My friend, Ashley made this up. It makes you hand cold so when you touch people they jump back.
You may need:
You may need:
Hold out your hand, any hand. Concentrate on it and chant, ''Cold as the coldest river, as freezing as the deepest tunnel Let my fingers feel as ice, let all I touch feel my cold. So mote it be.''
You have to really concentrate on your hand and the spell. It might not work for everyone; it didn't for my other friend.
10ml unscented body lotion, 2 drops lemon, 1 drop geranium, 1 drop sandalwood, and 20 drops rose oil.
Blend well and massage into your hands.
Now if you shake somebody's hand they'll do anything for you.
If you are wearing the necklace or object you are protected from dark things and negative aura.
You may need:
Necklace or object you want to protect
White candle(optional you don't need one)
You may need:
Necklace or object you want to protect
White candle(optional you don't need one)
Hold the necklace/object in the palm of your hand, imangine the goddess shining over you and say
''by the power of the goddess I protect this (necklace/object) from all the bad things in this world.''
Repeat twice and then feelthe goddess's power surging into you and he necklace then if you lit the candle blow it out and thank he goddess for protection
Spell that embues you with the power to harm you target by use of the black arts. Backfires includ draining of energys, loss of memory and a small chance of self binding your powers.
You may need:
You may need:
Look opon you target. Imagine a demonic hand squeezing the air out of him/her.
Allow the energys to run through your body and out of your hands
kali! Hera! Cronos! Tonic! Air as necter thick as onyx. Cassiel by your second star hold my victim as in tar I owe you pain!
(Caution this spell uses the darkest of magicks and is not to be taken lightly)This spell calls opon hecate and her forces to punish those who have hurt you or plot against you.
You may need:
5 Black Candles
Hair of the Target
Needle or raser blade
Offering plate
You may need:
5 Black Candles
Hair of the Target
Needle or raser blade
Offering plate
First center your self and meditate for atleast an hour. then, begin calling the elements of fire and air to aid you in the casting of the circle.
Then draw a circle and a inverted pentagram with the sand. Make sure the circle has no gaps or holes! If you have gaps the energys can be released.Then place red candles in corners of the pentagram. Light them. Place the key and moth in the top corners of the pentagram. Then place the offering plate in center. Put the snake on the offering plate. kill the snake. Drain the blood and soak the hair of your target. Burn the hair and offer the dead snake to hecate. With the needle or athame cut the inside of your palms and let drip over the dead snake. Proceed with ritual.
be aware the spell is in latin. Please try to pronounce the best you can.
"Dea hacate , sententia specialis es lost. Sententia veneficus es maioribus of vetus. per vox ego queso vos. Dea take nostrum humilis gratia ut vos vitualamen. Unus ut insidiae quod pugna meus navitas. Take lemma. Per vestri vox ego dedi vos meus cruor ut a verto of navitas. Per quattuor deomons of orbis signifer ego dico. Validus dea sententia maagics es sought. Take lemma quod frendo lemma. Permissum purgatio incendia addo lemma ultio ultionis per asmodia per ankhia per diabolus quod diabolus sententia veneficus quod dictata es accersitus hecate opus thy mos permissum immunda exsisto iam purgo per incendia vestrum regnum! "
Chant: "These woods are dark, this path is shadowed. Walk with me, my Lord and Lady. Hunter of the forest, stand at my back. Star eyed protector, fold your wings around me. Banish all fear, so mote it be".