1. Wear necklace( after doing the spell don't remove it)
2. Touch water
3. Say the spell 10 times:
"Insouciant inclemency
Redoubtable mediocracy
Refutable humanity
Make me what I wish to be...
Witches one and witches all
Give this power to me."
Its a spell I read about in a book. I'm not sure if it works but I think if you get it right it dose.
You may need:
Door to be Blocked
You may need:
Door to be Blocked
Focus on the door/gate you want to stop people coming in and out of and envisage a pentacle on it (upright) if you focus hard enough it will stop people entering the door/ gate in question.
Today is not my day
Everything has gone astray
To keep me sane
To keep the peace
Bad luck coming my way shall cease
I banish pain
I banish sorrow
Gods and Goddesses bless my tomorrow
To be performed immediately after meditation while still full of peaceful and calm energy. Hold the pictur in your hand, focus and put all of your will in to the spell and say:
"I bind your anger
I bind it now
I bind your temper
be gone I vow
by the power of the gods
make it so now."
To release someone from a curse or a series of bad luck events.
You may need:
White candle
You may need:
White candle
Light a white candle and chant the following:
"By the power of this seal, the force of the wind- so calm and still, manipulate (person's) mind and free their soul. By this liberation seal, I shall order to break and bend that curse. Make this body whole: set him/her free. Let him/her live. Kick all evil away. So mote it be".
A spell that uses aerokinesis and hydrokinesis to call for the rain and actually make it rain
You may need:
White candle
A quiet room
You may need:
White candle
A quiet room
Forces of the sky,
all full of might,
bring to me the roar,
light and sound,
emerge from the clouds,
water fall down,
cast a downpour,
make us shake,
soak the place,
I ask the God of water,
to turn us around,
shower us cold,
set your rage free,
so mote it be!
Never use this spell, it is black magic meant to harm people. I posted it for you to know the consequences of black magic. I repear, don't use it.
You may need:
White or Black candle
lighter and matches
Photo of the target
You may need:
White or Black candle
lighter and matches
Photo of the target
"Filled with hatred,
Filled with fear,
Anger inside it's already clear,
Death and suffering
suffering for him/her
he's/she's so annoying
that I can't bear.
Kill him!
Destroy him!
No more of his/her prescence
I ask thee for your help
elliminate ______ from this world."
A spell to protect yourself and everybody around you.
You may need:
You may need:
"The whiteness of snow
the pureness of water
the endurance of earth
the fury of fire. The wildness of the wind
please elements of nature
hear my plea. Cast a circle
protect my life from all evil beings
form a protection spell to control the evil,
keep me safe like everyone should be,
So mote it be!"