1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Summon your Dragon soul
- make a person eat grass and say ''mooooo!''
- portal to fairy world
- We're you fairy godparents.
- Dandelion Fairy Spell
- lesson in elemental control
- Sense the energy of plants and animals (easy)
- How to 3rd eye meditate
- [PROVEN] Grow A Kangaroo Tail
- Woke Up Late
#101 - Summon your Dragon soul
get your paper and pencil and draw your Dragon soul. Then put your Dragon necklace on your pic. Then say this " o mother and father of dragons my soul is part of the dragons make me see it. When the wind blows on you(even if are inside) run as fast as you can to a dark place. And then your Dragon soul will appear
#102 - make a person eat grass and say ''mooooo!''
mix the milk and cows hair with grass and go outside with victim and audience on the sunny day. say: you will beat A** you will eat grass get on alll four and slam the door! then kick them in the head. (the harder the better!)
#103 - portal to fairy world
go somewhere quiet and imagine floating over where you live up in the sky towards a big pink cotton like cloud. when you go into it all you see is your house sitting up there go inside and look for the tiny people with clear oval wings. thats your fairy godfamily. they will take you back to where you were before in that quiet place. only YOU can see them so don't tell anyone else or they won't grant 1 wish. tell someone else and every time you do they will make them think your CRAAAAZY! they grant all your wishes with their magick wands!
#104 - We're you fairy godparents.
hello we are you fairy godparents. we have been waiting for you for a long time we really missed you. only you can see us!
imagine what we look like! yep. you got it right that IS us! we'll be here forever!
#105 - Dandelion Fairy Spell
Stir everything with the leaf except the white dandelion in a bowl.
Take out the leaf and wrap it around the white dandelion stem
Pour the potion over the stem being careful not get it on the seeds or top of the white dandelion.
Hold the leaf around the middle of the stem tightly then say the chant.
After saying the chant leave the dandelion out somewhere in nature either on top of grass or on near a grandfather tree
Side notes:
You can either get little bumps on your back or two long slits on your back that get defined over time. These represent where your wings will grow
Staying away from technology is key to influencing better results, but if your in a situation where you have to use technology, wearing tourmaline might absorb all of that energy.
If you want a use a pendulum in the spell then put it in the potion right before you stir with the leaf.
I call to Heartspring, Queen of Fae, of gentle heart and gentle way.
Fairy powers I desire, light or night, nature or fire.
Though human now I implore thee, to grant me powers of a fairy.
My aim is true my heart is pure, my loyalty I do assure.
Fairy wings and Fairy grace, help me to claim my rightful place.
You only have to say the chant once.
#106 - lesson in elemental control
sit near the flames, start by closing your eyes and cupping your hands near the flames. take a deep breath and concentrate, feel the energy flow out of your hands and into the flame. now once you have the full energy focus, connect your energy to the flame. direct the flame in the directions you would like. once you open your eyes, have the flame move from side to side.
be careful now:
once you did these small practices with fire... it can wear down your energy fast. its sorta like exersize, once you start you will only get better with practice and time.
sit next to the cup or bowl. start by closing your eyes, wave your hands over the water (dont touch it though). immediately connect your energy to the water. once this happens you will feel a high pulse flow through your hands. open your eyes, then push the energy out of your hands you should notice a dip in the water without touch.
sit crossed legged. cup your hands over the dirt. take a deep breath and close your eyes. do your best to focus and bind your energy with the earth as it flows through your palms. you should feel the dirt or the stones levitate near your hands. once you open your eyes, you should hear a thump.
start by sitting or standing outside or by a air vent. now this one you need a chant for. take a deep breath and close your eyes, the chant or whisper once:
"wind, wind, blow,blow"
feel the air on your body then remember the feeling.
message me what you think and any requests you may have thank you!
#107 - Sense the energy of plants and animals (easy)
Step one: focus on the plant or animal you want to feel the energy of and close your eyes
Step two: cross your eyes (still closed) toward your third eye and try to feel the emotions of the plant or animal
if it doesn't work try again using Quartz, it helps
thanks for looking at my spell!
#108 - How to 3rd eye meditate
1. Sit on a couch upright with your back straight nothing can be on your stomach.
2. Close your eyes and start to focus on your chest going up and down.
3. After you think you are deep enough in meditation barely look up with your eyes (still closed).
4. Picture you in space with an open stomach and natural energy rushing into your stomach.
5. After 30 seconds picture it going up your spine and into your forehead.
6. Do this for 5 minutes then rest for 1 minute repeat until you see a eye slowly opening and closing like it is blinking wait another 5 minutes and you have opened your 3rd eye you may have to do this multiple times for it to stay open
#109 - [PROVEN] Grow A Kangaroo Tail
Chant this 3 times:
Tail, tail, come to me, a part kangaroo I shall be, this is my wish so mote it be, tail tail come to me!
Tail bone aching
Brain feeling light 2-3 minutes before change
#110 - Woke Up Late
Have a picture of your timepiece fresh in your mind.
Chant the following with the image still present;
“Goddess Hecate, hear my need and understand that I should plea. Slow the pace of time, or forever late I shall be.”
After chanting, you should feel that time seems to pass slower than normal. This will be very useful for those of you struggle to get ready in the morning and or in general. Thank you for reading, blessed be.