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1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1234 Trick Spells
1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1234 Trick Spells
  1. wind controlling chant
  2. Elemental Shield
  3. Grow Wings Spell (2018)
  4. Floating Spell
  5. All about avians
  7. Cleansing and Charging
  8. Alchemical Spark
  9. Flying spell
  10. meditation technique

#111 - wind controlling chant

*note* this only works if you have angelic or psychic abilities.
You may need:

  • .voice
  • .powerful mind
  • .energy
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    You may need:

  • .voice
  • .powerful mind
  • .energy
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    step one:

    go outside. either close your eyes or keep them open. feel the wind hit your hands.

    step two:

    say or chant as many times as your energy allows:

    "wind, wind, blow blow, tell me where i need to go."

    Added to on Sep 23, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #112 - Elemental Shield

    This spell will proctect you from fighting with others. I would use your element.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    All you need to do is close your eyes (Are if in danger keep it open and quickly think) Think of the words "Shemi Flocis" as you put ur arms in front of you making a X sign. also think of a magick see threw shield of ur element around you.

    Added to on Sep 22, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #113 - Grow Wings Spell (2018)

    This is a spell to give you wings.
    You may need:

  • Nothing but belief
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    You may need:

  • Nothing but belief
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    What 2 Do:
    say this spell 3 times

    Wings shall grow from my back
    So I can fly high
    Throughout the sky
    With the flowing wind
    My wings shall be the color (the color you want)
    and shall stretch out to (number) in length
    My wings shall grow when I (word, motion, etc)
    and shall fold into my back when I (word, motion, etc)
    Please give me this
    This is my long lasting wish
    I want to soar as high as the breeze can take me
    To soar and fly
    Whenever and wherever I shall be
    Grant me this in 1 week
    So mote it be

    For (word, motion, etc) you just pick whatever
    you want for your wings to grow like waving your hand,
    saying fly, etc
    You just pick a number for how long you want your
    wings to be

    Side Effects:
    Back aching, changing color, growing bumps, etc
    Feeling lighter
    Dreams of flying
    Shoulderblades aching, growing bumps, etc

    Added to on Sep 16, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #114 - Floating Spell

    When casted, this spell will allow you to float about a foot off the ground.
    You may need:

  • 10 feathers, preferably white and about the same size.
  • White ribbon, long enough to wrap around the feathers and also have a bit left.
  • Necklace with a white jewel/gem/pendant.
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    You may need:

  • 10 feathers, preferably white and about the same size.
  • White ribbon, long enough to wrap around the feathers and also have a bit left.
  • Necklace with a white jewel/gem/pendant.
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    Lay the white ribbon on the surface you're doing this on. Place the feathers very close next to each other. Wrap the ribbon around the feathers and tie it in either a bow or just a plain knot, depending on how much ribbon you have. Next, hold the necklace up and touch it to the feather bundle. Say these words twice while keeping the feathers and necklace touching:

    Skies and birds,

    Above my head.

    Worth it most,

    Worth it least.

    The gravity within me is now released.

    Let me fly,

    Into the sky.

    Where I shall be relaxed and clam,

    Put this gravity into the palm.

    Never falling,

    Never fearing.

    Over the pier,

    In which I fly.

    Take this body,

    Into the sky.

    When you've said that chant twice, you can put down the feather bundle and put on your necklace. Now wait about one day, and the next day you'll be able to float around whenever you want to.

    Added to on Sep 15, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #115 - All about avians

    All about winged humanoids and how you, too, can grow wings.
    You may need:

  • concentration
  • reading comprehension
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    You may need:

  • concentration
  • reading comprehension
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    (Info taken from my website, provided by my co-leader Buitre. My Weyr's website: )

    What are avians?

    Avians are winged humanoids, people who have undergone the process of growing wings, air sacks, hollow bones, and feathers for flight. Contrary to popular belief, wing growth is not shifting. They often have wings very similar, if not exactly like a bird's, as feathered wings are the most efficient for flight. Avians can have the wings of hawks, eagles, or even quail. An Avian's wing type is almost a spiritual connection, it is such a deep link that even looking at the wings can cause phantom sensations and pain. Avians seek out wing growth due to a "call to the sky" that is very powerful and present since early childhood. Some say that avians have a unique genetic makeup that allows them to grow wings, others say anyone can grow wings.

    How wings grow

    Wings require upwards of three years of visualisation, energy manipulation, focus, and willpower to grow. Constant visualisation and mental shifting is required. Internal changes happen first - your bone structure begins to change to allow wings to grow, your internal bone structure begins to become hollow, air sacks form behind the lungs and your lungs get larger (resulting also in a larger ribcage and chest), and you begin to lose weight as your metabolism speeds up. Second, your body begins to develop the muscle. Your pectoral muscles will shrink to make room for the second set of pectorals (as wings are modified arms), and you may lose muscle power as a result. You will begin to gain muscle on your back as well, that will link your new pectorals to your wings. Third, your stem cells start to produce the skin tissue, cartilage, and bone of your wings. The wings start as a lump of cells then begin to separate, appearing as a "nub" before they begin to look like wings. You will start to develop down feathers at this time as well. Once wings "sprout", they grow quickly. Once bone and cartilidge is formed, down feathers will quickly shed and become flight feathers. The very minimum size of fully grown, ready-to-fly wings is 18 feet, and most avians have wings that span within 20 to 30 feet.

    The Basic Method

    A common method used by avians involves incorporating them into your daily life through constant visualisation, phantom shifting, and mental shifting. You must learn what your wingtype is, how it flies, what are the benefits, what kind of flight it is best at, etc. Then, you must start to visualise yourself with the wings. You can visualise the changes happening in order, or you can visualise with fully grown wings. Meditate every night about your wings, see them grow and develop. Mentally feel what it would be like to fly, to soar, to take off. Visualise constantly and phantom shift every time you can. Phantom wings may start to become permanent and pain should be commonplace. Keep pushing and take progress pictures at least once a month to compare. Once notable growth starts, you will see rapid changes.


    The following are estimates about wing growth and wings.

    Please note that none of these include what will happen if you lose faith, stop growing for a few months, etc.

    Average time to grow flight-ready wings: 3 years

    Average wing span : 22 feet (6.7m)

    Average wing width (top of skin to bottom of secondaries): 3 feet

    The following estimates were found by energy mapping and astral projection.

    # of avian genetic holders in USA: 617,983

    # of avians with wings in USA: 1,362

    # of wing growers in USA: 22,674

    Subliminal playlist

    Many avians and wing growers use subliminals to help their progress. Listening to subliminals at a low volume during meditation is a good way to boost your progress as your subconscious is more likely to be receptive during meditation. Here is a playlist of wing subliminals and a booster. :

    ​Closing notes

    Wings cannot be hidden, they cannot be shifted away, and they are visible to everyone who sees you. Growing wings is a dangerous task not suitable for all people. Many avians have encounters with hunters and end up dead due to being too reckless, out there, or attempting to expose themselves. The only time wings may be able to be shown in public would be at a cosplay convention, but even that is dangerous. Do not become an avian if you are not prepared for having to give up your social life, school, public places, friends, and even family gatherings.

    You will be alone and relying on parental support or online jobs.

    Added to on Aug 23, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    This is a spell to make any type of stuffed animal come to life and become your loyal companion. As long as you believe this spell will work Blessed Be!!!!!! I haven't tried this spell yet so please msg me if it works.
    You may need:

  • Stuffed Animal(Any type)
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Chalk
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Stuffed Animal(Any type)
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Chalk
  • Belief
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    • Draw a circle on the floor with the chalk, and place the stuffed animal in the middle.
    • Take your pen and write its
    • Name:
    • Weight:
    • Accessories:
    • Special Abilities:
    • Magical Powers:
    • Behavior:

    After you've done that say the following words:

    "Gods and Goddesses, I call to you, to bring this stuffed animal to life to become my loyal companion, and to protect me at all times". SO MOTE IT BE!

    Once you have said the chant write SO MOTE IT BE as big as you can on the paper.

    Fold the paper in half before you write SO MOTE IT BE on the paper.

    Now fold the paper in half again and write and say the words:

    "Oh stuffed animal companion of mine come to me across this great divide and settle here by my side. Come and to me and be loyal and protect me Blessed Be!"

    After that place the stuffed animal next to your bed and place the paper under your mattress and the next day the stuffed animal will be alive.


    You can even give it wings if you wish. Also msg me and let me know how any of my spells work. And yes you will get lots of looks.

    Added to on Aug 20, 2018
    Last edited on Nov 03, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #117 - Cleansing and Charging

    Not exactly a spell but this will help you with cleansing a talisman and charging it
    You may need:

  • A quiet room
  • A small table covered with a white cloth
  • A glass of water
  • A white candle
  • Salt
  • Incense
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    You may need:

  • A quiet room
  • A small table covered with a white cloth
  • A glass of water
  • A white candle
  • Salt
  • Incense
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    Make sure you can't get disturbed!

    - Place your candle, water and incense in the center of your table.
    - Light the candle and incense and place your talisman next to them.
    - Turn of the lights and close your eyes. Imagine what you want your talisman to achieve.
    - When your ready sprinkle the salt into the water; Imagine the water being filled with a golden light.
    - Sprinkle the water on your talisman.
    - Pass the talisman through the smoke from the incense.
    - Pass the talisman through the slam from the candle ( quickly, just enough to make a flicker )

    Your talisman is now cleansed

    Charging it

    - Sit down with your talisman in your right hand, and picture a sphere of white light above you. Concentrate your energy on the sphere, feel it grow.
    - Picture the light flowing down into your solar plexus, forming a second sphere of golden light.
    - With all your energy transfer the golden light from your body to your talisman picturing your destined objective.

    Your talisman is now cleansed and charged

    Added to on Aug 07, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #118 - Alchemical Spark

    This spell will conjure a bright spark. Take great care, as it can easily ignite wood.
    You may need:

  • A pinch of magnesium powder.
  • A pinch of manganese powder.
  • Some glue.
  • A small sheet of paper.
  • A black pen.
  • A flame of a candle or a lighter (for casting).
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    You may need:

  • A pinch of magnesium powder.
  • A pinch of manganese powder.
  • Some glue.
  • A small sheet of paper.
  • A black pen.
  • A flame of a candle or a lighter (for casting).
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    Inscribe the paper as to draw spirits of fire to it.

    Mix the powders while chanting:

    • "Metal, fire, magic mark,
    • Hear my will and make a spark!"

    Add glue to the mix and roll a ball; wrap it in the paper while the glue hadn't dried out yet. Chant:

    • "Water, plant, all world around.
    • The fire sleeps until it's doubled."

    Let the ball dry. Now you have prepared the alchemical component of the spell.

    When you want to cast it, light the ball on fire while chanting:

    • "Here I give the second fire.
    • Spark of flame is my desire!"

    Throw the ball before the spell activates. You should have a bright spark and a bit of fire.

    Added to on Jul 29, 2018
    Last edited on May 22, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #119 - Flying spell

    I'm not sure if it works but I just made it up. Tell me the sideffects
    You may need:

  • outside
  • leaves
  • flower
  • water
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    You may need:

  • outside
  • leaves
  • flower
  • water
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    Go outside and but the leaves around you and the flower on your head. now sit in the circle and meditate. after five minutes of feeling like you're going to fly and believing, grab the water and put your hand in it and say:

    "Gods and Goddesses hear my plea, let this magic water make me fly as high as I want! I ask you for this lord, this is my wish, my dream! Please, mote it be."

    Now drink the water

    Added to on Jun 19, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #120 - meditation technique

    A simple meditation technique to help you
    You may need:

    You may need:


    #1 sit in a comfortable position

    #2 visualize anything like a different world a certain place (I like to go to the precure world it is really fun)

    #3 think of you going through a portal kind if like minecraft

    #4 when you are done just visualize yourself going back through the portal back home

    Added to on Jun 18, 2018
    Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters