of Darkness.
Hear my plea.
I wish to be a Vampire.
To have long fangs, red eyes and pale skin.
To sell my soul to you.
To thrive on blood.
To have super strength and speed.
So Mote it Be, So Mote it Be!''
This summons the Mother of all Vampires. She comes to you when the time is right and turns you if your good enough. You will only get these side effects if you are strong enough to become a vampire.
Side effects
Headaches; Migraines
Stomach aches
Visions of a shadowed woman coming to you
Light sensitivity
A simple angel spell that transforms you into an angel permanently.
You may need:
Loud voice; clear voice
Night-time; bed-time
You may need:
Loud voice; clear voice
Night-time; bed-time
Chant this 5 times at night preferably before bed. Concentrate on what you want your wings to be like.
'Angels, angels, from far, far away,take me high in the sky.
Let me be one of you.
Wings of two.
I wish to fly just as high.
I wish for wings as beautiful and as powerful as golden rings.
Take me far, far away.'
Your wings will grow in a weeks time. If you are a chosen angel you will be able to travel to heaven anytime you like. It depends on the person, you will still be an angel either way.
This is a fairly straight forward spell to rid yourself of psychic vampire attacks.
You may need:
2 white candles
Warm sea water in a bowl
Incense (frankincense or myrrh are good)
Your favourite oil
You may need:
2 white candles
Warm sea water in a bowl
Incense (frankincense or myrrh are good)
Your favourite oil
Place the candles at the back of the altar, one on the right to represent the God, one on the left for the Goddess. Place the sea water in the centre, and the incense at the front. Light the candles and incense
Rub each candle with the oil and say :
' I ward off negativity in my home, work and everyday life.
No evil or negativity shall enter here.'
Picture a white light around you and as it increases to full intensity, picture it surrounding your home and work place/ school. Now say :
' Psychic vampires in the night
Psychic vampires who destroy my life
Destroy no more of what i achieve
Destroy no more of what i receive
Negativity is not welcome
Evil is not welcome
In me, around me or the people I love.'
Repeat this 3 times, then allow the incense and candles to burn themselves out.
This spell will make you enter your own world. Anything can happen!
You may need:
You may need:
Imagine your world. Imagine what it looks like and its wildlife. Make anything happen. (Eg:wars, feasts, births, and deaths) Clense your mind for a fresh result. Chant as you escape the real world, "Gods and goddeses, make my world. Help me escape reality! This is my will so mote it be!" If you want to enter your world again. say, "Mata mata Muko muko Huku huku!"