7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Quicksilver
- New:Wish spell (untested)
- Go Away Jinx
- Protection Charm Spell/Potion
- dino summon
- Warning spell
- Ignis Essence
- Energy of Blood Potion
- War Brew
- Stink Powder
#761 - Quicksilver
You just say: I want to have the super speed that Quicksilver has. This is my wish so mote it be!!
#762 - New:Wish spell (untested)
1: you write with the gold pen your wish on the blank paper
2: you draw a heart with the red pen on the same paper below your wish
3: with the gold pen draw an "8" above the wish and outside the front of the envelope
4: place the letter in the envelope and close it plus stick it closed
5:chant,"oh wish I call upon thee, make it happen on the power of three. I beg I beg in thy name. This is my wish so mote it be." Say this 6 times holding the envelope up.
(It may take sometime to take effect not too much. )
Since it's untested it may not work try at your own risk.
#763 - Go Away Jinx
Tear a small square of paper, letting your actions be as hard and angry as you wish. The paper doesn't have to be neat.
When you've ripped the paper, write the name of the person who is irritating you.
It works more when that person is near you, but you don't have to be in the same room. Doing it in the same house is good enough.
Take the paper and stomp on it nine times. Stomp on it as hard as you need, let yourself be angry and annoyed and furious. Shove at the person who is annoying you with your mind, and let your energy push them out of the house. Do all of this at the same time.
If you've sent enough negative energy their way, I have no doubt they'll pick up on it.
For good measure (optional) burn the paper, but screwing it up and throwing it away will work just as well.
(Did this myself on an unwanted visitor in my house, stomped on his name, sent the negative energy his way, and he left fifteen minutes later, bag packed and everything.)
Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#764 - Protection Charm Spell/Potion
Set up the sacred circle with the points of the pentacle facing in the direction of their element. The red, blue, yellow and green candles, place them on the points of the Pentacle, leave the top one empty for now.
Place the black candle at the empty point, but don't place anything inside yet. How you do the spell is very important.
Also, for a little extra power, carve the triangle symbols into the candle. Don't light them yet.
Take the symbols you pick for each element, place them next to the candle and take out the herbs. The more powerful you want the charm, the more herbs.
In the bowl/Cauldron, pour water in the bottom and light the candles in a COUNTER CLOCKWISE direction. Place the protection gem in the empty triangle of the pentacle.
Once everything is in place, take the charm you would like to bless and as you add the herbs to the bowl and crush them up, with INTENSE concentration; say this:
"To the realm of magic, hear my plea
I beg for protection from the demons around me.
Herbs of magic, gems of power
Use this time as the magic hour.
Hear my cry and take these offering to collect
Give this (ITEM) the power to protect.
O blessed magic, take this charm.
When worn (Your Name or the person it's for), shall come to no harm
Blessed thee, so mote it be."
Drown the charm in the herbs and water, leave it in there as you blow out the candles in the OPPOSITE direction you lit them, except the white candle. Place the gem over the charm and let it sink. Blow out the candle and sit in the circle for three minutes. Wear it everywhere and it should protect you from the demons.
Please let me know if it works.
#765 - dino summon
get your paper write down your dino status dino size how fast it is its name and its gender you can put other stuff to
then fold it then get your pic with the dino on it put the paper with the dino status on top of it
:then say this 5 or 3 times without the rock:
gods and goddesses that created the dinosaurs i want this simple request and that is to get this dinosaur as my pet the paper on the top is its status and the bottom one is what my dino is going to look like so please make this dinosaur appear instantly or in 3 days so mote it me.
:say this 5 or 3 times with the rock on the dino status paper:
gods and goddesses of the dinosaurs i want you to grant this request to summon me a pet dinosaur the paper on the bottom is what my dinosuar is going to look like the paper on the top is the dinosaur status and the rock on the top is the egg for the dinosaur so let this baby dinosaur hatch from this egg instantly or in 5 days so mote it be.
mail me your results or questions
#766 - Warning spell
Blood turn black and flesh turn blue, I'll curse you if you force me too. By the left hand and the unclean food. I'll curse your eyes, I'll curse your lies, ill call down a plague of flies. Blood go black and flesh go blue. Evil from me and back to you. With my soul clean and yours on fire, you mess with this witch and you'll get burned, liar!
Last edited on May 20, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#767 - Ignis Essence
Powder the sulfur.
Mix the three powders together, visualize energy of fire and destruction flowing from you into the mix and say:
- "Hereby, I call the lightning:
- Fulgur Virtutem Denseo!
- Hereby, I call the flame:
- Essentia Miris Tragoediis!
- Hereby, I call the metal:
- Aes Potentiam Augere!
- Thus, the primal fire I command:
- Partum Ignis Primum!"
Now, you have the primal fire essence.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#768 - Energy of Blood Potion
Powder the coffee beans.
Cut the stems into small pieces with the knife, think of great energy flowing into them and chant:
- "This plant saves energy around,
- I ask to set it all unbound!"
Put the powdered beans and the stem pieces in the kettle, pour water over them and start heating the water. Chant:
- "Ephedra's spiritual powers,
- With caffeine's organic sours,
- By blood I bind you through the lore
- To give the drinker so much more!"
As soon as the water starts to boil, add the blood and get the kettle off the fire. Let it cool down and pour it into the container of choice. Now, you have prepared the potion that utilizes the body's health for energy.
Be careful, as if the blood in the potion doesn't match the drinker's blood, the health draw might increase greatly.
Last edited on Jul 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#769 - War Brew
Powder the dried tea leaves.
Put the powder into the kettle, pour water in it and heat. When the water starts to boil, start chanting:
- "Drums of war and roar of fire,
- To prevail is my desire!
- Thus I boil this magic potion,
- Cause of energy commotion."
After each chant, pour a bit of your chosen beverage into the kettle and throw in a pinch of cinnamon. Focus on the energy of fire, and channel it into the brew.
Repeat from chant to channel until there's only a quarter of liquid that was in the kettle before. Then get the kettle off the fire and put the liquid in a container of choice. Now, you prepared the brew of war.
#770 - Stink Powder
Powder nitrammite while saying:
- "Crystal close to living pyre,
- Rotting odour I require!"
Then, mix sulfur with aluminium and chant:
- "Lightning and the fire essence,
- Irritate the living senses!"
Put the mix in the mold and light it on fire. As the fire grows hotter and bigger, chant the previous incantation. When the fire will stop, wait until the mix cools down, then break it out of the mold and powder it.
Mix the two powders. Now, you have created the Stink Powder, which will conjure foul odour when dissolved in water and also make the water mildly poisonous.