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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7154 Spiritual Spells
7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7154 Spiritual Spells
  1. Call for Rain
  2. Banish Spell
  3. Protection Spell
  4. Wind Spell
  5. Make Consecrated Water
  6. Please wait for Me
  7. Concentration Spell
  8. Protection from the Goddess
  9. Protection
  10. Spell to Trap an Evil Spirit (in a Jar)

#6921 - Call for Rain

A spell that uses aerokinesis and hydrokinesis to call for the rain and actually make it rain
You may need:

  • White candle
  • A quiet room
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • A quiet room
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    Forces of the sky,
    all full of might,
    bring to me the roar,
    light and sound,
    emerge from the clouds,
    water fall down,
    cast a downpour,
    make us shake,
    soak the place,
    I ask the God of water,
    to turn us around,
    shower us cold,
    set your rage free,
    so mote it be!

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    #6922 - Banish Spell

    Never use this spell, it is black magic meant to harm people. I posted it for you to know the consequences of black magic. I repear, don't use it.
    You may need:

  • White or Black candle
  • lighter and matches
  • Photo of the target
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    You may need:

  • White or Black candle
  • lighter and matches
  • Photo of the target
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    "Filled with hatred,
    Filled with fear,
    Anger inside it's already clear,
    Death and suffering
    suffering for him/her
    he's/she's so annoying
    that I can't bear.
    Kill him!
    Destroy him!
    No more of his/her prescence
    I ask thee for your help
    elliminate ______ from this world."

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    #6923 - Protection Spell

    A spell to protect yourself and everybody around you.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "The whiteness of snow
    the pureness of water
    the endurance of earth
    the fury of fire. The wildness of the wind
    please elements of nature
    hear my plea. Cast a circle
    protect my life from all evil beings
    form a protection spell to control the evil,
    keep me safe like everyone should be,
    So mote it be!"

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    #6924 - Wind Spell

    This is a spell to call the wind.
    You may need:

  • Faith and Confidence
  • Say in an open space where the wind can be felt.
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    You may need:

  • Faith and Confidence
  • Say in an open space where the wind can be felt.
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    "Winds of the world
    I call upon you now
    to blow a gale
    breeze or storm
    blow it up
    cool it down
    make us feel your power
    and your fury
    and I will act as jury
    So mote it be!"

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    #6925 - Make Consecrated Water

    Create Consecrated Water For Use In Spells
    You may need:

  • 3 Teaspoons Of Salt
  • One Glass Bottle With Cork
  • Boiled Water.
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    You may need:

  • 3 Teaspoons Of Salt
  • One Glass Bottle With Cork
  • Boiled Water.
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    Sterilise both containers in boiling water for at least 3 minutes.
    Boil the water to be consecrated for at least 3 minutes to kill any bacteria or plant life that might like to grow in your consecrated water.
    While the water is still hot (this will make it much much easier to dissolve the salt), put it in the clear glass container and find a quiet, private spot in direct sun or the light of the Full Moon (depending on the time of day).
    Cast the magick circle, then hold the container in your hands and remove any negativity from it - visualise it glowing with a pure white light as you say: In the name of the Lord and Lady, may all negativity flee from thee. Completely dissolve the salt into the hot/warm water (you can use a clean spoon or just shake the container) while asking the elements and the God and Goddess to bless and purify the water: Powers of Fire/Water/Air/Earth - purify this water and charge it with your energy. Repeat the above once for each element. Visualise the water glowing with that element's colour as you speak. I ask the God and Goddess to purify and charge this water - the Lord with the golden light of Your Sun, and the Lady with Your silver moonlight. Visualise the water flowing gold and then silver as you speak. Leave the glass container in direct sunlight and moonlight - for a night and a day (don't put the lid on tight until it's out of the sun and cool). After it has sat in the sunlight and in the moonlight, the water is ready for use. Every month you should make a new batch and tip the old one out on the garden (not down the drain). Make sure you keep your holy water sealed and in a cool, dark place - perhaps in a coloured glass bottle in a cool corner of the room or in a cupboard/drawer. Handy hint: if you don't fancy boiling water every month, boil a few months' worth at a time and add a teaspoon of salt to the water as its boiling - not so much for purification as to help it keep. Also keep this 'extra' water sealed up tight in a cool, dark place.

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    #6926 - Please wait for Me

    Ask a beloved family member/ close friend's spirit to wait for you in the afterlife.
    You may need:

  • 8 White Candles ( For power for your message to reach your loved one )
  • 5 Red Candles ( To represent your love )
  • Picture Of Loved One.
  • A Voice.
  • Utter Devotion to this person.
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    You may need:

  • 8 White Candles ( For power for your message to reach your loved one )
  • 5 Red Candles ( To represent your love )
  • Picture Of Loved One.
  • A Voice.
  • Utter Devotion to this person.
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    This spell will ask a loved one to wait for you in the afterlife and greet you when your time comes, and then you can be together for eternity.
    Please be aware this spell will not work if you are not devoted or very very close to this person.
    Set the White Candles in a circle, with gaps inbetween the candles.
    Place the red Candles in a smaller circle inside the white circle of candles, placing the red candles in the gaps so the red circle is seperate to the white circle.
    Place the picture of a loved one in the middle of the circles.
    Light the outer circle then the inner circle.
    Sit just outside the circle, staring at the picture.
    Imagine the person standing in the distance, and hold onto that image as you chant:

    "Loved one who was lost,
    I ask of you to leave me not,
    Wait for me
    Wait for me
    Wait for me
    I beg of you
    Wait for me
    Wait for me
    Wait for me
    Leave me not
    My love shines so bright,
    I miss you every single day,
    In every single Way,
    Wait for me I pray you."

