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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7161 Spiritual Spells
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
  1. Rhyming Spells
  2. Simple Sun Spell
  3. Nightmare Curse
  4. Cleansing and Charging
  5. Quicksilver
  6. New:Wish spell (untested)
  7. Go Away Jinx
  8. Protection Charm Spell/Potion
  9. dino summon
  10. Warning spell

#761 - Rhyming Spells

Please no hate! This spell is my very first one. You can change it up if you want.
You may need:

  • Experience with Magic
  • Ability to see the Future
  • You can Siren Sing
  • You MUST have at least one psionic ability awakened
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    You may need:

  • Experience with Magic
  • Ability to see the Future
  • You can Siren Sing
  • You MUST have at least one psionic ability awakened
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    Be Careful! The Incantation is below.

    I call upon the Triquetra Power

    To give me abilities on this hour

    (State your intention)

    Three by Three with your aid

    My spell will show in three days!

    This spell must be sung otherwise it will not work. You don't need to be able to Siren Sing but it actually works a lot better if you can. This is a spell I made up for people. The spell goes best with binding spells.

    Warning: If you do NOT have experience with magic this will backfire immediately after casted. Thank you for your time. GOOD LUCK!

    • I also do spellcasting for most people
    • Please enjoy this spell
    • Do not use it against me it will backfire if you want bad things to happen to me
    • I have Siren and Divine Singing

    Find me on Instagram for tips on Magick. I am treylee05

    Added to on Aug 18, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #762 - Simple Sun Spell

    This is a spell what will make the sun appear. NO CANDLES or all the kids out there.
    You may need:

  • -Yourself
  • -Enhancers (Optional)
  • -Quiet
  • -Meditation (2 minutes)
  • -Belief
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    You may need:

  • -Yourself
  • -Enhancers (Optional)
  • -Quiet
  • -Meditation (2 minutes)
  • -Belief
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    Make sure that you are in a really quiet room with no interruptions. If it is quiet outside then it is your lucky day because that helps with a spell like this one. Before you do any of this meditate closest to nature for at least 2 minutes, this will help you find peace instead of thinking rain when this is a sun spell!

    Now sit down in a basic meditation position and visualize a really stormy day with clouds in the sky with a bunch of thunder and lightning! Then slowly imagine the thunder echoing down and the clouds turning from dark gray, to light gray, to white. Then imagine all the clouds parting away slowly but surely, and then visualize the sun slowly coming up getting brighter and brighter as it goes. Now I want you to say this chant three times!

    By the light of this world I say

    By the power of three,

    So Mote It Be!

    Ps: It should be light again in 10-20 minutes an mail me if it works!

    Added to on Aug 08, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #763 - Nightmare Curse

    A curse to cause a nightmare.
    You may need:

  • A staff, about six feet in length and perhaps two inches or so thick, bark covered, dead but not overly rotten;
  • One knife, large enough to strip away large swathes of bark and wood from the pole;
  • And another knife, small but sharp.
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    You may need:

  • A staff, about six feet in length and perhaps two inches or so thick, bark covered, dead but not overly rotten;
  • One knife, large enough to strip away large swathes of bark and wood from the pole;
  • And another knife, small but sharp.
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    With the large knife carve the small end of the staff into a spearpoint. At the larger end of the staff strip away bark and wood until there is a flat space, about three inches long. There carve three eyes with the small knife, and by each eye make a notch by chopping with the large knife. Then cut a long, flat strip into the staff, from nine fingers beneath the last eye to nine fingers above the spearpoint. Speak then these words:

    "Hear, ye thurses! Hear I shall carve staves and send bale to my foe. May his dreams be fearful; may he thrash all night. Bale be worked! Bale be wrought! Bale be woken and breathing, bale be woken and biding!"

    With the small knife carve the curse in runes upon the long flat strip, and thereafter carve nine thurses. Thrust the staff into the earth, and point the eyes toward the dwelling of him you wish to curse.

    Added to on Aug 07, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #764 - Cleansing and Charging

    Not exactly a spell but this will help you with cleansing a talisman and charging it
    You may need:

  • A quiet room
  • A small table covered with a white cloth
  • A glass of water
  • A white candle
  • Salt
  • Incense
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    You may need:

  • A quiet room
  • A small table covered with a white cloth
  • A glass of water
  • A white candle
  • Salt
  • Incense
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    Make sure you can't get disturbed!

    - Place your candle, water and incense in the center of your table.
    - Light the candle and incense and place your talisman next to them.
    - Turn of the lights and close your eyes. Imagine what you want your talisman to achieve.
    - When your ready sprinkle the salt into the water; Imagine the water being filled with a golden light.
    - Sprinkle the water on your talisman.
    - Pass the talisman through the smoke from the incense.
    - Pass the talisman through the slam from the candle ( quickly, just enough to make a flicker )

    Your talisman is now cleansed

    Charging it

    - Sit down with your talisman in your right hand, and picture a sphere of white light above you. Concentrate your energy on the sphere, feel it grow.
    - Picture the light flowing down into your solar plexus, forming a second sphere of golden light.
    - With all your energy transfer the golden light from your body to your talisman picturing your destined objective.

    Your talisman is now cleansed and charged

    Added to on Aug 07, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #765 - Quicksilver

    Gives you the superspeed that Quicksilver has.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    You just say: I want to have the super speed that Quicksilver has. This is my wish so mote it be!!

    Added to on Aug 06, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #766 - New:Wish spell (untested)

    This is to get a wish. It's my first wish spell and it's untested to yeah you can try this.
    You may need:

  • Piece of paper(blank not lined)
  • Red and gold pen (needed)
  • Red string
  • Envelope (to put the letter in)
  • Belief
  • Able to cast magic
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    You may need:

  • Piece of paper(blank not lined)
  • Red and gold pen (needed)
  • Red string
  • Envelope (to put the letter in)
  • Belief
  • Able to cast magic
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    1: you write with the gold pen your wish on the blank paper

    2: you draw a heart with the red pen on the same paper below your wish

    3: with the gold pen draw an "8" above the wish and outside the front of the envelope

    4: place the letter in the envelope and close it plus stick it closed

    5:chant,"oh wish I call upon thee, make it happen on the power of three. I beg I beg in thy name. This is my wish so mote it be." Say this 6 times holding the envelope up.

    (It may take sometime to take effect not too much. )

    Since it's untested it may not work try at your own risk.

    Added to on Aug 06, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #767 - Go Away Jinx

    To send away an annoying person.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
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    Tear a small square of paper, letting your actions be as hard and angry as you wish. The paper doesn't have to be neat.

    When you've ripped the paper, write the name of the person who is irritating you.

    It works more when that person is near you, but you don't have to be in the same room. Doing it in the same house is good enough.

    Take the paper and stomp on it nine times. Stomp on it as hard as you need, let yourself be angry and annoyed and furious. Shove at the person who is annoying you with your mind, and let your energy push them out of the house. Do all of this at the same time.

    If you've sent enough negative energy their way, I have no doubt they'll pick up on it.

    For good measure (optional) burn the paper, but screwing it up and throwing it away will work just as well.

    (Did this myself on an unwanted visitor in my house, stomped on his name, sent the negative energy his way, and he left fifteen minutes later, bag packed and everything.)

    Added to on Aug 06, 2018
    Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #768 - Protection Charm Spell/Potion

    A way to create your own charm/necklace/piece of jewelry or even a talisman to protect you from the demons hidden in the world.
    You may need:

  • Sacred Circle with a Pentacle
  • Morter and Pistol and large bowl/Cauldren
  • Symbol of Air: Air comes from the East - Incense, Wand
  • Symbol of Fire: Fire comes from the South - Small Candle, Athame
  • Symbol of Water: Water comes from the West - Cauldren, Chalice filled with water
  • Symbol of Earth: Earth comes from the North - Stones, Dirt
  • The item you want to Charm or a Talisman
  • Candles - One of Each (Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, White, Black)
  • Dried Herbs (Small amounts) - Boneset, Sage, Acacia, Angelica Root, Elder, Lavender, Frankincense, Horehound, Salt
  • Gems (Only One) - Agate, Jade, Garnet, Magnetite, Peridot, Sulphur
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    You may need:

  • Sacred Circle with a Pentacle
  • Morter and Pistol and large bowl/Cauldren
  • Symbol of Air: Air comes from the East - Incense, Wand
  • Symbol of Fire: Fire comes from the South - Small Candle, Athame
  • Symbol of Water: Water comes from the West - Cauldren, Chalice filled with water
  • Symbol of Earth: Earth comes from the North - Stones, Dirt
  • The item you want to Charm or a Talisman
  • Candles - One of Each (Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, White, Black)
  • Dried Herbs (Small amounts) - Boneset, Sage, Acacia, Angelica Root, Elder, Lavender, Frankincense, Horehound, Salt
  • Gems (Only One) - Agate, Jade, Garnet, Magnetite, Peridot, Sulphur
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    Set up the sacred circle with the points of the pentacle facing in the direction of their element. The red, blue, yellow and green candles, place them on the points of the Pentacle, leave the top one empty for now.

    Place the black candle at the empty point, but don't place anything inside yet. How you do the spell is very important.

    Also, for a little extra power, carve the triangle symbols into the candle. Don't light them yet.

    Take the symbols you pick for each element, place them next to the candle and take out the herbs. The more powerful you want the charm, the more herbs.

    In the bowl/Cauldron, pour water in the bottom and light the candles in a COUNTER CLOCKWISE direction. Place the protection gem in the empty triangle of the pentacle.

    Once everything is in place, take the charm you would like to bless and as you add the herbs to the bowl and crush them up, with INTENSE concentration; say this:

    "To the realm of magic, hear my plea
    I beg for protection from the demons around me.

    Herbs of magic, gems of power
    Use this time as the magic hour.

    Hear my cry and take these offering to collect
    Give this (ITEM) the power to protect.

    O blessed magic, take this charm.
    When worn (Your Name or the person it's for), shall come to no harm

    Blessed thee, so mote it be."

    Drown the charm in the herbs and water, leave it in there as you blow out the candles in the OPPOSITE direction you lit them, except the white candle. Place the gem over the charm and let it sink. Blow out the candle and sit in the circle for three minutes. Wear it everywhere and it should protect you from the demons.

    Please let me know if it works.

    Added to on Aug 05, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #769 - dino summon

    this will summon a dino as your pet (you can spawn up to 10)
    You may need:

  • paper
  • pen or pencil
  • rock (optional)
  • pic of the dino you want to spawn or you can just draw it
  • belief
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    You may need:

  • paper
  • pen or pencil
  • rock (optional)
  • pic of the dino you want to spawn or you can just draw it
  • belief
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    get your paper write down your dino status dino size how fast it is its name and its gender you can put other stuff to

    then fold it then get your pic with the dino on it put the paper with the dino status on top of it

    :then say this 5 or 3 times without the rock:

    gods and goddesses that created the dinosaurs i want this simple request and that is to get this dinosaur as my pet the paper on the top is its status and the bottom one is what my dino is going to look like so please make this dinosaur appear instantly or in 3 days so mote it me.

    :say this 5 or 3 times with the rock on the dino status paper:

    gods and goddesses of the dinosaurs i want you to grant this request to summon me a pet dinosaur the paper on the bottom is what my dinosuar is going to look like the paper on the top is the dinosaur status and the rock on the top is the egg for the dinosaur so let this baby dinosaur hatch from this egg instantly or in 5 days so mote it be.

    mail me your results or questions

    Added to on Aug 03, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #770 - Warning spell

    Warn everything and everyone to back off.
    You may need:

  • voice!
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    You may need:

  • voice!
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    Blood turn black and flesh turn blue, I'll curse you if you force me too. By the left hand and the unclean food. I'll curse your eyes, I'll curse your lies, ill call down a plague of flies. Blood go black and flesh go blue. Evil from me and back to you. With my soul clean and yours on fire, you mess with this witch and you'll get burned, liar!

    Added to on Jul 30, 2018
    Last edited on May 20, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters