987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Air Ball
- Sorcerer's Snow
- Heaven's Thunder and Hell's Fire
- Ancient Blaze
- Warm Me Up
- Warm Me Up
- Using Nature for Wind
- Power of the Mist
- What Witchcraft Really Is
- Control the Wind
#491 - Air Ball
Once you've found a quiet place focus on a ball in your hand. Close your eyes and think
Of that air ball sitting in your hand now relese all your anger. If you fell a breeze it worked if you fell heat you didn't relesa all you anger and if cold you only relese 2% of anger.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#492 - Sorcerer's Snow
Envisioning yourself in the arctic tundra, say
"I am cool, cold as ice;
The kind of cold that feels so nice;
Comfortable temperature, work for me;
Just like the snow, so mote it be."
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#493 - Heaven's Thunder and Hell's Fire
Before casting this spell, please note: It should only be used in times of great distress. This spell can be very dangerous to you if used improperly. If you feel you are not experienced enough, please do not attempt to cast this spell.
Now then: to start the spell, pull as much magickal energy as you can (without hurting yourself or getting dizzy/tired) out of your self in a sort of "bubble" around you. Next, concentrate with all your might on 3 things: keeping your energy around you, black flames appearing in a circle around you, and a lightning storm above you. You may feel a rumbling sensation deep in your bones; that is because you may have not handled magick of this power before. Don't worry; if you have enough experience and know how all magick behaves, you WILL NOT be harmed.
The next thing you will probably feel is heat all around you. Do not be alarmed. That feeling is the magickal black flames conjured up from hell. Since they were conjured by YOUR energy, they will not affect YOU.
Now... what should happen after that is the clouds above you will send a bolt of lightning down, creating a cage made of lightning around you. That is the lightning shield; it will move with you if you walk around. Do note, however, that illusion spells can still pass through, if they are powerful enough. If you are trapped in an illusion the spell will fall apart and you will lose about 70% of the energy you used. The rest will go back inside you. That is pretty much all there is to it, except the fact that the lightning shield will sometimes send outward small bolts that hurt.
Again, do not use this spell for offensive tactics. It is not meant to kill, just as an ultimate defense. If you ever decide to cast this spell, I wish you all the luck.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#494 - Ancient Blaze
Draw a pentagram (elemental), place torch/candle at fire point: stone for earth, cup of water for water, sand for air, and one of your belonging item on spirit (etc, piece of cloth, hair..)
Set your target, area (*only one path) and cast chant:
"La' khe un' na birta
le un' na brisingr
mor khe naa la omios
un' tale na varya freor
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#495 - Warm Me Up
Warm me up
Like a fire pup
Also warm up
Those I touch
#496 - Warm Me Up
Chant while touching your friend:
"Warm me up
Like a fire pup
Also warm up
The whole body of those I touch"
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#497 - Using Nature for Wind
Explanation: The Ingredients.
Your hands are what will help you, Yes you can do Elemental magic with your eyes, mind and so on but If you are a beginner, Use your hands.
Concentration Is very Important as elemental magic Is mostly based on willpower.
Nature Is what we will use to create Air/Wind.
As for the Wand, Pentagram and Elemental garments. These are SOLELY for people who can practice magic better with these Items. So If you feel the need to use a wand, pentagram or anything else, Do so.
Wave your hands and focus on the nature around you, Start by a single tree or plant. Imagine It moving, Even a little bit Is good.
Practice this until you find you can summon more powerful winds but be respectful of nature and do not make It work too hard. They will not obey you If you abuse their power.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#498 - Power of the Mist
Visualize that you are turning into a mist or fading away. As long as you keep doing this visualization the spell keeps working and gets stronger and stronger.
This is good for if you're at school/work.
Remember you're not going to actaully be invisible but you'll be less noticeable by many.
Remember there's always a bad side to whatever we send out. Just make sure that you're not invisible to drivers when crossing the street.
Last edited on Apr 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#499 - What Witchcraft Really Is
Definition Of A Spell:
When you choose to put something out into the universe to manifest. So basically you choose to put your OWN ENERGY into the universe and suddenly it will make changes that will ignite in a way with the other energies that are out there and it will make changes to swing things in your favor. Spell is actually a prayer.
Difference of Magic ang Magick:
The thing called "Magic" is an entertainment magic. It's the magician on stage that you see on the streets. (It's the tricks) The thing called "Magick" is the ACTUAL magic. It's the real magic. It's the magick you put out on the universe to make changes and to make things happen.
Elements of the Spells:
How the fire spell work:
The fire spell works when you write down something in a paper and burning it into an actual fire.
How the earth spell works:
Say what you want or write it down. If you want to say it, you must have the object and bury it. For example, You want to stop smoking. What you have to do is say all your intentions and bury an apple. As time pass by and it rots, the smoking lessens. If you want to write it, bury the paper.
How the water spell works:
It work at whatever pace you need it. You actually write down problems or anything that you want on a paper and put in an ice cube tray with water and put it in the freezer. The more higher speed the ice melts, your problem lessens.
How the air spell works:
Air spells are not like making tornadoes or controlling the wind, etc.. They are cleansing of the air. For example, the incense. Incense are purifying the bad air smell right?
So it's all about purifying the air. It's all about bringing up all the negative energies and letting the positive energies back in.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#500 - Control the Wind
Stand somewhere high with at least one tree then meditate for about 3 minutes then start to wave your arms and sway side to side like a tree in the wind close your eyes and relax. When your fully relaxed open your yes and see if the tree or trees are swaying in the wind
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.