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7148 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7148 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7148 Spiritual Spells
  1. Bring Happiness To Someone
  2. Protection chant
  3. Dragon's Blood Protection Spell (Alternative to Sage Protection Spell)
  4. spirit gate "opening"
  5. lesson in elemental control
  6. To Create Sweet Dreams for Another
  7. Sense the energy of plants and animals (easy)
  8. Attract Love
  9. Vessel of Vigor
  10. Draconic Spirit

#681 - Bring Happiness To Someone

This spell will bring happiness to a person. It can work on either a friend or yourself.
You may need:

  • Belief
  • Faith in this spell
  • Trust in the selected person.
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Faith in this spell
  • Trust in the selected person.
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    Begin by focusing on what you know about the person. Think about the times where you have seen them smiling or times in which they seemed happy. Focus on those times and think of things that make the person happy.

    Next, if you worship a god of any sort, say the following, "(Name of god), I ask you to bring (person's name) happiness, to bring them joy, mote it be."

    If you do not worship a specific god, say, "By the North, West, East, and South, bring joy to (name of person). Bring them thoughts of joy and cheer, fill them up with happiness. So Mote it be."

    Afterwards, meditate if you prefer. The spell should work in one hour to one day.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #682 - Protection chant

    This spell is a chant that I developed when I was younger cause of,all the stuff I had going on
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    For this just simply chant as many times need for you to feel safe:

    From the four corners of the earth I call upon the four elements to protect me in this hour of need water earth fire air protect me now so mote it be

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #683 - Dragon's Blood Protection Spell (Alternative to Sage Protection Spell)

    This Dragon's Blood Protection Spell is designed to protect the area that it is being Cast in, and the order must be followed to the letter otherwise it will not work.
    You may need:

  • A Quiet Room
  • A Table or Alter
  • A Black Candle
  • Dragon's Blood Incense
  • Four Charged Black Tourmaline Crystals
  • Salt
  • Anointed or Blessed Water
  • Your Written Ritual of Protective Intent
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    You may need:

  • A Quiet Room
  • A Table or Alter
  • A Black Candle
  • Dragon's Blood Incense
  • Four Charged Black Tourmaline Crystals
  • Salt
  • Anointed or Blessed Water
  • Your Written Ritual of Protective Intent
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    The first thing you will need is a quiet room to set up a table or alter, and then you will need to set up Four Charged Black Tourmaline Crystals at the North end of the table or alter to represent the protection of Earth.

    then you will need to set up a Black Candle to represent the protection of Fire at the South end of the table or alter.

    Next you must set up the Dragon's Blood Incense to the East end of the table or alter to represent the protection of Air.

    Next will come the Anointed or Blessed Water to be placed at the West in of the table or alter to represent the protection of Water.

    After the Elemental Protections are set into place, you will have to place a complete circle of salt around the table or alter to form a barrier of protection for the fifth element of Spirit or Akasha.

    After the Salt has been place down, you must stand in the circle of Salt, and read your written ritual of protective intent to the Dragons of the elements do not demand from them or show fear as you read, as you dowse your hands in the protective element of the Blessed Water as you continue to repeat the written protective ritual of your intent at each of the elements for Air as you light the Dragon's Blood Incense as you wave your hands through the smoke, as you repeat the written protective ritual of your intent next move to the element of Fire using caution to wave your hands slowly over the Flame (DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HANDS OVER THE FLAME OR EXTINGUISH THE FLAME),as you repeat the written protective ritual of intent for Earth picking up each of the Black Tourmaline Crystals do this four remaining times as you state the ritual for the last time move in the direction of North, East, South, West to close your written ritual of protective intent.

    With that the Spell is done, So mote it be.

    Added to on Dec 11, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #684 - spirit gate "opening"

    this is a simple ritual for one who wishes to tap deeper into the spirit world
    You may need:

  • white candle
  • purple candle
  • lighter
  • athame (optional)
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    You may need:

  • white candle
  • purple candle
  • lighter
  • athame (optional)
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    Find a space where you can concentrate yourself. Light the white candle. Meditate for a few minutes. During the meditation, release all your feelings and relax your muscles. Think of nothing. Take the athame (if you are using it, if not just use your pointing finger), trace a circle around your sitting position. Close your eyes and see the circle slowly grow into a cylinder/become a tunnel with the open end facing upwards. See the tunnel glowing brighter and brighter with time until it is blinding. Light the purple candle and distinguish the white candle (DO NOT BLOW IT!) close your eyes again and see the purple radiation from the candle slowly become one with the tunnel. When it is purple enough (according to your preference) draw the golden small particles/lights around you inside the tunnel (until you feel that it is enough for you)..then meditate for a few minutes. After that, if you wish to release the tunnel, do it the way you cast the tunnel BUT in the opposite direction. Distinguish the purple candle without blowing it. This is best to do before you go to bed.

    Added to on Dec 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #685 - lesson in elemental control

    this is not a spell, but an instruction on controlling these 6 elements: earth,fire,water,air. you do need bloodline or ancestors with these gifts. even if you don't know if you do have the trait... try each one out. remember it takes a whole lot of practice in order to master ANY of these elements. also: your soul is only capable of having two elements in them. for example mine is air and light... ok, lets get started!
    You may need:

  • . for fire, use a candle or bonfire
  • .for water, use a bowl or cup
  • .for earth, use a bowl or pot full of natural dirt or very light stones
  • .for air, sit outside on a windy day or by a clean vent
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    You may need:

  • . for fire, use a candle or bonfire
  • .for water, use a bowl or cup
  • .for earth, use a bowl or pot full of natural dirt or very light stones
  • .for air, sit outside on a windy day or by a clean vent
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    sit near the flames, start by closing your eyes and cupping your hands near the flames. take a deep breath and concentrate, feel the energy flow out of your hands and into the flame. now once you have the full energy focus, connect your energy to the flame. direct the flame in the directions you would like. once you open your eyes, have the flame move from side to side.

    be careful now:

    once you did these small practices with fire... it can wear down your energy fast. its sorta like exersize, once you start you will only get better with practice and time.


    sit next to the cup or bowl. start by closing your eyes, wave your hands over the water (dont touch it though). immediately connect your energy to the water. once this happens you will feel a high pulse flow through your hands. open your eyes, then push the energy out of your hands you should notice a dip in the water without touch.


    sit crossed legged. cup your hands over the dirt. take a deep breath and close your eyes. do your best to focus and bind your energy with the earth as it flows through your palms. you should feel the dirt or the stones levitate near your hands. once you open your eyes, you should hear a thump.


    start by sitting or standing outside or by a air vent. now this one you need a chant for. take a deep breath and close your eyes, the chant or whisper once:

    "wind, wind, blow,blow"

    feel the air on your body then remember the feeling.

    message me what you think and any requests you may have thank you!

    Added to on Nov 25, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #686 - To Create Sweet Dreams for Another

    A simple spell to give another sweet dreams, but as my Magyk comes with a price, you will have no dreams that night.
    You may need:

  • An open mind
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    You may need:

  • An open mind
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    Notes to caster:

    • You will have no dreams that night, whereas the recipient will have pleasant dreams
    • This spell must be performed every time the recipient goes to sleep, or you run the risk of having little or no effect
    • Works long distance, but preferable to have the recipient near
    • Only works on ONE person at a time
    • You do not have any effect on what they do dream
    • It is up to your own standards wether or not to spell another

    To cast:

    Long distance:

    1. Visualize the recipient in your mind, and think of a happy memory of the two of you.
    2. Whisper the spell to your closed fist thrice, and open your fist as you finish.

    When near:

    1. Place your hand on their forehead, and think of a happy memory of the two of you.
    2. Say the spell thrice.


    Ulla tibi somnia

    Re veraque haec carmina surgant

    EGO sumo vestri somnia ad me

    Ita ut liberum pul cre nimium et somnia

    Added to on Nov 25, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #687 - Sense the energy of plants and animals (easy)

    This was the first magic i learned, i hope it works for you
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Milky or clear Quartz (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Milky or clear Quartz (optional)
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    Step one: focus on the plant or animal you want to feel the energy of and close your eyes

    Step two: cross your eyes (still closed) toward your third eye and try to feel the emotions of the plant or animal

    if it doesn't work try again using Quartz, it helps

    thanks for looking at my spell!

    Added to on Nov 23, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #688 - Attract Love

    A spell to attract a lover, can be a specific person or not. (Haven't had chance to try, best if on a full moon! Email with results.)
    You may need:

  • Candle (Preferably pink, but can be white)
  • Wand (Optional)
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    You may need:

  • Candle (Preferably pink, but can be white)
  • Wand (Optional)
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    Cast a circle and summon a deity of love or lust, whatever you find that suits the spell. Call the four corners.

    Take time to meditate and channel energy into finding love or attracting a certain person (if using a wand use the wand to channel energy into a ball in your hand).

    As you light the pink/white candle with a match, say:

    "Sicut lux et lucerna hoc est, amoris igniculos"

    Now, think about that energy you created earlier, and say:

    "I nunc amit me te amre simul, me ex caritate quoque sicerit"

    Finally, snuff out the candle with your fingers.

    Close your circle by thanking the deities, the Divine, and the Elements.

    Please be patient, and rate and email results please!

    Added to on Nov 20, 2018
    Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #689 - Vessel of Vigor

    An ancient aztec recipe for a Vessel which captures the essence of human vigor itself which keeps the customer healthy strong and endurant
    You may need:

  • -Mud from mountains
  • -Margarine
  • -Salt
  • -Water
  • -(advenced) Ground human hair
  • -(advenced) Milk teeth
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    You may need:

  • -Mud from mountains
  • -Margarine
  • -Salt
  • -Water
  • -(advenced) Ground human hair
  • -(advenced) Milk teeth
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    Basic: Take on part salt to one part maragrine and mix with 10 parts dirt and 5 parts water.

    Mix by hand until you have a firm density and then craft into “cake” shape.

    Place in preheated oven at 180 degrees celsius for 20 minutes until firm (but not brittle).

    Advanced: Same as above but without the oven.

    Before letting it dry put 3 pinches of ground human hair into it (animal hair can cause mutation) and add a milk teeth in the middle to capture the youth power of it.

    Added to on Nov 17, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #690 - Draconic Spirit

    This spell will have your mind and body feel like a dragon!
    You may need:

  • A nice cup of green tea(sweetened or not; your choice)
  • Calm, relaxing area
  • Belief in dragons
  • Peaceful mind
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    You may need:

  • A nice cup of green tea(sweetened or not; your choice)
  • Calm, relaxing area
  • Belief in dragons
  • Peaceful mind
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    Sit down and relax. Slowly drink your green tea, while having dragons on your mind. Now, when you are finished, close your eyes take 5 deep breaths. Imagine draconic power running through your veins, powering up your soul and mind. After about 5 minutes of doing this, get up on your feet and stretch your body for about a minute. You should now feel up and alert, like a dragon!

    Added to on Nov 15, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7148 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters