7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Three Nights of Hell
- Control your Dreams
- Become a Spell Master
- A Chant to Become More Empathic
- Shadow Land Wind
- Banish Evil People
- Get Rid of Trouble
- Return to Me
- Less Fights Happen Around You
- Luck
#5681 - Three Nights of Hell
Take a black candle and place a picture of thine enemy in front of thee and tilt the candle so the wax drips upon the would-be-victim in the picture. Visualize the wax burning sores into the body of thine enemy. While doing so, recite the following incantation three times:
''As I do this candle spell,
Bring mine enemy three nights of hell,
Candle black, black as night,
Bring him (or her)pains of flesh tonight!
Lesions (or Legions)on his (or her) skin will grow
Afflict him (or her) with a painful blow
Sores and pain afflict him (or her) now,
For three nights he (or she)will wonder how,
Dukes of darkness, Kings of Hell,
Smite mine enemy, bring him (or her) hell,
Within three nights of pain have passed,
Make him (or her) well, well at last!
Finishing instructions: After sitting and thinking about the sores that this will inflict on thine enemy and the pain he (or she) will suffer, thou may extinguish the candle. When three nights have passed, tear up the photo and say the following incantation:
''When three nights of pain endured,
I lift this curse, rest assured.
Darkness leave him (or her), go away;
The curse is lifted now, today!''
Last edited on Nov 09, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5682 - Control your Dreams
1. The first step is to choose what you want to dream about. You could dream you are your fave character, you're dating your crush, you are standing up to a bully, etc.
2. Before you go to sleep, clear your mind of everything but that topic. Think to yourself 'I will do this tonight. I will be this tonight.'
3.When you fall asleep, be aware of your dream.
4. Keep a record of your dreams, and if you're a writer like me, write a story about them!
This is my first spell but I know it works because I tested it. If you have complaints or suggestions, please contact me.Thank you, and enjoy your dreams!!!
#5683 - Become a Spell Master
Chant: "Oh Gods, please let me be a spell master. A spell master with a high experience of magic and spell casting. So mote it be".
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5684 - A Chant to Become More Empathic
1) Get into a meditative, trance-like state where you feel open and aware of the energy around you. This trance-like state is vital because this chant virtually absorbs in you the external energies of others, hence the purpose of the spell to be "more empathic"...
2) Once you feel aware and open, chant with a very clear voice:
Goddess, mother of compassion,
Help me now to understand
How others feel, so I can help them.
Guide me with your gentle hand.
Bring to me their true emotions,
Bring their dreams, their hopes, their fears.
Bring their hurts, that I may soothe them.
Bring their laughter and their tears.
Help me be more empathetic to the needs of others, please,
And help me nurture all around me.
As I will, so mote it be!
#5685 - Shadow Land Wind
Put on the amulet and the ritual clothing if you have them.
Then find a good spot were there is nothing above you and if there are trees near by this spell works better especially on full moons but once you have found the place you will do the spell look up and spread out your arms and face north and Chant from the north of the shadow land. I trade some of my energy in return for your wind to come to earth.
Then face the south and say from the south of the shadow land I trade some of my energy in return for your wind to come to earth.
Then face east and chant from the east of the shadow land I trade some of my energy in return for your wind to come to earth.
Then face the west and chant from the west of the shadow land I trade some of my energy in return for your wind to come to earth.
Soon the wind should start or get stronger.
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5686 - Banish Evil People
Stare at the picture and say:
"Bind the evil,
for she/he's the devil,
sear her/his memory,
bound in flames of ebony,
the power shall no longer flame,
when his/her name is spoken,
banish them long and far,
until they reach the morning star,
find and destroy this evil,
for he/she behaves of the devil".
Place one stone on either side of the photo and write BANISH on the paper. Put the paper and the photo in the salt water over night and for the next week to 3 weeks the person will be banished away from you.
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5687 - Get Rid of Trouble
then say (out loud or in your head)
god and goddess her my need and understand that i should for magick shaft and astral light to help me to do what is right
#5688 - Return to Me
After meditating and charging your energy light the candles, carve your ex's full name into the candle representing him/her, and carve your full name into the candle of your favourite colour. If you have some type of love oil, anoint the candles
On the piece of paper write the persons name and draw a square around it. As the wax from both candles melt, drip the wax from both onto the paper, visualizing you two together, say: "person's name's love for me is sealed".
Once the person's name is completely covered in wax, snuff the candles don't blow them out and wait for the wax to dry, still visualizing on your goal. Once dry place the wax in the red envelope and keep it somewhere safe.
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5689 - Less Fights Happen Around You
"I have your moon,
I have your ring,
I have your bark.
The fights all hurt my heart.
Thee shall stop by nigh' dark,
I say stop Now!
From this word I say HARK."
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5690 - Luck
On a night of full moon recite this words:
"Lady luck, come out of hiding
Bless your light upon me
As the light of the moon shines above
With the light of luck, bless me"
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.