7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Sigil magick: protection
- Dream spell
- Summon The Wind (Really works!)
- Sith spell of Power
- Wand Making
- reverse simple curse
- simple curse
- Become 50% human 50% mermaid
- return a lost cat
- love spell
#531 - Sigil magick: protection
Have a clear mind and a very, very clear intent for protection. Write I AM PROTECTED on your paper. Form your sigil. For this, you can use visual representation of your goal, but try not to make it a comoelte give away of your intent. Keep it shrouded. Or, some sigil makers including myself use certaim letters from the written intent. You may donit this way too, what ever feels most right for you. After you have made your sigil focus all of your power and charge your newly made sigil. You now have protection. Use it to seal doorways, make enchatments for items, what ever you see fit.
#532 - Dream spell
this is a simple spell, you just say:
I have had nothing but darkness when I sleep, so next time I slumber, I shall dream.
P.S: this is still only my first spell so don't expect it to work guaranteed.
#533 - Summon The Wind (Really works!)
Getting Ready:
Make sure that you are ready to cast the spell. Make sure that you are concentrating and you're outdoors.
Casting the Spell:
Say, "I call the wind thee, I call the wind thee. I call the wind upon thee. I call the wind thee."
Say it as many times as you want. The more you say it, the more wind will come! Remember, it only works outdoors with concentration.
Last edited on Sep 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#534 - Sith spell of Power
Warning: The type of power you get may vary in substance. Please specify what power you want.
(This spell is not a joke, there are actually Sith in the real world. Please take this seriously)
1. Find an undisturbed spot that you think you can meditate in well. You will be needing to feed on your emotions and lust for power as a Sith doing this spell.
2. Prior to doing anything meditate on your emotions think of power and think of how much you crave it. Feel the Dark Side of the Force flowing through you
3. Find an altar or a table and light your candle (if you don't have a candle just stand by the altar)
4. Chant "I wish for *insert power your want here* so mote it be" x3 or until you think you've done enough
5. (optional) you can also chant this is the ancient sith language here is that version: "Nu geida nuo midwan mazo galez zhol buti"
6. Results may vary, you should see effects in a couple days to a week remember specify the power you want. If you would like power in general then just "power" is fine.
Special Notes:
- Keep in mind, this spell might not grant the user a ton of power because it's not a full-on sith ritual, only a very small spell with no host to drain power from.
- This spell will only increase your likelihood of gaining some power.
- This spell works way better if you actually have the desire for power and if you are a sith. But normally casters can use this spell as well.
see: "https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sith_(language)" so you can understand the sith tongue if you want to use the native language in this spell.
Last edited on Sep 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#535 - Wand Making
Go up to the desired tree, and ask if you can .
Last edited on Sep 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#536 - reverse simple curse
chant 3 times
#537 - simple curse
as stiff as a board
you are no longer free
the curse of zombie leg
has locked up you knees
#538 - Become 50% human 50% mermaid
Say 2x
Mermaids far and mermaids near,
Be able to teleport me to sea,
When I clutch my necklace and think about sea,
I will have a a shimmering tail of (color) and the powers of 3 (powers x3)
So mote it be, so mote it be
Side effects include
crossing of legs
Last edited on Sep 23, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#539 - return a lost cat
were ever you wonder, were ever you roam i summon you now (cats name)
to come back home, a request sent so far and wide to reverse your steps and quicken your stride
with this intent, my desire so strong, it is my wish that you return safely back to were you belong
my familiar, my friend here me now, here my sound i cast this spell out so you will be found
simply follow the energy feel its vibration i call it done with the end of this citation
as i will it, so mote it be
#540 - love spell
sit in a dark room alone light the red candle in front of you and chant 3 times
to find true love
i conjure thee
i conjure thee
im the queen your the bee
as i desier so shall it be