    If while chanting this, the person is coming closer to you, the spell is working and once they are so close you can feel them with you in spirit the spell has worked and the person has accepted your request.
    If the persons image does not get closer, keep chanting, with more feeling and volume. ( They are far away, you need to reach them! )
    Sometimes if your relationship is not strong enough, the person will move further away and disappear, if this happens, the person has not accepted your request.

    Once you have had your answer, blow out the candles in the order you lit them and pack them away.

    Keep the picture in somewhere you can see it so the person can watch over you until you meet when your time comes.

    - Blessed Be -

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    #6927 - Concentration Spell

    Do before a difficult spell to strengthen concentration and reduce chance of backfire.
    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Black Candle
  • Ability to cut yourself.
  • Crystal Bowl.
  • Cutting Tool.
  • 1 piece of paper.
  • Blessed Pen.
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    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Black Candle
  • Ability to cut yourself.
  • Crystal Bowl.
  • Cutting Tool.
  • 1 piece of paper.
  • Blessed Pen.
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    This is a spell i made myself to enhance concentration and to reduce chance of backfire. You should perform your other spell straight after this.

    Mind the three fold rule you should, three times bad and three times good.

    Remember this when deciding whether you should follow this spell with a dark magick spell.

    Take the candles and place the black on the left side and the white on the right side of the crystal bowl.
    Light Candles
    Take a piece of paper and Write on it your name and your wish ( enhance my concentration ).
    Place the piece of paper in the bowl.
    Take a cutting tool and cut your index finger and middle finger.
    Allow the blood to drop onto the paper, while chanting:

    My Blood It Soaks
    The Paper Red
    Send Me Guidance
    And dispell Dread
    I pray for help
    In my time of need
    So mote it be

    Make sure there is some blood left in the bowl that is not on your paper, you will need it to end spell.

    Once the paper is completely red, or your fingers have ceased bleeding, take the paper and dry it over the white candle.
    Then burn the paper using the black candle.

    My grogginess, It Burns
    On Paper Of Red
    Send me guidance
    Dispell all dread
    I pray for help
    in time of need
    So mote it be
    Once flame takes hold, place on non-flammable surface and allow to burn completely.

    Dab your fingers in the blood in crystal bowl and use to extinguish white candle ONLY.

    Take the black candle in your projective hand and chant:

    I pray for concentration,
    In my time of Need,
    Help me achieve my goal,
    So Mote it be.

    The spell is done.
    If your fingers still throb, draw power and concentration from the pain.
    If not, your spell will still grant you concentration.
    - Blessed Be.

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    #6928 - Protection from the Goddess

    This is a protection chant so you have protection from the goddess.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    "Protect me with all your might,
    oh goddess gracious day and night."

    Repeat as many times as necessary.

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    #6929 - Protection

    Make a protective bubble around you and your friends.
    You may need:

  • water
  • voice
  • paper
  • pencil
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    You may need:

  • water
  • voice
  • paper
  • pencil
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    First write the names of the people you want to be protected on the paper.

    Then say the names of all the people on the blank. Say the words magical water spirits protect________ on my comand.

    When you want them to be protected tear the paper up and throw it in the water!

    It will rise and form a protective bubble around the people whose names are on the paper.

    To make it go away say the spell again and it will go away.

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    #6930 - Spell to Trap an Evil Spirit (in a Jar)

    This traps an evil entity or evil spirits and prevents any harm being done.
    You may need:

  • Salt water - 1 part Sea salt to 8 parts of spring water;
  • 1 dried Rose;
  • 13 Rose Thorns;
  • 1 Small Glass Jar + a tightly fitting lid
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    You may need:

  • Salt water - 1 part Sea salt to 8 parts of spring water;
  • 1 dried Rose;
  • 13 Rose Thorns;
  • 1 Small Glass Jar + a tightly fitting lid
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    Put the Rose Thorns into the jar one at a time and as you do this and drop one in, chant the following words each time:
    ''Thou Demon presence. Be no more!''
    Crush up the Thorns in the jar and then crush up the Rose petals and add them to the jar, slowly add the salt water. Keep the jar open overnight. The next morning before the sunrise close the lid. All the evil should now be trapped inside the jar. Cover the jar with a cloth and bury it far away from the house in a place that has no buildings nearby.

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    7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters