7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Counter a Hex/Curse
- Invocation to Hecate
- Manipulation Practice
- Psi for Beginners
- Angel Wing Protection
- Imbolc Chants
- To Summon Demon Helper
- Idea for You
- Conjuring Raw Energy
- Protecion
#5931 - Counter a Hex/Curse
With your athame or sharp knife, do a cutting motion at the main entry of the home or room. This should be done when the effects of the hex or curse are happening. Then after you do a cutting motion at the entry way of the room or house, you walk around outside of your home three times. Walk clock-wise, for it is very important. While you are walking outside your home, chant this: "thrice around the circle's bound evil sink into the ground." After you have walked around your home three times, you are done.
#5932 - Invocation to Hecate
"Hecate, Gaurdian of the crossroads.
Lend me your dagger to cut away the unnecessary to find my true power,
gift me with the sacred key to unlock such mysteries on this hour.
Awaken me from my deep slumber to see with open eyes,
So my path to those dearest to me not be darkened by a moonless sky,
Grateful I'd be, to be shown such wisdom and power,
To protect my love and stop this devour,
Bless me, please, with your wisdom so I may never falter from my true path,
Reaching my full potential, my thankfulness will never pass. "
#5933 - Manipulation Practice
then go to a quiet place, hold the tip of the string, the ball must n0t m0ve, concentrate into the ball, imagine the energy flowing from your mind going to your hand , then feel the connection between your enerygy and the ball, now think that the ball is moving, left and right. .concentrate until it happens.,
#5934 - Psi for Beginners
Sit in a comfortable position. Place both of your hands apart, then imagine cords of energy connecting your hands. Mold this energy into a ball. Your body may experiencing some tingling but this is normal.
#5935 - Angel Wing Protection
Say your angel's real and magickal name, in that order, five times.They should appear there to help protect you.
#5936 - Imbolc Chants
Light Of The Candles
"Light the candles,
feed the flames,
let's circle around,
chant scared names,
beneath the ground,
wakes sleeping seed,
from winter's slumber,
it now is freed,
light the candles,
welcome rebirth,
the returning sun,
renews the earth!"
Sweeping Chant:
(Do this as you are sweeping
your house, or porch.)
"With this besom filled with power,
Sweep away the old and sour,
Sweep away the chill of death,
As winter draws its last cold breath,
Round round round about,
Sweep the old and useless out!"
Homage to the Goddess Chant:
"The maiden comes to bring us light,
The winter dies and all is bright,
The frozen ground shall disappear,
All shall sprout for Spring is near!"
#5937 - To Summon Demon Helper
Light the brimstone as incense. At midnight chant: ''IT IS MIDNIGHT. THE GATES OF HADES ARE OPENED AND DARKNESS IS UPON THE LAND'' 3X Hold the stone in your left palm. ''I CONJURE THEE DEMON BY THE POWER OF THY NAME; ABSHALLAH NEJAR SEPTIA, AS FLESH CLINGS TO BONE SO YOU TO STONE! If done properly you should see with your mind's eye a purplish ''lightning'' dance around the stone. You must never let sunlight hit the stone or the spirit will return from which it came. You can ask of your demon anything but alas, it seems that the relationship is not permanent. If you demon fails to comply with your wishes it may be time to exile it. I've notice that threatening to place the stone in the sun sometimes works to ''compel'' the entity but if it becomes violent immediately cast it out into the daylight. You must reward the demon by feeding it three drops of your blood after if fulfills any of your wishes
#5938 - Idea for You
Chant as you visualize a seed for ideas being placed in your head magickally:
"Inspiration is exactly what I need,
So in my head put an idea seed,
For that of which I write and say,
Let the perfect spell be on its way."
#5939 - Conjuring Raw Energy
Sit down with your legs crossed. You clear your mind and become one with yourself. Your mind truly needs to be clear in order for this to work. Then hold out both of your arms, and have your recessive hand and your projective hand in a fist, both arms parallel to one another. Feel the energies of the universe entering your recessive hand and flowing through your body towards your projective hand. Let the energies build up in your projective hand until you feel you have an immense amount of energy. Then fling your arms to the right, open your projective and while doing this, and envision the energies flying towards your goal. Then recite
a quick chant that will best suite your goal.
This, if practiced, will become a very powerful and useful talent.
#5940 - Protecion
1. It is best to go outside for this spell, as the air
movement will help disperse the glitter, and the magick.
2. Cast a circle, or create a sacred space.
3. Go to each quarter in turn (start with the West, then
North, East and south), and pound or tap the ground with
your staff/wand chanting:
"I call thee, you who guard the watchtowers of the
(direction) to guide me through the darkness, and ensure
my safety. "
Do this for all 4 quarters.
4. Stand in the center and say:
"In the shadows, evils hide,
Ready to draw me from loves side,
But with your help I shall be strong
And banish all that do me wrong
Send them away, send them astray
Never again to pass my way,
So mote it be."
As you say the last 3 lines, scatter the glitter in a circle
around you.
5. Close the circle, and have something to eat to restore
your energies!